006-2010 Construction Claims Rack Cardm MIAMIBEACHR~c ZOIOFEB : IJ~?_5 OFFICE Of THE CITY MANAGER CITYCLE ,.; MEMORANDUM TO: Dee we' om, commissioner 006-2010 FROM: Jor a M. Gez, ity Manager DATE: February 16, 2010 SUBJECT: Construction Claims Rack Card This memorandum is to provide you with a copy of the new construction claims rack card, which will be used to help our residents navigate the process of filing a claim against a City contractor for damages to properly during the course of construction on a City project. The development of this card is a direct result of observations you shared with my office, as well as the experiences of other members of the City Commission and staff, for the need of communicating the steps in what can be a complex process to our residents. The construction claim rack cards will be available to residents in the lobbies of the Office of the Mayor & Commission, Office of the City Manager, Office of the City Attorney, Human Resources 8~ Risk Management Division and the Capital Improvement Projects Office. In addition, we will provide our Community Outreach Team and other City staff who frequently interact with residents during the course of a capital construction project with the card so they can make it available to inquiring residents. A PDF version of the form will also be included on the City's website. A Spanish version of the card is being produced as well, and will be available shortly. Attached for your information is a copy of the rack card. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. n o ~ 1 ~ ~n ~ 1~ C: Mayor and City Commission ~ ~ C° :'~ Jorge Gomez, Assistant City Manager _, '~`'~ Charles O. Cameno, CIP Director ': 'C u. ~ ~ _ T. _ :~7 JMG/dm `-' N cn F:\cmgr\$ALL\DOLORES\LTC and Memos\Weithom-Construction Claims Brochure.doc We ore committed ro providing excellent public service and sofey ro all wlro live, work, and phy in our vibmnr, tropical, hisroric community. WHAT IS A CLAIM? When a resident, property owner or business owner (claimant) experiences what they believe is damage to their property, due to the actions of a contractor hired by the city -that is a claim. WHAT INFORMATION D0 1 NEED TO FILE A CLAIM? Following is a checklist of what you need to do to file a claim: ^ Take photos (preferably stamped with time and date) and/or the conditions that may have caused the damages. If applicable, provide a police report. ^ Prepare a written description of the claim, including the specific damages, date of the claim, and location of the claim. ^ Contact the Capital Improvement Projects Office (CIP) about the claim and request the construction company`s contact information and the contractor's liability insurance certificate. ^ Once all of the documents above have been obtained, the claimant can begin the filing process with the contractor's insurance company. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS • Start the claim process as soon as you discover any problem. • Write down the names of the person representing the contractor with whom you spoke. • Provide this information to your insurance company. more information and other tips for filing a claim, please www miamibeachfl.gov. Please note a claim filed by a resident, property owner or business owner is to be settled between the claimant and the contractor directly. PlannedPro Tess g CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1700 Convention Center Drive • Miami Beach, FL 33139 305.673.7071 • miamibeachfl.gov