008-2010 Query Regarding City Funding of the PAL_ - ~.~~-
m- MIAMI BEACH ~oioFEa~z ~K a:4~
C;iy M~npe!s UHice
To: Mayor Maui Herrera Bnwcr
fttOM Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE February 18, 201[) ~ -
Recently you requested pieces of information relative to tho Police Athletic League (PAL) and tarty
support of that organisation.
PAL is currently being funded through a surcharge that is added to the Police Off Duty charges In
2010, d is expected that the City will allocate approximately $50,000 from this source for PAl The
City will also be working out a management agreement with PAL to more clearly spell out specific
responsibilities and to address a pm rata share of building maintenance and utility costs between the
City and PAL.
Other support provided by the City directly or indirectly is in City employees Ihat work for PAL on a
regular basis.
Pollee Officer Harry Morgan works as the Executive Director of PAL pursuant to a long standing
Resolution adopted by the Gity Commission. The annual cost to the City for the lastcalendar year for
Officer Morgan was S175.Ei61.73 (inclusive of wages, incentive pay, overtime and benefits). This
number includes $10,346 in overtime, which may not all be attributable to PAL.
Two other City employees work after their regular City jobs performing various functions for PAL.
These employees are as (ullows:
• Lori Freediine works approximately 14 hours per week doing after school tutorials. She is
paid $30.00 per hour and teaches SFS children, and is paid For most of this work through Ihr.
School Disirirt. Sho holds a teaching certificate. She is a full time Office Assodala al the
Police Department.
• Carlos Munoz works after hours for PAL doing accounting work Ha is paid a flat rate of $320
every two works for this work. He is a full time employee of the Parks Department.
As you know, an audit has been undertaken by the Ctty's ,nternal auditor relative to the PAI funding
and operations This audit is in the final stages of being complnlrrf and I expect to have a rincument
available within the next several days. As indicated, other documents such as the management
agreement and certain polices and procedures wdl still nrrd to be developed going forward, but it is
our understanding that these are all being pursued.
If you ha any other questions, please feel her. to contact me.
JM ' Isam
C' Members of the Gry Cnnmiission