003-2010 Washington Avenue Dog Park Fundraiser Order Formm MIAMIBEACH ~z;.'r:.+r Ciy of Miami Beaeh, I /UU Ccnve~iion Cen+ar Dive, M-a^'i Beach. F'~arida 33139, www,miombeachfl~(~ Jr1. .. ,; i ','~ ~C~ 4~ V I nneMO Woos-2n i o MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the Ciry Commission FItoM Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ,~ DATE January 22, 2010 f //_ ~i / --~ SUBIECT' Washington Avenue Dog Park Fundraiser Order Form Per your action at the December 9, 2010 Commission Meeting, City staff has proceeded with the development and implementation of the "Buy A Brick° program for the Washington Avenue Dog Park Project. As you may recall, your action approved the City's acceptance of donations from individuals through the purchase of bricks andlor concrete slabs to be placed in the walkway of the Dog Park. The `Buy A Brick" order form is attached for your information. Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional information. JMG:HMF Attachment A joint effort between the City of Miami Beach and Responsible Dog Owners (RDO) to enhance the Washington Avenue Bark Park 225 WASHINGTON AVENUE You con help make the Washington Avenuo Doy Park much better wish your donation. The Ciy of Miomi Beach and the K.D.O. are pleased to offer a unique oppartunily far you to honor your pet and show your support in parpuluity whun you spousal o brick in the Washingtan Avenue Uoy Pnrk. Yovr 4" x B" back, personally engraved with rha words of your choice, will rest in u beaulilul setting in the rnoin walkway into the park. Yrim the Inlonno(ror rau. tly w you wa.ld fiw il'o appear Minimum 14 charoders per I~~ne spoce.`punc!ua~ic^. - I c^oroce•I, alotal of 3'ines. Vlgnse col Mnriu Lmroars n! 3('1S.J I6 Vdfi7 wish any quuyG:>nx PURCHASER'S NAME STREET ADDRESS CRY/STATE/ZIP PHONE # E•MAII ADDRESS VISA MC AMEX ACCOUNT# SIGNATURE EXP / CV# BILLING ADDRESS I cannot sponsor o brick or this time. but I wish to support the RDO. Enclosed is my donation of ': Maae danation checks payable ro "2ezponsibla Doy Ownors" and maa b ?DO, 405 N Hibiscus Dr # l Od, Miami Beach, `L 33:39 In:r!nw.nni.m,...idM1,.~...JIJx L.nma ,:u,I:::~,p,ng fi:nrrp~:Axo, .- -anm ab~pewns+:i.ducbtlees. ovl:o~an. arommcdmixn .++ xmmnmf::r:nm n:nq dn,y.:vouw .ro.uimp pxnw.nnurrY:S. MIA ;AY.V ~.:.xl :: f:>SLT.ViIU;rTrl •re Jrp .. oJ•vn.e gmrnOfClgVr t9,ov hmen mny nlr. rc0 iel llL.i,M kJn. n.xl METHOD OF PAYMENT ^ CREDR CARD ~ CHECK' 'CHECK WERE 10 ALSO RECEIVE A SMALL COMMEMOtIATrvE TAKE-NOME 6RK:K (T" x 4") ('Please make checks payable to the City of Miomi Beach) iinol cost will be 5132.50 ILnrge Brici 5125. Commemororive Brick 57.50 )