Karen Fryd~~e~~i. ~ ~~~.,,1~~~~1 i ~~AC NAME: HDMEADDRE55 PHONE: rey~ CITY OF MIAM! ESEACH 130ARG AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOP.M a~er~ E -- Las' Name First Name Mitltlle Initial Apt No. House No./Street CRy State Zip Code rIpI11C r r~ n •., Business Name: ~i J ~YtI ~~ 4 g u "~ (N J ~'~ r' /''Position: Adtlress: ~ 52 ?j ~' L1~. ~U ~ No. Professional license (tlescdbe) .` -ti; t H State Zip Code Expires:_ _ / Attach a copy of the license Pursuant W City Code section Z-22(4) a and tr: Members of agencies, boards, and commRtees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) en individual shell have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six morRhs; or b) an individual shall tlemonstrete ownerehiplinterestfor a //minimum of six months in a business established in the dty. . Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months', Yes ^ w'No ^ . Demonstrate an ownershiplnterest in a business to tami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes prior No 0 . Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes'8"or No D . (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North Beach Soufh Beach Iddle Beac . I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. e e ist below: • Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes D or No Please list your preferences in order of tanking [1] first choice [Z] second choice, and [3J third choice. Please note that only three fsl ' choices w11i be observed by the Ckv Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) ffordeble Housin Adviso Committee D Housin Autho D Art in Public Places Committee ^ lean Review Committee ^ Beautification Committee D Marine AuCto ^ Board of Ad'tletrnarR' D Miami Beach Commission for Women ^ Bud Advil Crxnmlthse ^ Miami Beach Guttural Arts Council ^ C itel Im vamertls Pro'eets Overei t CommlCee ^ Miami Beach Sinter Cities P ram D Commibse on the Homeless D Nortnend Shores Local Govemmerrt Nei h. Im rovement D Commtttee for Qual' Education in M8 ^ Parks and Recreation Facilities Board D Cammun Deveto meat Adviso ^ Personnel Board ^ Commun Relations Board ^ Plannin Board' D Converrtion Center Atlviso Board ^ Police Cit¢ens Relations Committee ^ Detrartnem Commtdee ^ Production ind Council ^ Desi n Review Board' ^ Public 5 Adviso Commfhee 0 Disabii Access Commitee ^ Sa Committee ^ Fine Arts Board ^ Sin N Famil Residential Review Panel ^ Ge ,Lesbian, Bisexual end Trenscender GLBT ^ Sustainabii' Committee ^ Golf Adviso Commitme D Tren aren Reliabll' & Accournabll Committee 'TRAC' ^ Health Adviso Committee ^ Tren ortaticn and Pedtin Committee 0 Health Facilities Autho ' Board D Visitor and Convention Atttho ^ His anic Affairs Commibee D Waterfront Protection Committee 0 Historic Preservation Board ^ Youth Center Advisory Board "Boars! Required to Flle State Disclosure Form Note. If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center '~ . Pali service on the Youth Center Advisory BoaN: Yes ^ No _~ Years of Service: ~] ~ [ ~t ~~ p S ~ ~"-[ ~ ~'~ ~' ~- [ ~' 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yes_ No ~. If yes, qI s,~i~ list thecnamsles of yno7ur ages, and which programs. List belrnn~. _ L~ •UI ~~ U ~ tv~~ D~u4 Cniltl's name: Age, Program: Child's name: Ape: Program: ~-~ -] ~1~, ~ --~ ~ ~ CC children, their =.'.=LP',5A!!\a°~RMS\B7ARG AND ~OMMIiTE_5\82 Aool¢anonDL26DP N_v~.'.om •riave yx eve- peer. ~onvl~te[ ~` z feiom' Yes o~ Nd t' v=s please explain in detaiP. °ti . Dc you currently have a violation(s) o* Ciry o` Miami Beach cocas. Yes . or No dyes, please erpfaln in detail: • Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money. Yes _ or No ?~ If yes, explain Ir. detail • Are you currently serving or any City Boards or Committees. Yes " or No ./If vas: who^r ooard? • What organizations in the Ciiy o* Miami Beach do you currently Hold membership in? Name: Name: Title: • List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located wfthin the City of Miami Beach: t'}g6 rJ 2~.~ y-f ttrau, h.>~+ul ~ . I am now employed by the Cfty of Miami Beach: Yes G or No~Which department? • Pursuam to City Code Saefion 2.25 (b): Do you have a parent D, spouse ^, child C, brother C, or sister D who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the departmerrt(s): ~,O The following information Is voluntary antl Is neither pert of your application nor hae any bearing on your eonalderaaon for appointment. tt Is being asketl to comply with federal~~equ~l opporWnlty reporting requhemema. Gender: D Male ID'~emale ctnnrc vngrn: cneck one onry (i) D White (Not of Hispanic Origin): All pereon6 having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Atriw or the Mitldle Earl. ^/gtrieah-AmerieanlBleek (Not of Hlapanfc OdgM): All parsons having origins in any of the Bieck raaal groups of Atria, MHfapanfc: All persons of Mezican, Piratic Riear[, Cohan, Cemral or South American. or oMer Sparnsh whore or odght, regarrlfeas of race. t7 Aakn or Paetfle klendar: All pareons having rm`gfns in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast A¢fa, the Indian Subcontinent. or the Pedfic lslerWS. This area aloktdas, for amrtrple, (Mina, Italia, Japan, Korea, the Philippine IWarWs and Somoe. AmeAear[ Indian or Nmkarl NraWe: Ail pmaorts heWr[g odgim in any of the odginal peoples of North Amedca. antl who metnfein CWSireI itlerttffrca6on through tif6al efl~ion or cornrtutnhy recogMtion. i Physically Challenged: Yes D or No9~ Employment Status: Employed D Retired ^ Homemaker f~ Other D NOTE: If appointed, you artll be ragrliretl to follow certain laws which apply to city boardleommtCae members. These Yaws include, but are not liml~tl tn, lire following: o Prohibftion from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). c Prohibftion from comrecfing with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibition from bbbying before board/commtftee you have served on for periotl of one year attar leaving office (Mlam Beach City Code slacbon 2-26). o Requirement to disGoae certain financial mrerests antl gifts (Miami_Dade County Code section 2-11.1). (re: CMB Comm[mlty Developmem Advhory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year attar leaving office from having arty interest in or reviving arty bene3fit from Community Development Block Grant funds for etcher yourself or those with whom you have buameas or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). Upon request, copies of these taws may be oblsinetl from the City Cfan;. "i hereby attend to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application antl have receivetl, reatl and will abide by Chapter 2. A~rt~i~{rle~VII - of the City C de "Standards f Conduct for City Officers, Employwees and Agency Members." Appifearrt1s S na ore Uate Nemt~f-Hpo roan (P;.,E please attach a copy o! your resume to this application NOTE: Applieahons will remain on file for a penotl of one (1) calenoer year. ~a[~~arL Sx-fc~t~ p/~~i o kecawac In the Chy ~IerY,'s Office og Uate -f' / 4 ;:ontrol Nc 2l l3 Date _ _;~ neom~ m ne.,,»., , Karen Braun Fryd Home Address: 1708 West 25`h Street, Miami Beach, FL 33140 Office Address: 523 Michigan Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Karen is the founder and sole operator of the South Florida Youth Foundation 2002- Present. A 501(c)3 which operates with no overhead. Karen has been the civilian Chairperson for the Miami Beach Police Department Holiday Relief fund for over the past 15 yeazs. She is a member of the City of Miami PAL Board, and the City of Miami Beach PAL Board. She organized, and funded the Midnight Basketball league which operates out of the Miami Rescue Mission and serves over 100 kids a week. A partial list of The South Florida Youth Foundation's activities include: Manufactured and distributed 10,000 backpacks (complete with school supplies) Distributed over 20,000 pieces of brand new clothing Bought and distributed over 1,000 school uniforms Provided Christmas toys for over 1000 kids Distributed food for Thanksgiving Funded other worthy successful programs such as: Voices for Children: The Foundation provided summer camp for 114 abused children. Overtown Youth Center: About to open and is very much needed in the community. We donated furniture to them. These are poor children who aze in extreme need. My personal favorite is the "Weed and Seed" program, which fights crime and encourages education. This program provides scholarships for education. Judy Schaechter, MD: She heads "The Partnership for Study & Prevention of Violence", at Jackson Memorial Hospital, as well as the Adolescent Aids Unit. Both are youth prevention programs. They also collaborate with 80 organizations, which help the neediest in our community. Through her I have distributed 3000 pieces of clothing and 800 school supplies. (They also have a center in Homestead). References: Carlos Noriega, Chief of Police, City of Miami Beach