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Gillbert K. Squires Board Resume
~~u,~ ©~ ced ~ ~9~Gxed ~~~nd ten, ~%-. ~~.. ~`T1r~tl~x~Ge~A 6 2n~ ~~I,Gn6e~lyx6 ~t~ ~~CG~ GIL6LRT K. SQCIRES, P.E., ESQ. Achnittcd to Practice in Florida ~md the Disttictof Columbia Achnitted to I'~acticcU.S. District Court Southern District of Florida Achnitted to Practice U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Professional Eneinecr State of Texas Arbitrator American Arbih~ation Association International Business and Energy Arbitrator !CDR Title Agent Old Republic National "Title Insurance Company (f/Ida Attorneys' 'I itle The Fund) OLml.a S. BE~so~, ESQ. Admitted to Practice in Florida Admitted to Practice U.S. District Court Southern Disttictof Florida Admitted to Practice U.S. District Court Middle Distrirtof Florida o-mail: oliviabaison(isquiresbcnson.com o-maiL <ailbertsquires(nsquiresbcnson.com * PLEASE DIRECT ALL CORRESPOi~~DE~CE TO THE VIIAVII-DADE ADDRESS LISTED BELOW. January 24, 2010 Mayor and Commissioners VIA CERTIFIED ELECTRONIC MAIL City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 RE: NOMINATION TO SERVER ON THE MIAMI BEACH PLANNING BOARD Honorable Madam Mayor and Commissioners, Happy and Healthy 2010! Please consider and select me to serve on the City of Miami Beach's Planning Board. As Attorley, Professional Engineer, and resident of our fantastic City, I understand the legal, technical, environmental, and human considerations paramount to this important Board. Also, my multicultural and multidisciplinary background along with my successful experience as an international arbitrator, mediator, and attorney, show that I have the temperament required to navigate the critical issues the Planning Board faces. As the former President of Conoco Mexico, Ltd., and recently installed President of the Miami Beach Bar Association, I bring strategic planning and global corporate leadership skills applicable to the Board. Further, as a real estate Title Agent, understand issues related to property value and ownership rights. See the attached biographical and professional resume for additional information. Therefore, I ask that you allow me the opportunity to serve on the Planning Board. Thank you for considering me. If you have questions or comments, please call my office at 305-575-2400 or home number is 305-866-0067. I remain with best personal regards, very truly yours, (signed, for e-mail) Gilbert K. Squires, P.E., Esq. Encl. GILBER77 6 SQCIRES mV ping bJ airer.duc Miami-Dade: Suite 502, 301 Arthur GodtYe}~ Road, Miami Beach, Florida 33!40 Tel. #: (305) 575-2400 Fax: (305) 575-2409 Broward: Huntington Square III, 3350 S.W. 148' Ave., Suite l l0, Miramar, FL 33027-3237 Tel. #: (954) 874-1736 Fax #: (954) 430-9342 GILBERT K. SQUIRES, P.E., ESQ. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Miami-Dadc Officc: Broward Officc: HSBC Bank Building Hunrington Squarc III 301 Wcst 41" Strcct, Stc. 502 3350 SW 148`'' Avc., Stc. 110 Miami Bcach, FL 33140 Miramar, FL 33027-3237 Tc1: (305) 575-2400 Tc1: (954) 874-1736 Fax: (305) 575-2409 Fax: (954) 430-9342 Toll Frcc: (877) 281-7269 E-Mail: ~ilba-tsguires(crsquiresbcnson.com Wcb Pagc: http://www.sguiresbalson.com ESPANOL • PORTUGUES • FRAN~AIS Mr. Gilbert K. Squires, partner at the Law Offices of SquiresBenson, P.L., in Miami Beach, Florida, has extensive global experience in International Energy (Oil & Gas and Power Generation), International Arbitration, Litigation, and Mediation; and Business and Corporate Law; added to an important background in Technology, Trade, and Entertainment Law. He is an International Oil & Gas and Complex Commercial Arbitrator through the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) and domestic Arbitrator tluough the American Arbitration Association (AAA). The former President of Conoco Mexico, Ltd. ('94-'96), he is admitted to practice Law in Florida and The District of Columbia, and is a Licensed Professional Engineer State of Texas. He writes Real Estate Title Insurance for Attorneys Title The Fund. His practice emphasizes the following areas: • INTERNATIONAL O1L & GAS AND ENERGY LAW • INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION • BUSINESS, COMMERCIAL, PROBATE;, AND REAL ESTATE, LITIGATION • Bl,'SINESS AND Rl?AL ESTATE LAW Born and raised in the Republic of Panama, Mr. Squires is native Spanish speaker fully bilingual to English; also, fluent in Portuguese and French. Squires' multilingual and multicultural background combined with more than thirty years of wide-ranging experience in international business, oil & gas, and technology, serve his clients very well. He formed SKG Consulting, Inc., an international energy, technology, environmental, and entertainment business-consulting firm based in Miami, Florida, USA, which assisted corporations, law finks, investment banking firms, individual investors, and governments Pagc 1 of 3 GKSbiu 123000.Juc GiiJs~u~r K. SQuix~s, P.E., EsQ. BIOGRAPHICAL INN'ORMATION interested in developing and participating in business ventures throughout Latin 1lmerica, the Caribbean, and Africa. In 1980, Mr. Squires began his career as a petroleum (drilling) engineer with Exxon Corporation (today ExxonMobil) in New Orleans, Louisiana and later joined Conoco Inc. (today ConocoPhillips), in Ventura, CA. He held various operations, engineering, management, and business development positions in the United States, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America. During 2000 and 2001, he was Director of Content Management for Universal Music Latin America, a Division of Universal Music Group. He is a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University; Masters Candidate of Business Administration from Loyola University in New Orleans complemented through extensive corporate business training on finance and management; and is a Juris Doctor from Oklahoma City University Law School with studies in international: energy, technology transfer, trade, and financial transactions from the University of Houston Law Center. A frequent speaker, and Spanish/English television and radio commentator on international oil & gas, economic and political matters (Oppenheimet° Pr°esenta, Radio Caracol, TV 41, Meba-T!/'s Mae-ia Glvira Live). Squires is an Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Man, and an active student mentor in the US and abroad. Also, he has been a student and teacher of the martial arts for over 35 years: Co-Founder of the International Aikido Alliance. He is a member of Temple Adath Or, of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. SELECTED MEMBERSHIPS, PRESENTATIONS, AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT: • Florida Bar: International Law Section, International Litigation and Arbitration Sub- committee; • District of Columbia Bar: Energy and Natural Resources Section; • United States Cor~rt of Appeals for the 1 lT~' Circuit; • United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida; • Founding member Miami International Arbitration Society M1AS; • American Bar Association: Litigation, International, Real Property & Trust Law; • The International Energy Law Center's Advisory Board; • President, Miami Beach Bar Association; • Past-Chairman of the Board of AHEAD Energy Corporation; • World Energy Congress '98 Rapporteur; • Past-Chair, Natural Gas Project in Mexico Conference '97; • Leadership Miami's Outstanding Community Service Project Award '96; • Past-Chair, Society of Petroleum Engineers Economics and Evaluation Committee; • Former Chairman of the City of Miami Beach Community Relations Board; • Former Member-Miami-Dade Juvenile Detention Center Advisory Board; • Douglas Gardens Community Homes Board; • Jewish Community Services of South Florida Advisory Board; • Associate National Commissioner Anti-Defamation League; • Anti-Defamation Leagues' Civil Rights Conunittee and the Hispanic Jewish Initiative Committee; • Served twice on the Screening-Nomination Committee for Dade County School Board Attorney. • Other numerous awards and community support organisations. EDUCATION: • Juris Doctor, May '93, Oklahoma City University Law School with studies in International: Energy, Technology Transfer, Trade, and Financial Transactions from the University of Houston Law Center. attended Law School while a corporate executive. Page 2 of 3 GKSbiu 123000.Juc GiLS~u~r K. SQuiR~s, P.E., EsQ. BlOCRAPHICAL INFORMATION • Masters candidate in Business Administration from Loyola University in New Orleans complemented with extensive corporate business training in Finance and Management. • Bachelor of Science, May '80, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. • Baccalaureate (international) "Bachiller" in Science and Letters, December '75, Colegio San Agustin, Panama, Republic of Panama. • "Certificado Comercial" (Bookkeeping and Accountancy Certificate), December '73, Colegio San Agustin, Panama, Republic of Panama. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, aslc us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Pagc 3 of 3 GKSbiu 123000.Juc GILBERT K. SQUIRES, P.E., EsQ. 301 nrthur Godli~cy Road, Suite 502, Miami Beach, FL 33140 Tl (305) 575-2400 Fx (305) 575-2409 GilbcrtSquires(d;,squiresbcnson.com KEY SKILLS International Ener;~y and Complex Commercial Arbitrator, Mediator, Liti~~ator, and Entrepreneurial Attorney evith extensive successful Global experience as an Engineer, Executive, and Lawyer in Oil & Gas, Power, Alternative Energy Projects, Business Development, Strategic Planning. Management, and Entertainment Industries. Possesses solid hands-on experience as Acquisitions Team Leader, Negotiator, Creative Visionary, Project Manager, and Petroleum Engineer with demonstrated problem- solving success in startup, turn~uound, new and joint venture environments. Results-Oriented Lawyer who is an analytical thinker and effective listener that uses common-sense business and Legal tactics to process complex problems rapidly and develop cost- cffective solutions for his clients. Native Spanish speaker fully bilingual to English and; fluent Portuguese and French speaker. PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND GILBERT K. SQUIRES, P.E., J.D. February 2007-Present International Arbitrator, Attorney and Counselor at Law • LAW OFFICES OF SQUIRESBENSON, P.L./GILBERT K. SQUIRES, P.L. (NhnMi Bvncx, Ft,oxivn) International and Civil Litigation; International Arbitration; Mediation; Probate Litigation; International Oil & Gas Law Transactions and Negotiations; International Business Law; Rcal Estate Law. Experienced in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. GILBERT K. SQUIRES, P.E., J.D. August 2006-February 2007 International Arbitrator, Attorney and Counselor at Law • GILBERT K. SQUIRES, P.L. (CoxnL GABLCS, F[.oRivn) International and Civil Litigation; International Arbitration; International Oil & Gas Law and Negotiations; International Business and Corporate Law; Rcal Estate and Probate Litigation. Of Counsel, Santos Stokes LLP. GILBERT K. SQUIRES, P.E., J.D. May 2002- August 2006 International Arbitrator, Attorney and Counselor at Law • GILBERT K. SQUIRES, P.L. (Mmivti B~ncx, FLOUwn) International and Civil Litigation; Arbitration, Oil & Gas, Corporate, Rcal Estate, and Entertaiimlcnt Law. Of Counsel, Steinberg & Associates, P.A., Miami Bcach, Florida Of Counsel, Lcslic Howard Bcrgcr, Esq., Pcmbrolcc Pines, Florida. Practice Breakdown: • 45°o Litigation and ADR: Plaintiff and Defendant work in International, Rcal Estate, Condominium, Construction, Complex Estates and Probate Litigation Probate, Commercial, Personal Injury defense, Mediation, Arbitration (avg. S l OMM); • 25°o International, Rcal Estate and Probate: commercial/residential (S250K-SIOMM); complex real cstatc transactions in the District of Columbia; representing foreign Embassies and Governments; subdivisions and partitions; Agent Attorneys' Title Fund, real cstatc and business closings, and Florida Condominium Law; Port Expansion legal counsel; joint vcntures, trade for Latin America, Africa, and Europe (S2MM - S20MM); • 30`% Business Organizations, Oil & Gas, and Encr~y: Out-side-Counsel profit and not-for-profit businesses, purchase/sales (doctors' offices, gas stations, service, contracting, entertainment, artists, manufacturing, technology S250K-SSMM); bio-diesel and refinery upgrade projects (avg. S30MM); counsel for Ethanol vcntures nl Latin America and Asia; counsel for lessors, operators, IPPs, banks (avg. S30MM), Alternative Dispute Resolution Experience (Arbitration and Mediation): (includes while oil & gas company executive and engineer) • Business and Commercial Transactions: Arbitrator and advocate on complex commercial disputes including Internet tcclnlologics (avg. S2MM). • Oil & Gas: International, Environmental, Operator representative for issues involving multiple panics, operating agrccmcnts, take-or-pay, trespass, allowables, royalty payments, COPAS, pooling agrccmcnts, areas of mutual interest, joint venture agrccmcnts, state reg~~latory agencies (avg. S15MM). Served as panel member and numerous times as advocate for party in ADR hearings. • Construction: Panel Arbitrator complex construction disputes (avg. SSMM). • Rca1 Estate purchase-sale contracts: Sole and lead Arbitrator on complex domestic and ICDR real cstatc transactions disputes, advocate for plaintiff/defendant on issues involving allcgcd breach (avg. S l OMM). • Music Contract: allcgcd non-performance and non-payment breach (avg. S200K). • Mediator: complex domestic and international commercial disputes (also as ICC co-mediator) ranging from SSOOK to SS Million. Ya~~e l of 3 Gilhen Squires-LtGkey L'?002doc GILBERT K. SQUIRES, P.E., EsQ. 301 nrthur Godli~cy Road, Suite 502, Miami Beach, FL 33140 Tl (305) 575-2400 Fx (305) 575-2409 GilbertSquires(d;,squiresbenson.com VIVENVI-UyIV1;RS:1L MUSIC GROLiP, GLOBAL 2000-2001 ENTERTAINMENT AND MEDIA COMPANY, NYC, N.Y. • Director, Latin America Content Management; Contracts; New Internet Music Venri~res Division Set-up Established and led ncw regional S1 million Intcrnct deparhnent and merged into existing businesses. Negotiated and implemented digitization agrccmcnts, made rocommendations oil recording contracts and other licensing/IP matters. SKG CONSULTING, INC., MIAMI, FL 1996-2002 President/Founder Principal of company providing business consulting and business dcvclopmcnt scrviccs to: international entertainment, technology, oil and gas, power generation, firms interested in Latin American, Caribbean, and African ventures. • ARTIST REPRESENTATION: bushless management, recording and pcrfonnance contract negotiation, licensing and IP issues, promotion, music marketing, project and proposal budgeting • PETROCI, STATE OIL COMPANY of TxE REPUBLIC or COTE n'IvoIRE, with exploration and production program needs. Successfully identified and recommended savings of S l OMM and provided a °ncw vcnturc dcvclopmcnt approach." • Organized and negotiated 85MM joint-vcnturc agreement and sectu-ed partners for downstream (petrol station) projects in Cape Town, South Africa between South African and U.S. parties. • THE ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC., MIAMI, FL 1999-1999 • Chief-Operating-Officer for start-up Independent Power Producer focused on flic dcvclopmcnt of 1-25 Mcga-Watt facilities in the Caribbean, Central and South America. Negotiated power purchase agrccmcnts. CoNOCO,1NC., Houston, TX 1985-1996 President, Conoco Mexico Ltd., Mexico City, Mexico (1994-1996): P & L responsibilities and country operations leadership. • Director, Business Development, Houston, TX (1993-1994): ncw vcnturc agrccmcnts, JVs, JOAs, MOUs, and HOAs. • Manager, Acquisitions & Ncw Ventures Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Latin America, Houston, TX (1991-1993) • Special Assignment-Audit Preparation Manager, DuPont scrviccs, B.V., Zoctenlaecr, The Netherlands (1992-1992) • Special Assignment as Document Preparation Manager, Conoco Indonesia, Ltd., Jakarta, Indonesia (1991-1991) • Chief-of-Staff, Group Vice President, Worldwide Technology, Houston, TX (1990-1991): Tech-Research Agrccmcnts. • Manager, Engineering, Oklahoma City, OK (1987-1990): Lcadcrship, Operating Agrccmcnts, Service Agrccmcnts, AMIs • Manager, Drilling Operations, Ventura, CA (1985-1987): Drilling Contracts, Farm-outs and Farm-ins, litigation support. EXXON CORPORATION, OFFSHORE DRILLING ORGANIZATION, New Orleans, LA 1980-1985 • Exploration Drilling Engineer (1983-1985): supervision, high-risk exploration wells, discoveries, well testing. • Production Drilling Engineer (1980-1983): supervision, drilling programs, well completions, platfoi7n installations. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES, EDUCATIONAL CREDENTIALS AND TRAINING Admitted Federal Jucis Doctor, l,nivecsily of Houston MBA Candidate, Bachelor of Science, rvitlr Courts; Florida and Oklahoma City Law Center Loyola l,`niversity, honors, The District of l;niversity School of (International Financial l~ew Orleans, Louisiana Mechanical L'ngincering, Columbia; Law, Oklahoma City, and Technology Texas A&M l;aiversily, Registered Professional OI<lahoma, 1993. Licensing Transactions, College Station, Texas, Engineer in the State of Phi Alfa Delta Arbitration and 1980 Texas Mediation), Houston, Title Agent-Old Texas Republic f/1:/a The Fttnd Attended at nibht wleile Attended at ni;ht while Attended at piglet while rvoekiee~=ull-time. workiee<= idl-time. woe•kin« fill-time. 1CDR, nAA, arbitrator Executive Management, L;xcculive Courses in Advanced Petroleum Advanced Music Business continuing education Center for Creative Human Resources Engineering and and Intcrnct Technologies courses; mediator self= Lcadcrship, Greensboro, Management Geoscicnce Courses Courses training. North Carolina, 1996. EYCC UUVC COUL"SCS lll ndvanced Corporate and Pro~ccl Finance Baccalaureate "Bachiller'" in Science and Letters, Colegio San Booldceeping and Accountancy Certificate "`Ccrlificado Comercial'", Aeustin, Panama, Rc ublic of Panama, 1975. Colceio San muslin, Panama, Rc ublic of Panama, 1973. P~~~~e 2 of 3 Gilhen Squires-LtGkey L'?002doc GILBERT K. SQUIRES, P.E., EsQ. 301 Arthur Godli~cy Road, Suite 502, Miami Beach, FL 33140 Tl (305) 575-2400 Fx (305) 575-2409 GilbcrtSquires(d;,squiresbcnson.com Sri ~rT~n M~MRGRCUIPC PRGCGAITeT~nAlc eNln (`nnnnni iniirv Si ippnRT President, Miami Beach Bar Association; Founding Member, Miami International Arbitration Socict. MIAS American Bar Association; Federal Bar Association; Florida Bar International and Business Law Sections; Florida Bar: International Law Section presentations in Brazil; AAJ (former Association of Trial Lawyers of America); Past, Vice Chairman of the Board of AHEAD Energy Corporation; The International Energy Law Center's Advisory Board; World Energy Congress '98 Rapportcur; Chaired the Natural Gas Project in Mexico Conference '97; • Arbitration presentations; • Past, Chairman of the City of Miami Bcach Community Relations Board; • Leadership Miami's Outstanding Community Service Project Award '96; • Miami-Dade Juvenile Detention Center Advisory Board; • Douglas Gardens Community Homes Board; • Screcnin~~-Nomination Committee for Miami-Dade County School Board Attorney; • Chaired the Society of Petroleum Engineers Economics and Evaluation Committee; • Co-Founder, International Aikido Alliance. Ya~~e 3 or 3 Gilhen Squires-LtGkey L'?002doc