Scott Needelman 12/31/2010m- MIAMI BEACH
City of Miami Beachr 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami $each, Florida 33139, wvrw_miamibeachA.aov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Percher, City Clerk
Tel: 1305) 673.7411, Fax: (3051 673-7254
Scott Needelman
1455 Drexel Ave. #1
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
ISUBIJE.CaT:;~l Debarment Committee
Congratulations! You have been reappointed by Commissioner Michael Gongora
to the above referenced agency, board or committee for a term ending: 12/31/2010.
If you are unable to accept this appointment, please notify the City Clerk's Office at
(305) 673-7411.
Please read the enclosed material prefully. Again, congratulations and good luck.
~f~X`/~1 ~a~~~
Robert Percher
City Clerk
ec: Saul Frances, Parking Director
Gus Lopez
Letter of Appointment
City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee
City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-2458, 2-459
Ordinance 2006-3543 -Amendment to City Code Section 2-22
Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 -Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance
City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form)
Booklet -Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and
Wa ore committed ro providing excellent public service and sofery ro all who live, work and play in our vibrant, Tropical, hisroric community.
City of Miami Beach, 1700 ConvenBon Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachR.aov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Percher, Ciy Clerk
Tel: 1305) 673-7411, Fax: 1305) 673.7254
TO Scott Needelman
RE: Debarment Committee
I do solemnly swear or affirm fo bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the
United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of
a member of the above-mentioned board ar committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have
been appointed for a term ending: 12/31/2010.
I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest
and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as thef/orida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine
Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Emp/ogees, and understand that as a member
of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure' require-
ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which
I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar year on whi h I have served.
Scott Needelman
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2Z~day of F~, 20~ ~
Silvia Prieto
Deputy Clerk
'Vlease visit the Gty of Miami Beach website at under Gty Gerk/Board and Committees
for additional Informatlon regarding the Finandal Disclosure Requirements.
We are committed b providing excellent public service and salary to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic communi y.
m ~ /'tl'',.i~,;BtACH
, ~;i
Las' Name
o S- ~/
Name Middle Initial
y~,Q ~ 3 3/3T
Cky State Zip Cotle
3oS-693.0146 5anl~/65'c~fi7T.NS'
Business Name ~N D~~°P~`I-~~4 Position:
No./~ ~ 1 /~ 1~Str~et L ..[~ ~J ~ City State Zip Code
Professional License ltlescdbe) ( PE-1~C~~ DV~~~I^L 6earracT'w- Expires' Attaehecopy of the licerrse
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have' been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months', orb) an individual shall demonstrate ownershiplinterestfor aminimum of six months in a business established in the city.
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: YesBor No ^
• Demonstrate an ownershiplimerest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes ~ or No 0
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes B or No ^
• (Please ci one): I am now a resident af: North Beach South Beach Middle Beach
. I em applying for en appoimment because I have special abilities, kno a experience. Please list below:
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes 0 or No to
Please fist your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [Z) second choice, and (3) third choice. Please note that oniv three l31
eholces will be observed by the City Clerk's OfRce. (Regular Boards of City)
D Affordable Housin Adviso Committee D Houain Autho
^ Art in Public Places Committee D Loan Review Commit~e
D Beautlfication Committee D Marine Autho
Board of Ad'uatmertt" D Miami Beach Commission for Women
D Bud t Adviso Committee D Miami Bead Guttural Ar7s Council
^ C Ital Im vemerris P 'acts Overs t Committee D Mieml Beach Bis~r Cities P ram
^ Committee on the Homeless D Normand Shores Local Govemmem Nei h. lm rovemem
^ Committee for Dual' Education in MB D Parks and Recreation Facilities Board
^ Cmnmun Develo merit Adviso ^ Personnel Board
0 Commun Relations Board ^ Plannin Board'
^ Convention Carrier Adviso Board ^ Police Citizens Rotations Committee
D Debarnem Committee ^ Production indu Council
^ Desi n Review Board' D Public S Adviso Committee
^ Disabii' Access Committee D 5 Committee
D Fine Arts Board ^ Sin le Femil Residential Review Panel
D Ge ,Lesbian, Biaezual and Transaender GLBT ^ Sustainabil' Committee
^ Goli Adviso Committee ^ Trerrs eren Reliabli' & Accountabil' Committee "TRAC'
D Health Adviso Committee Tren ortation and Parkin Committee
^ Health Facilities Autho ' Board p Visitor and Convention Atrtho
0 His nic Affairs Committee ^ Waterhvm Protection Committee
Historic Preservation Board ^ Youth Comer Advis Board
~ "Board Required to Ffle State Disclosure Fonn
Nols. If applying for Youth Advisory Beard, please indicate your atfiiiation with the Scott Rakow Youth Cemec
.. ~77f" 'S'~ p t I V 71'~ 1 1 I 1
1. Pasi service on the Youth Center Advisory Boartl: Yes C No C Years of Service: Q7 ,n~uk C ~ "}fr n I p~
2. Preserr participation in Youth Center edivities by your children Yes: No C. If yes, please li es i y c n, their
ages, and which programs. List below'.
Child's name: Age: Program: I I -! f~ d -~?' i _-'y }yl
Child's name:
Age: ~ Program:
°'\~L°P".SAL! \o°JRM,S \67ARD ANC ~OMMnT_Ea'\B~ ApplicanonaG2,5D~ N: W.GO:
.clove yc~ ev=~ Dees. oonvi Stec o` ~ reiony Yes ~ N , P y==- pleasE explalu In ee;air.
• Do you currently nave a vloiationls) of Gry of Miami 5eact cotles. Yes . ' Nom li yes oleasE erplair: in octal!.
• Do you currently owe the City of Miami 3each any money. Yes . No Ii yes explain Ic detail
• Aro you currently s=ruing or any City Boards or Committees. Yes " r No ", vas wnlct ooard?
• What organizations in the City o' Miami 3each tlc you currontly holtl membersnip in?
Name: Title:
Name ~ ~ ~ Title:
• List all properties owngd or have an irrter~st In, which are locateq within the City of Miami Beach:
uu., ....i1c., . c~ ~,t / icsca- Il~..,sl .ll..o
• I am now employed by the City of Mimi Beach Yes ~ N r hich department?
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2.25 (b): Do you have a parent ~, spouse ^, child G, brother C, or sister D who is employed Dy the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the departmerrt(s):, A , / ,d
The toltowing Informetlan is voluntary entl Is netthar pan of your applltauon nor has any bearing on your eoneitlsratlon for appointment. It Is
oeing asked to comply with feoeral equal opporbmlty reporting requirements.
Gender: R Male ^ Female
Ethnic Origin: Check one only (1)
~-WhNCe (Not of Hispanic OriginJ: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe. North AMCa or the Mldtlie East.
4frieari-AmeriesnlBlaek (Net of HlapaMe Odpln): All persons having odgins in any o` the Blsck radar groups of Afnm.
^ Hispanic: All persons of Mext~n, Puerto Rkoen, Cuban, Cerrirei ar South American, or other Spanish culture or origm, regartl~as of race.
Aalen or Paetfk 1¢Iertuer: All parsons havmp origvs m erry of the prigmel peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the hafien Subcontinent, or
the Padfic tslarttls. TMs arse , for e>~ple, Coma, httlie, Japan, Icorea the Phihppme lahantls end Sorrtoa.
^ Amadean Indian or Alearan Naevs: All Oereorts hevmg origins in any of the original peapbs of North Amadw, end vitro rrmmlam
Craturel itlardffrla5on ttiiotrgh dlbBl aRkabon or eommurdty recognition.
Physically Challenged: Vas 0 or NoQF.
Employment Status: Employed ~ Retired ^ Homemaker ^ rJther ^
NOTE: if appointed, you wgl f>e required to follow certain Yaws which apply to city basrdfcammktae members.
These laws include, but are not Ilmhetl fa, the following:
o Prohiblfion from directly or indiredly lobbying cft}' personnel (Miami Beach City :;ode section t-459).
I o Prohibition from corrtreding with the dty (Miami-Darla Count
y ;'otle aedion 2-11.1).
o Prohibition from tobbymg before board/cvmmttme you nave served on for period of one year after lesvmg otfrce IMiam~
Basch City Code aedion 2-26J.
o Requtremem to disdoee certain ftttendel btterea~ and gifts (Miami~Datle County Code aedion 2-11.1).
(re: CMB Commttrrlty Development Advisory Commldee): prohibition. during tenure end for one year after moving office
from having any interest in or receiving arty benefit from Commtmlty Development Block Grant funds for anther yourself
or those vAth whom you have buaineas or immediate family ties (C'rR 570.611;.
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerl;.
"I hereby attest to ~ e accuracy and tnnlrtulness of the application and have receivetl, read and will abide by Chapter ~. '
ArU II - of he ty Code "Stantlards of Gontl ct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Ma bars." i
~ l~~rro Sw-E-F dU~~n~a„
Applieam's Signature ate ' Name of Apolicern (PLEASE °RtIJ'T, I
°Weae attach a copy o! your resume to this eppllcaBon
NOTE: Applications will ram m on rile for a nenatl of one (1 i Calenoa year. i
kacerveC m the cif}' Merl:'s 7f6ce o~~ Gate ~ ~s 9O omroi No ~ Uate _,' lOF
Name of Clepuly :Iah.
Scott Needelman
1455 Drexel Avenue #1
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Education Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, May 1993
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Graduated, Miami Beach Senior High School, June ]988
Work Experience President, SAN Development, Inc., September 2002-present
Completed construction of a 2700 sq. ft. home.
Property Manager, York Towers Apartments,
May 1993-present
Responsible for the day-today operation of 24 apartrnent units and four
commercial spaces.
Assistant Project Maoager, Fisher Island Holdings, LLC,
January 2005-May 2008
Managed the submittal and RFI processes for the constmction of a 10 story
luxury condominium building and oversaw various other small constmction
Project Supervisor, Carmel at California Club Property Owners
Association, September 2001-December 2001
Oversaw the repairs to 34 condominium buildings due to flooding.
Project / Constmction Manager, York Towers Apartments
February 1995-August 2000
Conceived and executed the substantial renovation of three historic multi-family
buildings, approx. 18,000 sq. ft. Oversaw, on a daily basis, the various
subcontractors from concept to completion of projects.
Skills Microsoft Office, AutoCAD
Certifications Certified Building Contractor, State of Florida
Engineer Intern, State of Florida
Committees/Activities Member, Debarment Committee, City of Miami Beach
January 2009-December 2009
Member, General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee
City of Miami Beach, March 2003-Apri12008
Member, Eleventh Judicial Circuit Grievance Committee A
State of Florida, Febmary 2001-January 2004
Member, Safety Committee, City of Miami Beach
January 2002-December 2002
Member, Planning Board, Ciry of Miami Beach
January 2000-December 2001
Graduate, Miami Beach Citizens Police Academy
November 2000
Member, Community Development Advisory Committee
City of Miami Beach, January 1998-December 1999
Please Print or Type
Mailing Address:
Far Tax Yesar
Ending: /~G,'
Social Security Number: ~ ^'
Filing as a: ^ County Employee: _{
~ -
® Municipal Employee of: _
~ um i ~J ~a CAA ~ ~ _
Position held or sought g~,~ im ~
e ma'jpr
~ fV
m ~
Board where serving: O ~~~~,,~e~.~ a ~
-. Term or Emp~'y t ~
Began on: ~ ~j
Dapartrnentwhare employed:
work Address: ~~~ 63 ~ ~ L e I'h g~_
~ your hone atltlreas is attempt tram publk rarnrds puemmrrt to
Florida Shmrtec 5 1is.07 pleurae deed: here (reed iurucnonsj: ^ Work Taieiphone: ~ 5~~~
Home Address:
Zip Code
Please fist below in desa3nding order with the Largest source first,. the name, addrrss and
prinopal business activity of every source of your income mciuding public salary you
received or any parson received far your benerf'it or use during tine d'eselosure period, 'fhe
income vF your spouse or arty business partner need not 6e disde:sed. If wntinuad on a
separate sheet, check hare: ~
Name of Sauna of Income
Address DeserriPtaon of the Principal ~
Business pctiv
u r ~ wb ~ , ~f 3 {` o ~ ,
LJ y
~ tc
~/: e
I hereby swear (or a rm) that thF aforesaid information is z true and correct statement.
Signature of person 13isa1esinB D e signed