010-2010 Process for Handling Surplus Equipment to a Public AuctionIm MIAMIBEACH 2a-a ~~R -u P~ -2: o0 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER M.EIyt~~~~.~DUM c~T~ ci-~~.~v ~ To: Edward L. Tobin, Commissioner ~~ _2010 FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ---- - DATE: March 3, 2010 SUBJECT: Process for Handling Surplus Equipment Prior to a Public Auction This memo is in response to your request for information regarding the process for handling surplus equipment prior to a public auction. City surplus stock assets (i.e., items that have outlived their useful life; or are no longer needed by any City department; or are no longer cost effective to maintain; or that have become obsolete), are sold via public auction, to the highest bidder in an "as is" condition. Public Auctions are scheduled on an "as needed" basis with at least two (2) auctions per year. Most of the auctions are scheduled when Fleet Management notifies Procurement that there are a significant number of vehicles that need to be sold. Each department determines the usefulness of their items and is responsible for their surplus assets until the date of a public auction. Most of the items that are declared surplus are stored at the Miami Beach Convention Center (MBCC) storage area. The surplus items are primarily fumiture and computers. The fumiture declared surplus is no longer needed by City departments because it has outlived its useful life (i.e., wom out) or is damaged beyond repair. All items must first be declared excess (i.e., no longer needed by a City department) and must be offered to other City departments. If no other City department needs the item, then it's declared surplus. Surplus computer equipment is handled in a similar fashion. It is important to note that surplus computers have very little value since IT technicians remove all physical disk drive media, and then render the drive inoperable by using a media demagnetizer. The demagnetizer essentially subjects the media to an intense electro-magnetic field, which renders the disk drive media and any data residing on it completely inaccessible and inoperable. Once the disk drive media has been rendered inoperable and useless, it is sent to Miami Beach Convention Center to a separate locked room designated for computer equipment storage until an auction is scheduled . All documentation for surplus computers that have been slated for disposal is submitted to Procurement at the time it is placed in storage. When vehicles and other large equipment are declared surplus, they are replaced, on a one for one basis, as the new vehicles are received. This generally occurs over a short period of time each year. As the new vehicles or equipment are received, the surplus vehicles are returned to Fleet Management, who stores the vehicles and notifies Procurement that an auction is needed. When Fleet Management notifies Procurement that there is a need to sell a number of surplus vehicles, Procurement contacts the auctioneer to set up an auction. The majority of surplus items in a typical auction are vehicles and computerequipment. Othersurplus items typically include wom or damaged office fumiture and equipment and a small number of miscellaneous surplus items. Procurement meets with the auctioneer and tours the storage area to review the items for auction. Procurement provides the auctioneer the list of surplus vehicles compiled by Fleet Management and the list of surplus computer equipment compiled by IT and requests that the We are committed to providing excellem public service and so(ey ro all who live, work, and play in ovr vibrant, tropical, historic communiy. auctioneer prepare a catalogue of all other surplus furniture and miscellaneous items in the storage area prior to the auction. Additionally, the Procurement Director meets with the auctioneer, prior to auction and reviews the catalogue of surplus items to be sold . We have attached the administrative policy for Auctions of City Property which goes into greater detail about the auction itself. Shoutd you need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me. JMG/PDW/GL C: Mayor and City Commission Trish Walker, Chief Financial Officer Attachment We are committed fo providing excelleN public service and saley to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, hisronc cornmvnily. C17Y OF MIAMI BEACH procurement Division Policies and Procedures Surplus 8 Confiscated Property Auction Procedures POLICY: In accordance with City Code ChapterE~, the City's surplus stock is to be disposed of by the en Divisi n 1~13es~Pegeat to the highest responsible bidder in conformance with competitive conditions or via suctioneering services. Auctions and sealed bid sales sre-euY will be haadled by the Procurement Division Procurement staffmay be utilized for some auction activities such as tagging equipment, assisting inset-up, and providing security. The following procedures are utilized by the Procurement Division in conducting public auctions. PROCEDURE: 1. ~,jrnpLUS PROPERTY Before anv Ci'`.-owned Drone''" °-'n' be dccl~ ~1~ (+ P no longer needed by anv City d~artment or division) rt must first be declared gxcess. 2. EXCESS PROPERTY Anv excess City-owned mm~ertv must be first offerer to ~i y~ppa*~-ents/divisions via memorandum or an electronic metes (i a ccMeai or o- ~a~',11 Ifno Citvdenartmentsldivisionswlthin 5 business days of satd DroDertvbeum offered is interested in the excess ^TM•^~' then the DroDerty may be declared sumlus. 3, ADVERTI5ING:A legal advertisement is place in the Daily Business Review and in the Miami Herald. Free media sources, such as City and County Cable TV, are utilized when available. h uld hire an a c 'on to suc 'on the s 1 Qolice confiscated items then the auctioneer 11 be reauired to be advertised. 4. MAILING LIST: Mailing list is established by extracting names from the bid register and from those persons/businesses who have requested their names to be added to a "mailing list" or DemandStar by Onvia. 5. AUCTION HOURS AND_,^ DA'L'ES: Pre-auction inspection shall be from 830 a.m. to 9:55 a.m.~n the L+ of the auction. eau ns will a don and Saturdav Lndividuals u_*+~b a to attend on Satur+ y will be afforded an onn^-unity to subnut sealed bids on Fridav. Auctton shall be held from 10:00 am. until 5 •DD g.m. or until all items are sold. Page 1 of 4 Pages ti. BIDDER REGISTRATION: A bid deposit of $100.00 is required for prospective buyers to be eligible to bid. A two-part form is used for this purpose; with the Cashier retaining the portion filled out by bidder showing bidder's Warne and address. This deposit shall be applied toward any purchase or refunded if there is no procurement. Buyers portioa is retained by bidder to identify himself/h_ erself when bidding. 7. LISTING OF ITEMS AVAILABLE:A listing of material to be auctioned is to be available in the Procurement office as early as possible (date is to be mentioned in notice). A sufficient quantity of this listing shall be on hand at auction site to pass out to all bidders. 8. PHYSICAL SET-UP: At vehicle auctions, the Fleet Management Division will Rrovide the Procurement Deoartrnent with all the vehicle keys aad titles at least one usiness rior to the coon. . Additionally the Fleet ~,r e..,e„r n;.,;~;~~ ariTl nmvidn mprhanicma en-site to assist In the moveme~ of vehicles or starting the engines Surplus equipment auctions, which are scheduled in the Convention Center, shall be goordinated with the Convention Center Mara eme~nt conro~y relative to the availability of dates and location. Heart-We-ea~i~ Finch department requesting that surplus property be included in the auction is responsible for making arrangements for deliveryofproperty to auction site t13e seven business dava dsy before the auction. These arrangements should be coordinated with Procurement. Arrangements shall be made by Procurement for the Convention Center to provide the platform, seating and tables for merchandise to be displayed on. Property shall be placed on tables, with a second parallel row of tables blocking access. During inspection, prospective buyers will be allowed to walk through the aisle created by the two rows of tables, to view the merchandise. Security shall be on hand to prevent theft. It maybe necessary to limit the number of viewers at any one time to prcwent overcrowding. Once the auction begins, access to the equipment is blocked, and the buyers must show a paid receipt to Procurement personnel before they are given their merchandise. Page 2 of 4 Pages 9. AUCTION TEAM: The auction team shall consist of employees from Procurement and the Police Department Auctioneer's staff when ap li le. This team will perform the following functions: ec i -Police officers will safeguard property and money. (It may be neceasaiy to hire guards from private agency if not enough officers are available.) -Will record transactions on bid receipts (buyer# and bid amount). Rtttm~r -Will take bid receipts from spotter to cashier. sli er - Will handle money and tabulate sales; responsible for matching bid receipts to deposit receipts by buyer number. 10. BID RECEIPT PROCEDURE: (3) copies: White - casbiex/purchasing Canary -buyer Pink - audit copy Bid receipts shall be partially filled out by Procurement employees before auction (I.ot#, CMB#, description). As each item is sold, spotter will fill in buyer# and bid amount; rumter will collect and give to cashier. Bid receipts will be kept by cashier in numerical order by buyer, and attached to both portions of deposit receipts (this prevents buyer from getting refund on deposit without paying for items he bid on). Cashier will collect cash from buyer (total bid amount plus sales tax, less deposit), obtain buyer's signature, fill in amount received, and sign receipt. Canary copy of Bid Receipt is given to buyer as receipt; white copy is stapled to deposit receipt and retained by CMB; Pink copy is retained as an audit copy. 11. PROPERTY BEING SOLD: All Property being sold shall be tagged with a lot# which corresponds to a mash list retained by Purchasing. If confiscated property, a Case# will also be used. All items will be available for inspection before the auction begins. Jewelry will be held up from AuctioneeYs platform as it is sold; other property will be pointed out on table as it is sold. Page 3 of 4 Pages 12. SUPPLIES NEEDED: Calculator Cash Box Pens, rubber bands, staplers and removers. paper clips Cardboard box Listing of auction items Buyer Registration forms 13. VERIFICATION OF SALES: Internal Audit may attend auction to spot check procedures and record keeping. At the end of the auction, a police officer shall remain on hand until cash is safely secured. 14. RESULTS OF SALES/AUCTION• The Procurement Division will provide tho 's Office the Office of Man em t Bud ran a resul of the auction or sale of surolus stock. and reouest the dprw~~t of all proceeds in the ~';tv'a C.~nnmt Fund ACCOIlnt. DISTRIBUTION OF PROCEEDS• The Office of Management & Budget will gerform the necessary distribution of proceeds to the appropnate departments. e rence: Section 2-342 of the City Code, Sarplns Stock C nta Procurement Division, Extension 7490 L~ Prepared by: ~• Gna L CPPO Procurement Director Reviewed by: .'~h~`~• ~"`a` Mays Diaz Bnttacavoli Assistant manager Reviewed by: ~`~ J s Sutter I real Auditor Approved by: ~O~°7% e Gonzalez " Date City Manager Page 4 of 4 Pages