Sharon Kersten 12/31/2011® MIAMI BEACH
City of Miami Beachr 1700 Convenfion Canter Drive, Miami Beach, Florida'33139, wvrw.miamibeachA.aov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, Ciy Clerk
Tel: 13051 673-7411, Fax: 1305) 673-7254
Sharon Kersten
1815 Bay Dr
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
UBJ,EC•_Tt. Police Citizens Relations Committee
Congratulations! You have been appointed by Commissioner Deede Weithorn
to the agency, board or committee named above for a term ending: 12/31/2011.
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2006-3543, commencing with terms beginning on or after
January 1st, 2007, the term of board members who are directly appointed by a member of
the City Commission shall automatically expire on December 31 of the year the appointing
elected official leaves office.
If you are unable to accept this appointment or have any questions, please call the City
Clerk's Office at 305-673-7411. Please read the enclosed materials carefully.
Congratulations again and good luck.
Robert Parcher
City Clerk
cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director
Chief Carlos Noriega
Letter of Appointment
City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee
City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459
Ordinance No. 2006-3543 - Amendment to City Code Section 2-22
Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 -Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance
City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form)
Booklet -Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employee
We are committed ro providing excellent public service and safety ro oil who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, hisroric communi y.
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convenfion Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.aov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, Ciy Clerk
Tel: 13051 673-7411, Fax: 13051 673-7254
TO Sharon Kersten
RE: Police Citizen Relations Board
I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the
United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of
a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have
been appointed for a term ending: 12/31/2011.
I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest
and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theF/onda Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine
Amendment and Cade of Ethics for Public Oh9cers and Employees, and understand that as a member
of a Ciiy of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure' require-
ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which
I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar year on which I have served.
~/...ze-~ d-~-_
Sharon Kersten n
Sworn to and subscribed before me thi day of , 200Lv
Sl via P eto (;,02
Deputy Clerk
*Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at under City Gerk/BOard and Committees
for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements.
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safey ro all who live, work and ploy in our vibrant, tropical, historic communiy.
NAME: Karsten Sharon
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
HOME ADDRESS: 1815 Bav Drive Miami Beach FL 141
Apt No. House No.lStreet City State Zip Code
PHONE: 3058671102 3058670933
Home Work Fax Email Address
Business Name: Karsten Communications Position: Public Relations Consultant
Address: 1815 Bay Drive Miami Beach FL 33141
No. Street City State Zip Code
Professional License (describe): Occuoatlonal Licens F~cpires: 02//2010 Attach a copy of the
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city far a minimum of six
months; orb) an individual shall demonstrate ownership~nterest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city.
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes
• Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes
• (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North Beach
• I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below:
As a long-time Miami Beach resident and business owner, i have vested Interests in ensuring the growth and security of
the city.
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Na
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three 131
choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office (Regular Boards of City)
Art in Public Places Committee Loan Review Committee
Board of Ad'ustment' Miami Beach Commission for Women
Bud et Adviso Committee
Ca ital Im rovements Pro acts Oversi ht Committee
Committee on the Homeless
Committee for Quali Education fn MB Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
Miami Beach Sister Citles Pro ram
Normand Shores Local Gov't Nei h. Im rovement
Parks and Recreation Facitities Board
Communi Develo mentAdviso
Communi Relations Board Personnel Board
Plannin Board'
Convention Center Adviso Board 1 Police Citizens Relations Committee
Debarment Committee Production Indust Council
Desi n Review Board' Public Safe Adviso Committee
Disabili Access Committee Safe Committee
Fine Arts Board Sin le Famil Residential Review Panel
Ga ,Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans ender GLBT
Golf Adviso Committee
Health Adviso Committee Sustainabili Committee
Trans aren Reliabili & Accountabili Committee "TRAC"
Trans ortation and Parkin Committee
Health Facilities Authod Board
His anic Affairs Committee Visitor and Convention Authori
Waterfront Protection Committee
Historic Preservation Board Youth Center Adviso Board
Note If a I in for Youth Adviso Board lease indicate our ffiliati n ~Ot@ tt b ure orm
1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: No Years of Service:
2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children If yes, please list the names of your children, their
ages, and which programs. List below:
Child's name: Age: Program:
Child's name: Age: Program:
• Have you ever been convicted ~elony: No If yes, please expla~ detail:
• Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No If yes, please explain in detail:
• Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No !f yes, explain in detail
• Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No If yes; which board?
• What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in?
Name: Title:
Name: Title:
• List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach:
• I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: No Which department?,
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a
City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s):
who is employed by the
The following Information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideretlon for appointment. It Is
being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements.
Gender: Female Race: White
Ethnic Origin: Check one only (1)
Physically Challenged: No
Employment Status: Emoloved Other:
NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members.
These laws include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami
Beach City Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).
(re: CM8 Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during (enure and for one year after leaving office,
from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself ,
or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk.
"I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2,
Article VII - of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members."
I Sharon Karsten agreed to the following terms on t2N 0/2009 4:27:29 PM
a copy
Received in the City Clerk's Office by: .~Fi'w'r"R~7.i r'rcaW Date: _/ _/_ Control No. JD Date: ~ ~1/ ( (
With more than 20 years experience, Sharon Kersten has a diversified background in the
areas of media relations, marketing and event planning. Several local and national agencies
rely upon Kersten Communications' expertise for specific projects and events, generating
media attention on the local, national and international level.
Since 1995 Kersten Communications has served a broad range of clients, from corporate
marketing to media relations and promotion of international events. Some to note are
Fashion Week of the Americas, Film Chile Miami, two successful Miami Beach mayoral
campaigns, Winter Party, Nova Southeastern University, Ruth's Chris Steak House and
concerts at the Ericsson/Lipton/NASDAQ Tennis Tournaments.
A Florida resident since 1981, Sharon's professional experience in the area includes five
years as a Public Relations Specialist at Mount Sinai Medical Center; manager of an in-
house advertising agency for Personnel Pool of America, overseeing ad copy and placement
for 200+ offices; and Events Coordinator for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Prior to moving to
Florida, she worked in New York as a Marketing Research Analyst for The Wall Street
Journal and Marketing Research Manager for earron's.
Sharon is a graduate of Brandeis University and holds a Master's Degree in Media &
Communications from New York's New School University.
Professional Presentations...
• Public Relations Overview -Guest lecturer, St. Thomas University, Miami
• Getting Your Story Told - Panelist, Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce
• Getting Your Story Told -National Conference of AIDS Educators; Eden Roc Resort,
Miami Beach
• Publicizing Your Event -Best Buddies National Conference of College Student Leaders;
"Networked for Success"...
Sharon's professional and civic activities make her a valuable marketing tool for her
The City of Miami Beach recognized her community involvement by presenting her
with the "Woman Worth Knowing" Award.
• Greater Miami Convention & Visitors
• Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce
• Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber
• Miami International Press Club
• Board Member, MiamiARTzine
• Founding member: Hispanic Marketing
and Communication Association
• Miami Beach Citizens Police Academy
• Leadership Miami
• SAVE Dade
• Guardian Ad Litem
• Neighborhood Crime Watch Captain
• Past president, Camillus House Advisory Board
• Served on Miami Beach Citizens Police Relations
Board, Community Relations Board and
Commission on the Status of Women
1815 Bay Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33141 • 305.867.0933 • kerstenC~the-beach net
Communicating With Integrity
AIDS Walk Miami
Aqua Girl
Art Deco District 30`" Anniversary
Ashe Buchholz Tennis Center
Beach Boys Play The Lipton
Blood, Sweat & Tears at Ericsson
Clio Awards Festival
Hall & Oates at The Lipton
Film Festival: Film Chile Miami
Carrfour Corporation
Dade Human Rights Foundation, honoring
Ian McKellen and Terrence McNally
Dade Human Rights Foundation, honoring
Richard Gephardt, with Cyndi Lauper
Fashion Week of the Americas
Kenny Rogers Appearance /Roasters "
Kinsey Sicks Concert at Colony Theatre
Miami Beach Gay Pride
Miami Stories -Nestor Torres
New York Times TimesTalks
NPC Bodybuilding Championships
Omega Institute
Palm Festival -Miami Beach Botanical Garden
Taste of Design
White Party Week
Winter Party Festival
Cabaret on Collins
Mango's Tropical Cafe
Maze Nightclub
Modern Art Cafe
Prezzo Restaurant
Royal Palm Crowne Plaza"
Ruth's Chris Steak House
Beth David Congregation
8roward Center for Living
Camillus House
Care Resource
Centre for Connection, Inc.
Central Agency for Jewish Education
Dade Human Rights Foundation
Gay American Heroes
Health Crisis Network
Kristina Cassidy Children's Foundation
Mothers' Voices
SAVE Dade - "Say No to Discrimination"
The Task Force
' Contracted to consult with agency of record
Art: Fine Art Services, Inc.
Art: Raleigh Gallery
Art: Studio d'Noel
Book: The Home Exchange Guide, by M.T. Simon
Entertainment: Power Studios
Film Festival: Film Chile Miami
Film: Jihad For Love
Film: New Yorker Films -Trembling Before God
Film: Spellman/Corben Productions
Miami City Ballet
Theater: Area Stage Theater
Theater: Concentrated, by Jeff Gadin
Theater: Hollywood Playhouse
Theater: New Theatre
Aventura Design Group
Boucher Brothers,lnc.
Charlie Lapson Collection
Crescent Digital Technology
Davocom One, Inc.
Dynabyte Information Services
FairShare Corporation
HED South, Inc.
Iberia Tile "
Jeffrey D. Blum, D.D.S.
Kakadu Design
Karel Exposition Services
Laquer Corporate Realty Group, Inc.
Marrinson Group"
The Miami Herald "
Nova Southeastern University
Ocean Ballroom
Phillip Morris Tobacco Co.
Smart Solutions
Source Events
Two Mundos Magazine
Urban Art Home
Waste Management, Inc.
WFOR-TV, Channel4'
Whole Foods Market
Wilisch-Huttoe & Associates, Inc.
WorkLife Nation
Worldwide Cigar Security Systems
Everglades Defense Council
Neisen Kasdin for Mayor/Two Successful
The Grove First
Election Protection/People for the American Way
State of Florida Anti-Tobacco Campaign '
1815 Bay Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33141 • 305.867.0933 • kerstenCrDthe-beach net
Communicating With Integrity
Please Print or Type First Name Middle Name/Initial Last Name
K,evJ.~ -e.-1 For Tax Ysar
aw' S~ Ending:
Melling Address C
~D ~ ~ a~ ~ ~
City/State/Zip: ~ ~ ~~' dGh ~L ~"~~ ~~
Social Security Number:
Filing as a; ® County Employee:
® Municipal Employee of:
Position held or sought; ~~ ~ i Ce ~(~ 7`tZ.@vr3 ~~~ 'O~";
Board where serving: ,~ ~~ Term or Employment
~ Began on:
Department where employed: 0 ~ /~
Work Address: ~ O /~ ~L~,y ~ r i '~"~
Sf your home address is exempt from pu6fic records pursuant to ~ V ~_ g'~ ') .p /`S3
Rlutida S'tututes § 118.07 plmee ciradc here (reed instrrrctions): ® Work Te3iephone:
Home Address; ~ ~h-~-- d C ~(~ ~/~-~-
Stre~t Address
Zip Code
Please fist 6aiow in descand'ing order with the Largest source first,. the name, address and
principal business activity of every sourre of your inavme including public salary you
received or any parson revived for your benefit or use during the disclosure period, T'he
income of your spouse or arty business partner need not be disclosed. If continued on a
separate shack. check here: ~f
Name of Source of Income
Address pascription of the Principal
Business Aetiv
~ - n-C.g ~ C ` p .~
hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement.
-,(..t-~~ ~- L (~ - r O
nature of parson dis:.losing Bate signed