012-2010 Mr. Seth FrolichMIAMIBEACH City Manager's Office MEMO DUM 0>.2- >. TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez City Manager ~-~ ,~, 0 -{ o DATE: March 4, 2010 ~' $ ~. ~ ; 11 r- : ~ :~ ~ '- ;~, SUBJECT: Mr. Seth Frohlich c'ry' ~ ~~; _. ci% sa This memorandum is to inform you that in the March 10, 2010 Commission Agenda, it~rn R9~F1; -y-i Mr. Seth Frohlich's name was accidentally omitted as applicant for the Planning Boardr~°• cn Please be advised that Mr. Frohlich submitted his Board and Committee application to the City Clerk's Office on February 22, 2010. (See Attachment "A"J. Also attached, is an updated Board and Committee Report for the Planning Board showing him as an applicant. (See attachment "B") If you have any questions, please contact Robert Parcher, City Clerk. JMG/RP/Ib C: Jorge Gomez, Asst. City Manager Richard Lorber, Planning and Zoning Manager Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk F: \CIER\.SA!! \ll1(Y",_CiN,Monoyers Memornndurns 2010\sath,'rohlichbuord&commilremamorondum03042010.doc Wr; are cornmi!tad ro providmy P..~ralloN public service and solety~ to all who live, work. and ploy in our vibronl, Iropicoi, hislorlc communiry, m NAME: CSC H ~ "f T A-G l-~ ~'-'- 19`hJT ~~ ~ ~' CfTt' p= IVIIAIJI B=ADS _ 30,4RG AND COMMi i i .E AP?,_IGATIJN =;~?,~ Las: Name _ =first (Jame IJ~radle Initial .r -' HOME ADDR_55: ~ I ~ G `~'~Y~"c'r ~r i 1~ r:~n.nrAi~C qc,~ 1' L ~-~/ ~L Ap; No. House NoJStreet City ,,((~~~~ States., Zrp Co/~de/~ PHONE: ~~ S'~ Z ~ 3I G 7~`'~~ ?.S ~• t `{S~ ~fVL i~ b L~ Business Name: e Wonc faX Address: ~~~ i'''~`S~ -.~e_. ~~~r~ ~( ~Positiotn: ( J ~:~(3 No. Sweet Cry state Zip .Code Professional License (describe) Expires_ Attach a copy orfhe livens Pursuant to Cfty Code section 2-22(4) a and tr: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled iri the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the dty for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of sir, months in a business established in the city. • Resident of Miami Beach fnr a minimum of six (6) months: Yes~ar No D . Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Ye~?ar No D . Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes (~rNo D _ • (Please arcie one): I am now a resident of: North Beach South Beach Middle Beae ~ . I am applying for en appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: • Are you presendy a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes ^ or No~ Phase fist your praferen~s in order of ranking ~1J first choice (ZJ second choice, and (3j third choice. Please note that oniv three C3 choices vvftl be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) ^ Afinrdeble Housin Adviso Commtttae D Housin Autho D Art in Pf.tbfic Places Committee D Loan Review Committee D BaauHfication Committee D Marine Autho ^ Board of Ad rlstmertY D Miemi Bsaeh Commission for Women D B Committee D Miami Beach Culh~ral Arts Courrdl D I i Overai Committee D Miami Beach Sister Cities Pro ram D CommtttBe on the Nomefeas p Nomtandv Shores Local Govemmerrt Ne' h. Im ent D CommUtee for Qual Edul~tion in MB D Perks and Recreation Facilities Board D Commun Devel erri Adviso D Personnel Board D Commun Relations Board tannin Board' ^ Cornretrtion Center Advil Board D Police Citizens Relations Committee D Debarment Committee D Produ~ion Ind Council D Desion Review Board' D Public S Adviso Committee D Disabif Access Committee D 5a Committee D Fine Arts 8oan:l D Si le Femil Residerrtfal Review Penal D Ga ,Lesbian, Bisexual and 7ransoentier GLBT ^ 5ustainability Committee ^ Goff Committee D Tra ren Reliabil' 8 Accountability Committee "TRAC" ^ Health Adviso Cammtttee ^ Tta ortation and Parkin Committee p Health Fardlities Atrtho ' Board ^ visitor and Convention Autho D His nic Aitairs Committee D Waterfront Protetttion Committee D Historic Preservation Board D Youth Center Adviso Berard "Board Required to File State Disclosure Form Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center 1 ?ast service on the Yotrth CeT~ ~vi~~Pp~~ B~a^rd Yes _ No =; Years of Service. 2. present particroation in YoutM'Behi!?rl'r~tivi~4 fi~-~Qrl (~rildren Yes.' Nc =. If yes, pleas= list the name: of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below Cnild~s nom=_ r~ Age: Program: Cnild's nom=_ V~S~ Ab=_' oroorem ~,~LP-,SA!'_w=JRnSS ~6~4P,i~ 4NC~ ~~MMnT~S\B~ ~.ooi¢vnonOL26(?4 n=vr.oo: •-ia JQ VO'- eV°' Jeer ~~'1 J:":°;. ~ 2 1e:J'1\' "nc r/-E(,4 .. ~~ Nu,~, c a c -' L/ -~ ol..as_ xolav Ir o=.air • ~U you OJrrently navc o v101atI~n;S, ~? Iiy O. Ir/liam: 3eaC'! codes Yes J' NO _ °5 DI5a56 eY,~ialr Ir neiaC. s Do you currently owe the City o' IJiam; Beacf, ern- money. Yes . or No , ` vas explain Ir. detail s .ore you currently serving or am ~Ih 3oards or :;ommittees Yes or Nr~ves w7i-,- ooard~ . UVhat oryant- tions 1 . tn~ Cliy o' IViiami 3each oc you curr=ntly ^oio memoersrnF: tr; Name: f~~~~ "/~c`t2-~^-' Titi= Nam= `~ ` .-J q ti Title: s Lls I grope lee owned or have an intere In, which located w' hin the City of Miami Beach: .e~i c . I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes ~ or Nl~ydlhich department? s Pursuant.to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent ~, spouse =~, child G, brother C, or City o= Miami Beach % Check. all that apply. Iderrttfy the department(s): -~----- The following information is voluntary antl Is neither pert of your applkation nor has any bearing on your considelatlon for eppolntmen: t, rt being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting rsquhemeltta. Gender; ^ Female Check one only (1 ~'11Vhhe (Not of Hispanic Origin). All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or the Middle :est. D Afrl~n-AmerieanlBlaek (Not of Hlspentc.Origln): All persons having ohgins in any o' the Bled: racial groups of Africa. Hispanic: All persorrs of Me>n~n, Ptrerbo Riren, Ctdten, Cerrtrel or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of ;ace 7 Asian or I'aetftc Islander; All parsons having origk¢ m any of the original peopas of the Far =_ast, Southeast Asia, the hrctlan Su6continer.:. or the Pacific lalarrrds. This area frrdrrdes, for etample, Chma, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Isfarufs and 3omoa. J Amartean inBian or Alaskan Netlve: All persons having origins in env of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain Cuqursl iderrtffuaUorl through tribal atfl~fion or mrtsrumHy retwpnltion rnysrcally Cltalienged: Yes D or NoD Employment Status: Emptoyel~--R"eEired D Homemaker p Other p NQTE: if appointed, you will be required fa follow certain taws which apply to ~fty boardfcommittae members. These laves include, but ate not ifmtload tfl, the following: i o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (IJiam~ Beach City Code section 2-459) -' Prohibition from contnac6n with the 9 dtY (Miam~Dade Coumy Code section 2-11.1) f o Prohibition tom lobbying before boan:f/c:ommtttee you have served on for period of one year after leaving offie=_ (Mlam Beach City Gode section 2-26). c Requirement tD disclose certain finandal mteresis and gips (Mlamr-Dade Coumy Cotle section 2-1 i.1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after Isavino offr~ from Craving any irtterest in or receiving any benefit from Communigr Development Block Orarrt funds for either yoursel' or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 670.611;. Upon request, copies of these taws may be otrtained from the City Clerk,. "! here y a st tv accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have recnnneived, read end will abide by Chaote• Artie II f the Code "Stands ~- ct~fo~Citt~ Officers. Empioyegoen~ ~~ber 2 2 ~ ,.O ftc Ap i Y S nature Date Name or Hoohcen~ (P'_~u,S~ ~RIN7~ Please attach a copy o' your resume to this epollcation NQT=_: Apphcetion Ili r morn o re for oerion n' one !1 ~ alenoar vea: Recervec ir. the :IP: :ren:'S ~tleCe oy , Dale ;ZOpc :,onvo~ N Datt~ Z 0~ ~~ Name o! Leourv :cork - /~ T T ~ L ~ h/t t'/V1' ~' ~j'r Board and Committees Current Members 18T1II1T18 BOatYl Sec. 11851 , Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) regular voting members. The voting members shall have considerable experience in general business, land development, land development practices or land use issues. The board shall at a minimum be comprised of: one registered architect or a member of the faculty of a school of architecture in the state, with practical or academic expertise in the field of design, planning, historic preservation or the history of architecture, or a professional architectural designer or professional urban planner, one developer, one attorney who has considerable experience in land use and zoning issues, and one person who has education and/or experience in historic preservation issues. For purposes of this section, the term "education and/or experience in historic preservation issues" shall be a person who meets one or more of the following criteria: (1). Has earned a college degree in historic preservation (2). Is responsible for the preservation, revitalization or adaptive reuse of historic buildings; or (3). Is recognized by the city commission for contributions to historic preservation, education or planning. No person except a resident of the city, or an individual having their main business interest in the city shall be eligible for appointment to the Planning Board. City Liaison: Mercedes Lamazares. A ointments To Be Made Frank Kruszewski General Business 12/31/2009 Cily Commission 12/31/13 .embers: Name Last Name Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Daniel Veida Historic Preservation 12/31/2010 City Commission 12/31/14 Henry Stolar General Business 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/13 Jonathan Beloff Attorney 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/15 Jonathan Fryd Developer 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/13 Jorge Kuperman Architect TL 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 City Commission 12/31/10 Randy Weisburd General Business 12/31/2010 City Commission 12/31/13 Applicants Position/'I'itle Applicants Position/Title Michael Gongora Alan Lips Beth Gopman Bryan Rosenfeld Gary Twist Gilbert Squires Hans Bos Jacqueline Lalonde Jane Gross Jariel Bortnick Jay Parker Jeffrey Cohen John Corey Leonard Wien, Jr. Michael Bernstein Oliver Weidch Richard Freeman Richard (Rick) Kendle Robert Rabinowitz ~{c Seth Frohlich Thursday, Marcb 04, 2010 Page 37 of SO