Leonard A. Wien, Jr.~`~~ ? i ,~'; f``~/1 ~ ~~~ ~ CfTY Or' nnlAr+ni BEacN BOARG A,r~ID COMMITTEE ,4PPLICATION FOP.M NAME: Last Name ' First Name / Middle Initial HOME ADDRESS: ~ O o S ~~a ~__ ,.~' 0 ~~ hn .~ca.-~ ~ c'~ ~h`• ~~ ~ S Apt No. House No.lSt' et City State Zip Code PHONI=_: s ^ S' G~3 ~ ~ti ~ 3~ S ~~ 1-aS'77- .~o S G ~ 3 ~3~.~ ~. Q i-.~ ~ ~~ , y./g~ ` ~ ~ --~m,~~iddress Business Name: o (^~ ~ R--^~~'""' ~'"~ ~yo~~~.~ ~~ Position: ~G ~~-~`~' ~9'~' i Address ~~ ~ "~ No. (~ L ~treet City 1 State Zip Code Professional License (describe) 1llQ ~~= Expires: Attach a copy of the license Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and 6: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have' been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownershiplinterest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. . Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of sa (6) months: Yes ~6r No ^ • Demonstrate an ownershiplinterest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes Der No ^ • Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes ~6r No ^ '" • (Please circle one): I am now a resident of. North Beach South Beach ~Middle~f3e~ae • I am applying for an appointment because I have specie( abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: • Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes ^ or No ~ Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [Z] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that oniv three l31 choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) D Affordable Housin Adviso Committee D Housin Autho D Art in Public Places Commithee D Loan Review Committee ^ Beautification Committee D Marine Autho ^ Board of Ad'ustmarrt' ^ Miami Beach Commission for Women D Bud Adviso Committee D Miami Beach Culture) Arts Council D C ital Im rovemerrts Pro acts Oversi ht Committee D Miami Beach Sister Cities Pro rem D Committee on the Homeless D Normand Shores Local Govemmerrt Nei h. im rovement ^ Committee inr Qual' Education in MB ^ Parks and Recreation Facilities Board D Commun Develo ment Adviso ^ Personnel Board D Commun Relatons Board tannin Board* D Convention Center Adviso Board D Police Citizens Relations Committee ^ Deba-ment Committee D Production indu Council Desi n Review Board' -- ^ Public 5 Adviso Committee D Disabil' Access Committee D Sa Committee D Fine Arts Boatel D Sin ie Famii Residential Review Panel ^ Ga ,Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans ender GLBT D Sustainabil' Committee D Golf Adviso Committee D Trans wren Rsfiabil' & Accountabif' Committee "TRAC" ^ Health Adviso Committee ^ Tren ortation and Parkin Committee ^ Health Facilities Autho ' Board 0 Visitor and Convention Autho ' D His anic Affairs Committee ^ Waterfront Protection Committee ^ Historic Preservation Board ^ Youth Center Adviso Board "Board Required to Flle State Disclosure Form Nott ~appi~n'ng for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center. 0 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes ^ No ^ Years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yes_~ No C. If yes, please fist the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: Child's name: Age: Program: Child's name: Age: Program: \CLEP.\~AL!\aFC)RMS\BJARD AND COMMfTTEES\BC Applicotiono62604 N~W.doc •I-cave you ever been convi~teC a~ e Telony Yes o/No I` vas. please explain in tletail. • Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach „odes: Yes = or Ma!~. If yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes _ oririo -t. If yes, explain in detail • Ara you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes " or Nip Z/If ves, whic'r board? • What organizations in the Cify of Miami Beach de you currently hold membership m? Name: ~"~ ~ ~~ Title: Name: Title: • List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: • I am now errtployed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes ~~ or Nort;!Which department? • Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent C, spouse C, chitd C, brother C, or sister D who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s): G/9 The following information Is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It Is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. Gender: I9~Niafe C Female ,~E,,t//hmc Origin: Check one only (1) :~Whtte (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or the Middle East. African-American/Stack (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. ^ Hispanic: A!I persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. ^ Asisn or Pacific !slander: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, on the Pacific !stands. This area includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine (stands and Somoa. ^ American Indian or Alaskan Native: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain Cultural idertttficafion through tribal attlliation or community recognition. Physically Challenged: Yes C or NorJ Employment Status: Employed-"~ Retired 0 Homemaker ^ Other 0 NOTE: If appointed, you wil! be required to follow certain laws which apply to city boardicommlttee members. These laws include, but are not limited to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach City Code section 2-26). o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). ' (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself . !, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). Upon rec}uest, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. "I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2. Article VII-= of the Code "Standa~ds of Condu t for City Officers, Employees a d Agency Members." ,. Applicant's Signature V Date Name of Apalicart (PLEASE PRINT) Please attach a copy of your resume to this application NOTE: Applications will remain n file to a period of one/(Q1 } caiertdar year. 7~~ Received rn the City Clerk's Office by Date°~ '~~ 05 "ontrol No -=~~~-G-_ Uate a~ I~0 ~ v ame of Deputy CI rk v LEONARD A. WIEN, JR. 925 Arthur Godfrey Road, Suite 204 Miami Beach, Florida 33140 (305) 527-0890 FAX (305)534-8369 E-Mail: law@gate.net SUMMARY: An experienced and creative professional who sets a standard for excellence in business. For more than 10 years: Manage investments for Wien Family Holdings LP and Wien Family Foundation. Current Positions; General Partner, Wien Family Holdings LP, President of the Wien Family Foundation, Limited Partner in several more venture capital deals in banking and collection. Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Chairman of the IT Steering Committee, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, President of the Jewish Museum of Florida. Previous Experience: Founded and operated Network & Computer Consultants, Inc. a computer network integrator that served more than 100 firms, Managed the Miami office of Grubb & Ellis, a large National Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Company, Served as Executive Vice-President of Development of the Adler Group, a large real estate development company which developed more than 1 million square feet of properties during my time with them. Served as founder and President of 1st Commercial Realty, Inc., 1~` Commercial leased more than 1 million square feet in its first year of business, served as President and owner of Ist Base Software Corporation. Through that company, created 36 data base programs, which were marketed under the name of IST BASE SOFTWARE by McGraw Hill. Professional: Licensed Real Estate Broker in Florida since 1975 Member of the Realtor Association of South Florida since 1980 Civic: Chairman, The Ambassadors of the Wien Center for Alzheimer's & Memory Disorders Member of the Executive Board of Trustees, Mt. Sinai Medical Center Member of the Board of Trustees, Mt. Sinai Foundation Member of the Board of The Collegiate Learning Exchange Vice President of the Board of the American Jewish Committee, Miami Chapter Member National Council, American Jewish Committee Past President Founder's Club, Mt. Sinai Medical Center Foundation Past Member of the Board of Trustees, Beth Israel Congregation Founder - Mt. Sinai Medical Center 1982 Member Society of Mt. Sinai Education: Attended Columbia University 1964-66 Graduated University of Miami BBA 1968 Personal: Married Barbara Noroff Wien, December 23, 1990 Children Sydney Lea Wien -Katz- Age 39, Lawrence Ressler 39, Michelle Ressler 36 and Joshua Alexander Wien- Age 34 Wrote: 36 database applications published by McGraw-Hill, 1984 A history of my family -the Songs of Memory. Wien Family Holdings LP ~ Leonard A Wien Jr General Partner 925 Arthur Godfrey Road Suite 204 Miami Beach, FL 33140-3325 Office: 305-531-2572 Portable: 305-527-0890 law@gate.net ® ® ^ ^ ^ ^ Fax:305-534-8369