Laura Bruney 12/31/2010MIAMI BEACH
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, mvw.miamibeachA aov
OFFICE OF THE CfFY CLERK, Robert Porcher, Ciy Clerk
Tel: 1305) 673-7411, Fax: )3051 673-7254
Laura Bruney
1800 Sunset Harbour Dr #1005
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Miami Beach Commission For Women
Congratulations! You have been reappointed by Commissioner Jorge Exposito
to the above referenced agency, board or committee for a term ending: 12131/2010.
If you are unable to accept this appointment, please notify the City Clerk's Office at
Please read the enGosed material carefully. Again, congratulations and good luck.
Robert Percher
City Clerk
cc: Saul Franees, Parking Director
Wanda Ortiz
Letter of Appointment
City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee
City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-2458, 2-459
Ordinance 2006-3543 -Amendment to City Code Section 2-22
Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 -Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance
City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form)
Booklet -Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and
We are committed ro providing excellent public service and saky to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, lropicol, historic community.
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Fbrida 33139, www.miamibeathR aov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, Ciy Clark
Tel: 13051 673-7411, Fax: (3051 673-7254
TO Laura Bruney
RE: Miami Beach Commission For Women
I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the
United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of
a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have
been appointed for a tens ending: 12/31/2010.
I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest
and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theF/orida Commission on Etl~icsGuide to the Sunshine
Amendment and Code ofEtlrics foc Public Officers and Employees, and understand that as a member
of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure' require-
ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the hoard or committee on which
I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar year on which I have served.
Laura Bruney
Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of ~, 201
ilvia Prieto
Deputy Clerk
*Vlease visit the Qty of Miami Beach welnite at under Gty perk/Board and Committees
for additional informatlon regarding the Finandal Disclosure Requirements.
We are committed b providing excellent public service and safey ro all who live, work and play in our vibrant, hopical, historic communiy.
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~esi i~amn [ nrs[ rvame Middle Initlal
HOMEADDRESS:_~~/) ~rr;lSPt your ~/ ~~/'~ ~D~\ iti~lCym!-( pnn _ ~l 3j/~
Apt No. House No./Street City State Zip Code
PHONE: .3bJ - 5.3 k Ll ~i r.L l 1 ~ ~ - ~ din - ! n / I I /I 1 1//~ 12CLLf1 ~.ISJ~11~.ry1! • Q'~CI,
Home Work Fax Email address
Business Name: ~ ('fS ~- ~ Ul I YU ~~d n f [ Position: ~ Y N Cam.; ~1 ~~r
Address: 1 ~ ~ ~ I,l.) ~~ ~~Q, ~ d-0 ] ~I LLM t F 1 Z. ~ /. 2 A
Zip Code
Professional License (describe)
Expires: ,.;rpaei: a c+ax>y os r.'::• +•;r,tc: <.
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months; orb) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city.
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (8) months: YesR(or No U
• DemonsVate an ownershiplnterest in a business In Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yea u or No .B(
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes Igor No J
• (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North Beach South Beach Middle Beach
• i am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, kno e g experience. Please list belovr.
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes U or No ji'1,
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1j first choice [2] second choice, and (3] third choice. Please note that only three 131
choices will be observed by the CIN Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
u Affordable Housln Adviso Committee ^ Housin Authorit
^ Art in Public Places Committee ^ Loan Review Committee
D Beautification Committee ^ Marine Authorit
0 Board of Ad'ustment' Miami Beach Commission for Women
D Bud et Adviso Committee D Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
D Ca list Im rovements Pro'ects Oversi ht Committee ^ Miami Beach Sister Cities Pro ram
^ Committee on the Homeless D Normand Shores Local Government Nei h. Im rovement
^ Committee for Qualit Education in MB D Parks and Recreation Facilities Board
D Communit Develo ment Adviso ^ Personnel Board
^ Communi Relations Board ^ Plannin Board`
^ Convention Center Advisor Board ^ Police Citizens Relations Committee
^ Debarment Committee ^ Production Indus Council
^ Desi n Review Board` ^ Public Safet Adviso Committee
^ Disabilit Access Committee ^ Safe Committee
^ Fine Arts Board ^ SIn le Famil Residential Review Panel
D Ga Lesbian Bisexual and Tran ender GLBT ^ Susfainabilit Committee
D Golf Advisor Committee 0 Trans arenc Reliabili & Acoountabili Committee "TRAC"
^ Health Adviso Committee p Trans rtation and Parkin Committee
^ Health Facilities Authorit Board ^ Visitor and Convention Aufhorit
^ His nic Affairs Committee ^ Waterfront Protection Committee
^ Historic Preservation Board ^ Youth Center Adviso Board
•Board Re ulred to Flle State Disclosure Form
no[e: it appiyrng ror routh Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center
1. Past seMCe on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes u No U Years of Service:
2. Present participation in Youth Center actlvities by your children YesJ No J. if yes, please list the names of your children, their
ages, and which programs. List below:
Child's name: qge: Program:
Child's name: Age: Program:
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•Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes u or No)Q If yes, please explain in detail:
• Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes ~ or No pq. !f yes, please explain in detail:
• Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes U or Nom If yes, explain in detail
• Are1 .you currently serv/iyng on any City Boards or Committees: Yes Jh.or No u. If yes; which board?
IJMMa1AJ f'pMMrti. ~.IVIti.
• What organizations in theQCity of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in?
Name: I'(`\t y~r~l Ll RF"-G1 L.I~17L/1C.6 ~°/ Tifle:
Name: TiBe:
• List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach:
19~n .~Ul~.Lr t I~hR~n/ # I00,~
• I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes u or Noiai Which department?
• Pursuant to Ciry Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent U, spouse U, child U, brother U, or sister U who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s):
Tha following Information la voluntary and la neither part of your appliwtlon nor has any bearing on your consideretlon for appointment. h la
being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requlrementa.
Gender: ^ Male O'Female
ryEthnic Origin: Check one only (1)
`I' White (Not of Hispanic Odgin): All persona having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or the Middle East
^ African-Amerlcen/Black (Not of Hispanic Odgin): All persona having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
^ Hispanic: All persona of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South Amedwn, or oMer Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
^ Asian or Paclflc islander: All persona having origins in any of the orignal peoples of the Far Eaat SouUreast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, on
the Padfic Islands. This area indudea, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands and Somoa.
^ American Indian or Alaskan Native: All persona having origins In any of the odginal peoples of North America, and who maintain
Cultural identification Mrough tribal affiliation or community recognition.
Yes u or NoJ.
Employment Status: Employed Retired ^ Homemaker^ Other^
NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to folbw certain laws which apply to city board/committee members,
These laws Include, but are not limited to, the following;
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami
Beach City Code section 2-28).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).
(re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office,
from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself ,
or those with whom you have business or immediate family Ges (CFR 570.671).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the Ciry Clerk.
"I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have reeelved, read and will abide by Chapter 2,
Artiste VII - of the City Code "Standards of Conduet for Clry ONicere, Employees and Ageney Members."
- ~) ~
Appl cant's Signature Date Name of Applicant (PLEASE PRINT)
Please attaetra wpy of yourresumetto this appliwtloh
NO : Applications will rennin fllefoca period of o~nLLe``(1) cabadar year.
Received in the City Clerk's Office b Dat~, Control No. Date: / /~
Name of a Cle
La :or
Arts 8 Business Council of Miami
As Executive Director of the Arts & Business Council of Greater Miami for the past 20 years, Laura Brunet' has helped
strengthen the cultural community through leadership and board development programs, audience development and
marketing initiatives, volunteer programs for the arts and networking and community events. She is responsible for the
day-to-day operations and management of Council staff, policy and programs. Ms. Bruney works closely with the Council
board to develop and implement the Council's strategic plan, interfaces with the cultural community on behalf of the
Council, and is the Council's chief spokesperson. Ms. Bruney is responsible for the development and implementation of
new programs and services, diversified fund-raising and public relations strategies, and the overall development and
coordination of the organization's signature event, the Serving the Arts Luncheon.
The Arts & Business Council of Miami is a unique organization that is making a difference in South Florida by providing the
catalyst for building working partnerships between business and the arts. Ms. Bruneyjoined the Council during its second
full year of operation in 1987 and has been the Director since 1988. She was instrumental in the development of the Arts &
Business Council concept during its early years and is credited with creating fourteen different programs and services
through the Council, generating more than $8 million in business resources to benefit the nonprofit cultural sector. Under
Ms. Brunet's leadership the Arts & Business Council has expanded by more than 1,000% attracting new volunteers and
community leaders. She is devoted to creating partnerships between the corporate and cultural communities. To that end,
she works closely with the boards and executive staff of over 500 cultural organizations and recruits, trains and manages
over 50 executive consultants and 1,500 direct service volunteers from the corporate community.
Ms. Brunet' is very active in the community she is chair for the Arts & Business Subcommittee of the Creative Industries
committee of the Greater Miami Chamber where she helps develop forums focused on the enhancing the creative
industries in South Florida. She serves on the Private Sector Council for Americans for the Arts. Additional involvement
includes: serving on the Executive Committee of the Arts Action Alliance and Theatre League of South Florida. She is
active in the Business Center for the Arts Exploratory Committee with an exciting vision to bring a full range of technical
assistance opportunities to artists and arts executives under one roof. She is a member of the Coral Gables Chamber and
is active in the Arts Committee and partners with the Miami Beach Chamber each year to host the Arts & Business Lunch
She is also a member of the Miami Beach Women's Commission and works with them on pay equity and arts outreach
Her other civic leadership includes serving as former Chair of the Miami Beach Mayor's Committee on Cultural Affairs and
participation in Leadership Miami. She is a past chair of the Miami Beach Fine Arts Board which produces the Miami
Beach Festival of the Arts. Under her leadership the festival cemented it's partnership with the North Beach Development
Corporation and increased artistic quality and attendance. Ms. Bruney has also served on numerous grant panels for the
Miami Dade Department of Cultural Affairs and the State of Florida.
Ms. Brunet' has been honored with Who's Who of American Women, International Who's Who of Professional and
Business Women, Miami Arts Exchange Maxie Recognition Award, Miami Today's Up & Comers Award -Arts & Culture
Category, Greater Miami Chamber Special Recognition Award and Who's Who of Women Executives.
Ms. Brunet' received a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Miami, School of Business and a Bachelor
of Science in Communications from the University of Florida. Prior to her work with the Arts & Business Council Ms.
Bruney worked as Director of Instructional Resources for the University of Miami School of Medicine and before that
served as a Medical Television Producer with the University of Miami. She worked with CBS Sports on a freelance basis
for several years.
Please Print or type First Name Middle Name Initial _ last Name
~A v~ ~ B ~ ~, ~ For Tax Year
Name: Ending:
Mailing Address: I ~~ J~ UnSA,i" I'i~-~ kU.-/ ~ ~ lL101~
city/state/zip: lvuo.~nu_ t~.aa c ~. F ! 33 !3 9
Social Security Number:
Filing as a: ~ County Empbyee:
~ Municipal Empbyee of:
Posklon held or sought:
Board where serving: ml , I ~~ ~~ Tenn or Empbymerlt
O IAA-7-ti- J 0 y5 Began on: d h~ 8
Department where empbyed:
Work Address:
If your home address Is exempt from public records purwant to
Flwlda Sretutes § 119.07 please check hero (road Inatructlom): ~ Work Telephone: ~ ~ -~~~ ~~^i i ~ 10 ! ~
Home Address: I SDD 5U/1~.k~' fizitl~~ /1/ ~ IUUJ
Street Address
f`il- asn I Q ea ~~ F I ~ j~
City State Zip Code
Please list below In descending order with the largest source first, the name, address and
principal business activity of every source of your income irrcluding public salary you
received or any person received for your benefit or use during the discbsure period. The
inrnme of your spouse or any business partner need not be disclosed. If continued on a
separate sheet, check here: ~
Name of Source of Income
Address Descriptbn of the Principal
Business Act '
~' ~ 2a
I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid irlformatbn is a true and correct statement.
~d 1 ~~! ~t-~..~ ~ , . „!. - N - d~~ r n
Signature of person disclosing Date si ned