Jessica A. JacobsNAME: _~-,L:a~1 ~~ ~
Last Name
Apt No.~~H•ous+
PHONE: ~Z~Llt~ "' ~'C~>~7
Business Name o~~~ ~~ 1~rY~~~ ~
Address: ~ [~» ~'
No. Stree'f" -City lath .p C
Professional U~nse (describe) ~~~~ Expires: Attach a copy of the license
Pursuant m City Code action 2 22(4) a and 6: M~rtbers of agencies, boards, and carnmittees shall be affiliated with the aty; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have' been ;a resident of the dty for a minimum of six
months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/mfisrest for a minimum of six months in a business~edm the dty.
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6} months: Yes >B or No 0 ~ c,~ °;~
• Demonstrate an ownershiplinGerest in a business u' ~-M'raurri Beach for a minxnum of six (6} months: Yes D o``i No
• Are you a registered valet in Miami Beach: Yes t]'or No ^ ; ~ t"' ~ ~°~
. (Please !~ one): I am now a resident af: North Beach South Beach tddte Beachr°' ~"' i t
• I am applying for an appointment because I have spatial abr~i4 s, iowladge and experience. ~~ ~.~-
• Ate you presently a re~6ered lobbyist witit fhe City of Miatrri Beach? Yes 0 or No 18/' crf ~ ~
G~ '~
Please fist your pn#erent~ m order of tanidrrg [1} first choice [2] second choice, and [3} third choice. Please node ftra~onfv three !81
choices will •be ofad by the City Clerk's Office. (t2egular Boards of City) T, W
^ Affordable Housin Ativiso Commitfase D Hous Autho
D Art In Public Places Cotnsnitfae D Loan~Revrew Cornmittiee
D Beautfficafion Committ®e D Marine path
D Board of tts#rnenC D Miami Beach Commission for Women
D B Commitlee 0 Miami B~ic~r Cultural Arts Cotn'rCil
D C f Ctunrrdtiee D Miarnf Beath Sister Cities
D Committee on the Homers D N Shores Local Govertunerrt . im nt
D Committ3se for Education in MB D Parks and Recreation Fadtlties Boatd
D Commun Devei ant Advfso D Personnel Board
^ Comma Re~tiorrs Board D p Bpab•
D Convention Center Board f'efroe Ctt¢ens Retation5 Commitfas
D Debuarmerrt Committee D Production tnd {council
D !lest Review Board" Public. Gommitbae
D Disabii' Atx~ss Committee D Committee
D Fine Arts Board D Si Farm Resberfial Rev~w Panel
D G ,Lesbian. Bisexual and Tra nder G D Sustcrinabr Commitl~
D Goff ~ Con~~ D T 8~ Ali' Cmttmttloee "TRAC"
^ Health Adv~o Committee ^ T 'nand Paridn Ctmrmittee
D Health Faq'litres Autho Board 0 Yrsibr and Convention Aurtho '
D His nic Affairs Committee ^ Watefiont Protection Committee
Historic Preservation Board D Youth Center Board
Board 1Re aired to File State Disclosure Form
Note: ff applying for Youth Advisory Board, plea irrdieatie your affiCratiorr with the Stitt fialrow Youth Gender:
1. Past setvl~ on the Youth Carrier Advisory Board: Yes D No ears of ServioE- ~ ~ `
2. Present Pertiapation in Youth Center at~vities by your children Yes_t No ~ yes, please l' ~~~~ o~ Io~~diild' ~Z their
ages, and which programs. List beirnir. y
Child's name: ~: Pn~gram: _ (~ ,~ ~,~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~}
Child's name: Age: Program: ~ ~7
F:~=LEP\SALL~oFORMS\BOARD AND CDMMrrTFt:S~BC Appiicotion062609 N=W.doc
.!-lave you ever been convicted ~f 2 felony Yes : o' No/i` yes. pfeasp explain in detail:
. Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes =. or No ~tf yes, please explain in detail:
. Do you currently owe the City of M'lami Beach any money: Yes ~ or No -. If yes, explain in detail
. Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes " or No -.. If yes; whist, board?
• What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in?
..List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach:
. I am now ernpbyed by the City of Miami Beach: Yee ~~ or Nt~G' wntcn peparui~~c~I.
• Pursl~irrt to City Cone Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent C, spot~e G, chid G, broA~r L, or smiler 0 who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that appry. Identify the department(s):
of our application nor has enY bearing on yow eonsidseatfon for appointment. It is
The following gt;formatlon is roluritary and k riettlter part y
being asked to comply with fed~ere~~l equal oppo-lunltY n~oiitng re~e~~•
Gender: 0 Maie p~emate
_E_th//nic Origin: Check one only (1) ~ r~ Nortlt Atr~ ~ ~ Mtn Eartt.
+XtNtif~ (Not of FiiBperdC Origin): AH persons twiiing °n8~ in ~ Of the original peoples
^ Africar--AmerleaNBiack (Not of HdC OriBltt): AQ p~eesons having origir~ 1^ ~Y of ttte tiladc rectal l of Airiw.
^ Fliapariie: Ag petty of ' PI!!nW ~-, Cuban. Gentrai or Soulh Arr-etlgn. or other Spanish allture or origlri, regardless of race.
D Asian or Pa~eific tsbintier: Ali persons tlalf~ origins in ahY of the origrtmi peoples of the Far ~ Southe$st Asia. the Iridiari ~, on
the Pacific tsiands. This area hiChtdes, for . Ctdra, trtda, ,fepari, Korea, the Pk grid Sanoa.
^ Atrrecicsr- imlimi or Alii~can NetHre: Ag pew having o~ in arN of the origiial peoples of NorB~i America. and who
Culbaal > trm~ i °r oonanWdly reii-
Yee n nr Iderl
Empbymerrt Status: Employed ~ Retired D liomerrlaker O Other O
NGTE: if app, Y~ tergl hie requhed to fol~ii- ca3rlair- taws which apply bo dtY ba~aitdicortttetitise tnemoees•
These laws lnciutt~, but are cot ihrtibad to, 7>~ fo1~fi-g:
o prohibition from direc~ty or irtdirec~ty lobbying ~Y p~onnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from corrtractin9 wftti.fhe ~!' (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1)_ ape (Miami
o Proh~ition from iobbyfng befrne boeitd/oornmtfb~ you have served on for period of one year ate' isavirt9
Beai~'t City Code sscldor- 2-26). Miami-Dade County Code seidion 2-11.1).
o Requirement fD disclose certain flnartc~eil irtberesls and gifts ( Ibition, during tenure and for ore' year after leaving office
(re: CMB Corrirrtttrdty Commttbee): prop.
from having any irttersst in ar rt?foeiving any benefit from Community Devebpnierit Stock Grant Raids for eitt>er Yourself .
or those with whom you have bt~irlttss or immediate family ides (CFR 570.611).
Upon request, of these lases ~Y be obtaitred from the City Clerk.
"1 hereby ~~ to the accuracy and tnttttfulness of the appticretton and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2,
A 'cle VII - of the City Code "Standards of Co uct for City Officers, Employees and Agency tYNmbers."
' ' /~ H of Applicant E PRI
plicarit's Sig rE
Please attach a copy of your resume to the applttreti~n ~~ on the for a period of orre (i- calenriar year
Nt3lE: AppNs:ations
Received m try City Clerk's Office by ~ ~ pate_~I ~ ~l ~ ~,orttrol No. Date: _' 2009
.,s..,e .,r rm...m. r~,rrc