013-2010 Designation of Stte Road 934/71 St Rosendo Rosell Road~E~~~I~lE~7 m MIAMI BEAC 2°'Q~~`'-' F~~~ ~~°'- OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM no.013-2010 To: Commissioner Edward Tobin FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City~Manager DATE: March 4, 2010 SUBJECT: Designation of Westbou d Portion of State Road 934/71 ~ Street, From Collins Avenue to Bay Road as "Rosendo Ros~ll Road" During the January 13, 2010 City Commission meeting you asked for background information on Rosendo Rosell, for whom the Sate approved a road designation contingent on local approval. As mentioned during the Commissl ~ n Meeting, this item was first considered by the Neighborhoods/ Community Affairs Committee o~i November 5, 2008. The item was referred to the Committee as requested by State Representativ Eddy Gonzalez, the state sponsor of this legislation. As explained in the agenda item, the co-designation of a state road requires approval by resolution of the local governing body. While County C mmissioner Bruno Barreiro secured a County resolution, a resolution by the City of Miami Beach was r quired. As you may recall, no action was taken by the committee at that time, as no one from the St~te Representative's office was present. Please see the attached agenda and minutes from the No ember, 2008 Committee meeting, as well as information regarding the request and the State legislation (Attachment Al-3). The matterwas brought back to thje Neighborhoods/Community Affairs Committee on October 7, 2009 at the request of family who we a inquiring on the status of the co-designation. The Committee unanimously moved to designate ~ portion of 71St Street after Rosendo Rosell. Please see attached a copy of the Committee item, as well as the Committee minutes (Attachments B1-2). As noted, there was Committee discussion prior tb approval. Specifically to your request for summary on his life. Rosendo researcher and historian who we Cuban and Mexican movies. He Monte and La Havana. He then c and comedy. He also authored m without profanity. In addition, he I the Americas. He is considered search resulted in more than 20C also see an article that details his was mentioned that he performer or satire about Nazi-era Germarn We are working with Mr. Rosel location of the event will be pro Please let me know if you have JMG\HF\MAS c: Honorable Mayor and Mer Hilda M. Fernandez, Assis F:\cmgr\$ALL\HFernandez\Tourism and Cu We ore committed to providing excellent public iitional information on Rosendo Rosell, the following is a brief sell is a composer, writer, journalist, actor, animator, producer, ;d in radio, theater, cabaret and Cuban television, as well as in rrted in his twenties singing tangos with pianist Gustavo Lopez in ie to have his own orchestra before turning entirely to performance :than one hundred songs and has recorded 22 comedy albums, all > published several books and wrote for decades in the Journal of many as the most multifaceted, talented Cuban artist. A Google )0 hits for "Rosendo Rosell" (see attached screen print). Please ~omplishments (Google translation provided). During the meeting it a movie called Hitler Soy Yo (Hitler Am I). The movie was a farce family to coordinate an unveiling of the sign. The date, time and ed to the Commission once final plans are completed. further questions. s of the City Commission City Manager Development\Culture\Rosendo Rosell Commission Memo 3~-10.doc and safety to all who live, work, and ploy in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. ~~ M(AM(~EA H OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSIC ATTACHMENT A-1 --- - - -- - ---- MEMORANDUM TO: Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager FROM: Matti H. Bower, Mayl r ' DATE: September 22, 2009 SUBJECT: Agenda Item for G~ctober 7, 2008 City Commission Meeting Please place on the October' 2008 City Commission meeting agenda a referral to the October 22, 2008 NeighborhoodsiCo munlty Affairs committee a discussion regarding a request by Rep. Eddy Gonzalez (Hialeah to designate 71M Street In Miami Beach as Rosendo Rosell Way. Thank you. Agenda Item Dat® - ~- We are comm7lled ro pmvlding excelleN pu Iro service and aofety !o all who Bvs, work, and play to our vlbranl, froptcnl, hlsroric communly. NEIGHBORHOODS/CQMMUNITY AFFAI~~ COMMITTEE Agenda (October 7, 2009) Page 9 of 59 ATTACHMENT A-2 Report of the Nelghborhoods/ComrhunityAffaIrs Committee of October 22, 2008 November 5, 2006 Page 6 of 6 Commissioner Libbin made a motion to move forward in amending the ordinance as administration has reco mended, including the ensuring that the Special Master does not have the discretion to eli inate the community service requirement or mitigate fines. Vice-Mayor S4eiriberg-§u gested~he city offe~~he option of using an approved-recommended- - ~ - company. He added tha this may speed up the process for property owners since they may not have someone rea y to do the work and may take some time to find someone to remediate the graffiti. s. Fernandez explained that the city's public works department is handling public property nd that the city'may be able to offer to do it for the property owner at a specked cost. Commi sinner Steinberg and Mayor Bower stated they do not feel the city should do that. Ms. F rnandez stated that they would prepare a release of liability. Commissioner Steinberg asked Ms. Fernandez to look into having someone to recommend to property owners, even p ssibly Teen Job Corps. Commissioner Tobin seconded motion. ACTION: The committe moved to go forward in amending the ordinance as administration has recommended, inclu ing the ensuring that the Special Master not have the discretion to eliminate the community service requirement or mitigate fines. •~~. 3. DISCUSSION REGAR ING REQUEST BY HIALEAH'S REPRESENTATIVE EDDY GONZALEZ TO DESIGNATE 71ST STREET IN MIAMI BEACH AS ROSENDO ROSELL WAY. Kevin Crowder explaine that the request came in from Representative Eddy Gonzalez. He reminded the committee that the commission passed a resolution in the spring 2008 to co- designate 71st Street as enri Levy Boulevard. Commissioner Tobin one. He asked for a ACTION: The JMG/HMF/rFm if anyone was present on behalf of Rosendo Rosell. There was no . There was none. took no action. T:IAGENDA120081November 5\COnseni~Report of NCAC Oct22-OB.doc ITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Agenda (October 7, 2009) Page 5 of 59 a f .,~ ATTACHMENT A-3 From: Llerena, Victoria [mailto: Sent: Friday, September 19, 20 To: Weinstein, AC Cc: Gonzalez, Eddy; Rey, Jose; Subject: Road Designation- Ro; Hi AC, j I'm still trying to figure this all 3;04 PM ndo Roseli myself, but here is what I know so far: A group of Rosendo Rossell ad firers asked the county for a resolution urging the state legislature to designate 7181 str et in Miami Beach as "Rosendo Rosell Way" (see attached). Mr. Rossell is a resident of Miami B ach and Ilves on 718` street. At the behest of one of our Hialeah constituent, Rep. Eddy Gonzale sponsored the bill at the state level which was passed and signed by the governor on June 17 (see link). Now, the FDOT cannot contli Miami Beach that honors Mr, needs to have an accompany Miami beach. So, i need to see how rt would Please let me know if this done. Thank youl __ . `Victoria LCerena District Executive Secretary Representative Eddy Gonzal tooot NW 87th Avenue Hialeah Gardens, FL 33016 ~ (305)364-3066 Fax (305)3 Please Note: Florida has a very broad state business are consideredto 6e pu email messages may, therefore, be su processing the sign until it has a resolution from the City of sendo Rossell. As you know, any road designations by the state resolution from the local government- in this case the city of possible to place this item on the next city council meeting. a little bk of light, and how we can work together to get this District toe ~lic records law. Mort wriaen communlmtions to or from state oftidak regarding rernrds and vn71 be made avoilabk to the publk and the media upon request Your t to public disrJosure AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Agenda (October 7, 2009) Page 6 of 59 4, . 146 147 148 149 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 1701 171' 172! 173 174 ENROLLED 2008 Legislature CS for SS 1604, 3rd Engrossed 20081609er _ - - desi nated as "Jacobo ababie Avenue." (2) The De artme t of Trans ortation is directed to erect suitable markers desi atin Jacobo Cababie Avenue as described in subsection (1). -~- Section 13. Rose do Rosell Road desi nated; De artment of Trans ortation to erec suitable markers.-- (1) That ortion of State Road 934/71st Street between Ba Drive and State Road A A/Collins Avenue in the Cit of Miami Beach in Miami-Dade Co ntv is desianated as "Rosendo Rosell Road." (2) The Departure t o suitable markers desig ati lA jJVLLaL1 V11 LA U1LCGl.CU l.V CLCVI. sendo Rosell Road as described in subsection (1). Section 14. Aven e of the Americas desi nated; De artment of Trans ortation to e ect suitable markers.-- (1) That ortion of S.E. 2nd Avenue from the Miami River south to S.E. 2nd Stre t in Miami-Dade Count is desi nated as "Avenue of the America ." (2) The De artme t of Trans ortation is directed to erect suitable markers desi atin Avenue of the Americas as described in subsection (1). Section 15. MS t. Ben'amin Strickland Hi hwa desi nated; Department of Transpor ation to erect suitable markers.-- (1) That portion 137th Avenue in Miami- Benjamin Strickland Hi (2) The Depart suitable markers des described in subsect of State Road 836 between 97th Avenue an fade County is designated as "MSgt. hw~ ay•" it of Transportation is directed to erect iatina MSat. Benjamin Strickland Hiahwav 1). Page 6 of 15 CODING: Words~~n are eletions; words underlined are additions. ~ NEIGHBORHOODS/C MMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Agenda (October 7, 2009) Page 7 of 59 ,i ENEOLL'ED 2008 Legislature CS for SB 1604, 3rd Engrossed 20081604er 349 (2) The De artme t of Trans ortation is directed to erect 350 suitable markers desi atin Rolando Encinosa Road as described 351 in subsection (1). Section 35. Henri Lev Boulevard desi nated; De artment of 353 Trans ortation to erec suitable markers.-- 354 (1) That ortion of 71't Street between Collins Avenue and 355 Ba Drive in the Cit f Miami Beach in Miami-Dade Count is 356 desi nated as "Henri Lev Boulevard." 357 (2) The De artme t of Trans ortation is directed to erect 358 suitable markers desi natin Henri Lev Boulevard as described in 359 subsection (1). 360 Section 36. Man el Fei'oo Avenue desi nated; De artment of 361 Trans ortation to ere t suitable markers.-- 362 (1) That ortio of S.W. 72nd Avenue between S.W. 21st 363 Street and North Wate a Drive in Miami-Dade Count is 364 desi nated as "Manuel Fei'oo Avenue." 365 (2) The De artment of Trans ortation is directed to erect ,_366. suitable. markers. desi. natin Manuel_.Fei'oo Avenue as described in 367 subsection (1). 368 Section 37. All America Parkwa desi nated; De artment of 369 Trans ortation to ere t suitable markers.-- 370 (1) That ortio of U.S. Hi hwa 1 between S.W. 80th Street 371 and S.W. 57th Avenue 'n Miami-Dade Count desi nated as "South 372 Miami All-American Pa kwa b cha ter 2003-298, Laws of Florida, 373 is redesi nated as "A 1 America Parkwa ." 374 (2) The De artm nt of Trans ortation is directed to erect 375 suitable markers rede i natin the South Miami All-American 376 Parkwa as All Americ Parkwa as described in section (1). 377 Section 38. Kat Brine Fernandez Rundle Avenue desi nated; Page 13 of 15 j CODING: Wordsa~n are deletions; words underlined are additions. NEIGHBORHOODS/C MMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Agenda (October 7, 2009) Page 8 of 59 i ATTACHMENT B-1 Neig DISCUSSION REGARDI ROSELL. (Referral requested by M, ~nmunity Affairs Committee Meeting October 7, 2009 THE NAMING A PORTION OF 77't STREET AFTER ROSENDO Matti Herrera Bower) ITEM #1 AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Agenda (October 7, 2009) Page 3 of 59 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR A TO: Jorge M. Gon FROM: Matti Herrera DATE: August 20, 2d SUBJECT: Consent Ager colvmnssloN MEMORANDUM City Manager Item: a referral to the Neighborhoods Committee Please place on the Sept 9, 20 9 Commission meeting agenda a referral to the Neighborhoods Committer to discuss naming a portion o 71 Street after Rosendo Rosell. Such designation was awarded by the Coun and the State, but the City m also act for the naming to take effect. I thank you in advance for yo cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rebec a Wakefield at extension 6157. Thank you. MHB/rw We aye cwnmii~ed ro /Npvjdiifg excellanl pu lic dervice and so/ay ro all who live, work, and ploy to our. Agenda ~tenl C~__ Date 9-9-09 ' NEIGHBORHpODS/C MMUNITY AFFAI~COMMITTEE Agenda (October 7, 2009) Page 4 of 59 ATTACHMENT B-2 m MIAMIBEAC City of Miami Bach, 1700 Convention Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera I FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, C DATE: December 9, 2009 SUBIECT: REPORT OF THE NI MEETING HELD ON A meeting of the Neighborhoods 2009 at 2:30pm in the City Manac attendance: Jerry Libbin, J~ attendance: Tim Hemstreet, A; Public Works Department Direct Director; Max Sklar, Cultural Aff Development Division Director; K and John Oldenburg, Parks any William Carey, Planning Depai Manager; (see any additional Compliance Division. OLD BUSINESS - j ' 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING ROSELL..(3:07PM) Kevin Crowder, Economic Miami-Dade County Coma a street after Mr. Rosell. Discussion continued regar Rosendo Rosell and Henri L Department Director, explaii (FDOT) and they need a res~ that is done, the City will wor between the different signs. Daniel Veitia suggested kee Rosendo Rosell's signage fr attendees spoke in favor of and Members of the City Commission IV AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (NCACj ,Y, OCTOBER 7, 2009. community Affairs Committee was held on Wednesday, October 7, ar's Large Conference Room, 4"' Floor, City Halt. Commissioners in nah Wolfson, Edward L. Tobin, and Saul Gross. City staff in Distant City Manager; Jose Smith, City Attorney; Fred Beckmann, r; Anna Parekh, Real Estate, Housing and Community Development irs and Tourism Development Director; Kevin Crowder, Economic vin Smith, Parks and Recreation Department Director, Julio Magrisso Recreation Assistant Directors; Jorge Gomez, Planning Director; ment Assistant Director; Gary Farmer, Cultural Affairs Program names on sign-in sheet attached) and Randi MacBride, Code NAMING A PORTION OF 71ST STREET AFTER ROSENDO ~ment Division Director, introduced the item. Bruno Barreiro, for District 5, explained he originally requested the State name I the fact that the State has designated parts of 71~ Street after and the placement of those signs. Fred Beckmann, Public Works that he has spoken with the Florida Department of Transportation ion from the City to officially install the Rosendo Rosell signs. Once th FDOT to provide the locations to place the signs to avoid conflict ~ the Henri Levy signage in the Normandy Isle portion and having Collins Avenue to Dickens Avenue or Bay Drive eastward. Several Veitia's recommendation. , Agenda Item G(p Date /2-g,~y 67 Report of the Neighborhoods/Cc December 9, 2009 Commission Page 2 of 7 June Levy Neubauer, daughtE she has been waiting for a re shall be named after a living F not governed by such an ordir to name after Mr. Rosell. Coi this because the City has an Commissioner Libbin added tl feel that the City is in the posi does not think it is the City's I Affairs Committee of October 7, 2009 of Henri Levy requested the discussion be tabled for a while since ~onse to her question regarding her understanding that no street rson. Jose Smith clarified that this is a State road and the state is nce. Ms. Neubauer then asked if the City could find another street nissioner Wolfson explained that the Ciry would not be able to do rdinance prohibiting the naming of a street after a living person. ~t the State has bestowed this honor on Mr. Rosell and he does not n to either approve the State's recommendation or block it and he ice to withhold an honor that is due. Commissioner Libbin sugges ed naming one direction of 718 Street after Rosendo Rosell and the other direction after Henri L vy. Currently 71st Street is named after Henri Levy from Collins Avenue to Bay Drive. There as consensus from those attending. Commissioner Wolfson mad the motion to designate the westbound portion of State Road 934, from Collins Avenue to Bay rive as Rosendo Rosell Way and to leave the designation on 7185 Street eastbound from Collin Avenue to Bay Drive as Henri Levy Boulevard. Commissioner Libbin seconded. ACTION: The committee m ved to designate the westbound portion of State Road 934, from Collins Avenue to Bay Drive s Rosendo Rosell Way and to leave the designation on 718t Street eastbound from Collins Aven a to Bay Drive as Henri Levy Boulevard. 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING HE MIAMI-DADS COUNTY HOMELESS TRUST'S CAMPAIGN TO USE REFURBISHED PARK NG METERS IN MIAMI BEACH IN AN EFFORT TO GIVE PEOPLE AN ALTERNATIVE TO GIVI G MONEY TO PANHANDLERS. (3:25 PM) Anna Parekh, Real Estate, h explaining that the item is regarding the Miami-Dade C meters for a new program. Mr. David Raymond, Execu program. Part of the campai ensure that the Trust is not 1 giving a lot of money to panh use; the Trust wants everyor giving pattern so that when tl them for help or, if they want it to the Trust to assist in func meters that will be refurbisl referral cards inside busine: would like to start with 500 n the City of Miami Beach to around the City. Commissioner Libbin acF move away if they are no meters are raising much ing and Community Development Director, began the presentation the agenda for discussion and guidance from the committee ty Homeless Trust's (Trust) campaign to use surplus City parking re Director of the Trust, reviewed the highlights of the proposed i is to raise the public's awareness of the programs that exist and to 3 best kept secret in town. Survey results indicate that people are idlers and realizing that this money is not necessarily put to the best to know of the services they offer. The desire is to redirect people's ~y see someone on the street they give them a referral card to direct give money, that they put their money in one of the meters to route ~g these needed services. The artist Romiro Britto has designed the d for collecting, and displays have been designed to hold these es. The City of Miami has already donated 100 meters and they ~ters county-wide. Mr. Raymond asked to procure old meters from a refurbished and work with the City to place them appropriately Iged that having people donate in meters may have panhandlers being given money directly, however it does not seem that these Commissioner Wolfson ask d what kind of guarantee is there as to where the funds collected will be utilized and would these funds go to helping the homeless on Miami Beach. Mr. Raymond explained that 100% will b going to new shelter beds, and indoor meal programs. He added 68 ~C O~ W w ~_ O a LL Q 0 ~_~ N Z. ti r~ $ ~ p V 0 °o 0 m Z W Z ~ .. J ~ _.. --- W ~ ^ yr . ~ .. ~ - - ~ - ~ ~--~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ? ~ ~ ~' ~ m M `^ ~ ~ ~ ~ O z r r ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~, ~ '- ~ ~ ~ c~ ~'1 /'~ t~ ~ a ~ ~1 (V' V ~ O U ~ J ~ u `p ~. H N Z w ~ ~ e1 ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ v -~ X ~ , ~ a ~ `~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ a' ~ 6 ~ a ~ ~ C z .~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 7 ` \ ~, V d ~ ~ r h V ~i 74 _,<.. .r 0 Q .~ 0 ~. n P ... E E; :4 g'>I ~.~.,.: a ::... ~~ ~~ '\.n/ e- W ~W'° F~ 0 a 0 ~_° N Z ~ ~~ ~~,, ® O 0 /~ /4'1 V W N z T <~ 1• .~ .~. -.... -a ~ W - _ ~ .~ . ,: ~ _ _, .-~ _ ,, ~ - - . - --- ~ ~ .._ . ~ _ ..._ .... ~ .~_ ® . 1 o- a \ Q V- ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.n Z ~ r Z O m ~ ~'~- ~ 9 ~ ~ -~ ~r ~O r t„ - y 1 ^ _ ryp -r- a a ~ ~S ~ 0 ~ Z ~ 2 ~ N ~ j ~ ~ . q N w ~ ~ _ - Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ r ' ~ - C.~ ~ ~~}.\1 ~ ~ ~ 4 ~` r L ' ~ 6 r Z \~ J '~ c` ~ ~ . . C 75 ,.q~ ~. b ~ y 7rir8 W V Q 0 0 ~_ ~ N Z~ ~ m .a O O 0 i M~ W Z W _Z _. -1J ~' 0 ~ J Q.. ... ._ _........_ . .. ` ___,.. ...... _._. ~ W' ~ ~ ~ .. x LL i ~ ~ ' ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ q,; - ~ - `fD N ~ ~ r p ,~ ~ ,v \9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N a W D O ; ~ ~ , ~ V 0 ,~ v `' ~ J Q ~ -;. ` ~ -~ I~ ~ , ~ w ~ . z ~ o ~ j 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 76 z E 8 ,$ a 0 ~- P .~ 0 g ~.: ~.. CubaNuE Rosendo Rosell: 90 anos 2008-5-11 Por Maria Argelia Vizcaino. www. marlaargelia vizca/no. com Parece que el termino municipal ~ del mundo que ha tenido la exclu vientre de la madre a carcajadas, Hernandez Padron, conocido en e que ademas de mantenerse Conti cubania. stra Digital .m.~.,., e Placetas, en la provincia central de Cuba, es el unico lugar ~ividad de que un nirio al nacer en vez de Ilorar, saliera del Ocurrio el 25 de junio de 1918, y fue bautizado Rosendo ambito artistico como Rosendo Rosell, el unico placeteno nto tratb de alegrar la vida de los demas cultivando la Pero Rosell no ha sido solamente un humorists consagrado, sino que en noventa anos de vida ha laborado en diferentes frentes culturales, y en todos se ha distinguido poniendo muy en alto el Hombre de la tierra que to vio nacer pars orgullo de sus compatriotas. Cantante en sus inicios, composi or de mas de cien temas que han grabado grander interpreter del mundo, animador locutor, narrador deportivo, escritor, periodista, libretista de sus propios programas y discos, roductor de espectaculos, investigador, cronista, historiador, actor de radio, teatros, cabaret, elevision y en el cine cubano y el mexicano, to que le ha ganado con justicia la categoria a polifacetico. Se inicio en el mundo del espect culo profesionalmente a la edad de 20 anos cantando tangos con el pianists Gustavo Lopez en la emisora CMG de Rodriguez y Hermann que estaba en Monte y Estevez, en La Habana. legando a tener su propia orquesta con directores musicales de la categoria de los maestros dolfo Guzman, Humberto Suarez y Rafael Lay, en diferentes momentos, integrada por music magistrates como ei cantante Julio Valdes y el arreglista, compositor Richard Egues que to aba el piano, antes de integrar la Orquesta Aragon como tat y posteriormente sustituir al flau ista Rolando Lozano, entre otros. Como actor comenzo en el teatr al lado de figuras de gran renombre como Carlitos Pous y Candita Quintana y despues fue ocutor de la emisora de Casas Romero la COCO, Ilegando a tener uno de los programas mas populares junto a Rita Montaner (bautizada por sobradas razones "La lJnica") en 1942 por RHC-Cadena Azul, Ilamado «Yo no se nada~, que casi todos los bidgrafos de Rita de la era p st-Castro han omitido, donde Rita cantaba el terra "Lengua lira" que ha imitado Julio Sabala en una presentacidn de los Premios Lo Nuestro de Univision, sin que nadie harts la fecha le di ra el credito, y que parte de la tetra dice: "Mejor que me calle, que no digs Wads, que to q e to saber, yo tambien to se." Estando entre los fundadores de 'sketch' de la TV producido por ~ patrocinado por Hallicrafters-Eric humoristico de Garrido y Pinero vedette Bertica Serrano del prog programs infantil de gran audier de Television a traves de CMBF-i los anos estrellas en su medio cc la television de nuestro psis, participd en 1950 en el primer anolo Alonso del Canal 4, Union-Radio-Television, idaire, que contaba entre las figuras estelares con el duo con la joven actriz Ada Bejar. Fue animador junto a la •ama "Variedades Hatuey", Ilegando a ser el conductor de un cis por didactico, divertido y entretenido Ilamado La Escuelita :anal 4, en el que participaban Winos que muchos fueron con mo la primers bailarina del Ballet Nacional de Cuba, Martica Garcia, premiada y reconocida in1 Casas, miembro de la Real Acade Literatura; Ana Martha Robledo, ~ de La Habana en 1953; Sarita Mz cordura y asesino a su hija de 14 profesionaimente el prestigioso a Rodriguez Blanco un sencillo pert ~rnacionalmente; el escritor y poets premiado Luis Angel nia Espanola en Miami, nominado pars el Premio Nobel de octora en psicologia y que fue la Reins Infantil del Carnaval berti actriz de altos quilates (que en la madurez perdio la Enos); entre otros, este fue el programs donde se inici6 for Armando Roblan cuando era Francisco Armando genial caricaturists. Como humorists grab6 veintidos iscos de larga duration con chistes sin caer en groserias, ademas ha publicado varios libro : "Pequena Biografia de un Gran Pueblo", Placetas; Cuentos picantes; Mas Cuentos Picantes c n dibujos y caricatures; Vida y Milagros de la Farandula en Cuba, (cinco tomos) y escribe po decades en el Diario de las Americas la leida columns Mundo de Estrellas. Es compositor de un centenar de Como el Conjunto Roberto Faz qu la Malta Hatuey y se la adjudican Pedro ]ustiz "Peruchin" le ha gral Muchachita del bar, En la capital, vanidad); Oscar D'Le6n ha grabs muchos mss Como Fernando Albr Conjunto Casino; la Orquesta He Diaz y su orquesta; Anita Isaac; de Machito; IVico Membiela; Mart Lopez "Cachao", etc. Por tal motivo es considerado el hays tenido oportunidad de recd nombraron "Rey Momo" para el la mitologia griega, Momo, es ur del Olimpo con sus criticas agud nombrado "Die de Rosendo RosE "Hijo Distinguido de Placetas" pc abril, 2008, en su honor se hizo Dade College Wolfson Campus, Exilio, y por sugerencia del amic Alzugaray, presidente de la orga to que propiciara a jovenes sin r propongan en sus estudios espe relacionadas. En to personal podemos decir qt Maze y Aurora Padron Lopez, co Joffre el 25 de junio de 1946 (el Habana y debuto en la CBS de ~ Habana de manos del reverendc profesora de la Escuela de Arqui y con dos hijos de los que habla canciones populares, cantadas por destacados interpreter e le grabo Sabrosona (que fue compuesta para promocionar a Rafael Lay y Richard Egiies que fueron los arreglistas); ado: Male Hots, La malanga, Yo Hunts pense, Paris, Can can cha, Cobarde (que inicialmente se (lamb Humo y io Calculadora; Celia Cruz el bungalir Metida con yu, y erne; Xiomara Alfaro; La Orquesta Aragon; Los Cafro; el manor Castro con Chamaco Garcia; Enrique Chia; Gilberto Rolando Laserie; Orquesta de Belisario Lopez; la Orquesta r Perez; la Orquesta Sublime; el Trio los Titaness Israel Has polifacetico de los talentos artisticos cubanos, de ahi que r grander reconocimientos en Cuba, Como en 1954 to ~arnaval de La Habana, algo que to Ileno de satisfaction, (en dios de la burls y la locura, famoso por divertir a los dioses s y mimics) y en el exilio ei 17 de Julio de 1988 fue I en Miami", y el 19 de noviembre de 1989 se le honro Como sus compueblanos de su municipio en el exilio. Y el 18 de ntrega de la Beca "Rosendo Roseil Scholarship", en el Miami aspiciada por el College y por el Municipio de Placetas en el Arturo M. Del Monte que rapidamente acato el Dr. Manuel izacion haciendo los tramites pertinentes para su efectividad, :ursos suficientes que puedan alcanzar la meta que se alizados en teatro, television, entretenimiento y disciplines Rosendo Rosell es hijo de Tomas Hernandez Perez de la ~ dos hermanas Elsa y Mery. Se taro con la joven Martha 'nismo die de su natalicio, en el ano en que se mudo para La 'w York) en la legendaria Iglesia del Santo Angel en La Padre Gonzalo Gayol. Tuvieron una Bola hija Martica, ectura de FIU, casada con el arquitecto Jaime Carraves Milian naravillas el abuelo. Sabemos que Cuba tuvo y tiene rtistas muy buenos, pero ai mismo tiempo que pueda abarcar tantas facetas tan bien omplementadas que es imposible senalar cual seria la mejor desempenada, solo hay uno: RO ENDO ROSELL. Pero ademas le Cabe la gloria de ser gran amigo, siempre con una palabra importancia que en realidad ha 1 Hombre extraordinario y sencillo amplia y digna trayectoria, por to y del publico admirador de su obr de las tiendas EI Encanto donde I. de vida haciendo reir, en el show 3:00 de la tarde, en el Miami-Dac se uniran para agasajar al maestl telafonos (305) 358-5885, al Aud 0109. Un lindo proyecto con el qt. problemas de salud tuve que rele Rodriguez Aleman y Arturo M. D~ Miyares y los miembros de la org Una estrella tan grande de nuest siquiera sus coterraneos saben d inolvidable pueblo, al que le ha d Lamentablemente el Miami de he mantenimiento del teatro, la rad del espectaculo, mucho menos Ic criaron en la era post Castro cua enciclopedia viviente que ha cons cronicas de Mundo de Estrellas ri culturales y a los despojadores n encomiable su obra, que perdura ha proscrito en nuestro pals y su Mas detalles sobre su vida y foto dedicado en nuestra paging http Opiniones y sugerencias bienvei puede encontrarlo visitando ww le, educado, sensible, sin darse la verdadera y tiene. la vez, que ha engrandecido a Cuba y a los cubanos con razon un grupo de amigos, de los tantos que ha cosechado junto a antiguos colegas del espectaculo y ex empleados sorb antes de ser famoso, celebraremos unidos sus 90 arios Un millon de carcajadas", el domingo iro. de junio, a las County Auditorium. Renombradas figuras del espectaculo de la rasa. Interesados en reservar pueden Ilamar a los orium (305) 547-5414 y Lourdes Alvarino al (305) 551- me comprometf cooperar desde su inicio pero que por ar, dejandolo en las Buenas manos de los amigos Manolo Monte que cuentan con el apoyo necesario de Julian Dario iizacibn de ex empleados de las Tiendas del Encanto. ~ pals y penosamente en el mismo no se le menciona, ni todos sus meritos y de como ha Ilenado de honra a su dicado su conmovedora cancion titulada "Placetas". ~, que le debe Canto por sus esfuerzos en la fundacidn y y TV en espanol, cast no sabe de este significante talento cubanos que viven desperdigados por el mundo que se do fue tratado de borrar de nuestra historic. Una ibuido a alimentar nuestra memoria hist6rica con sus :ogidas en cinco libros. Pero pese a los delincuentes azquinos su gloria siempre saldra a la luz, porque es muy a indefinidamente, mas alla que el mismo gobierno que to agentes en el exterior. pueden conocerlas visitando la section que le hemos /www.mariaargeliavizcaino.tom/m-Rosendo_Rosell.html los a mariaargelia@hotmail.com. Mas trabajos de la autora mariaargeliavizcaino.tom Marfa Argella www.mariaargeliavizcaino.com CubaNue: Rosendo Rosell: 90 years of 2008-5-11 Por Maria Argelia Vizcaino. www. mariaargeliavizcaino. com [GOGGLE Translation, as amended] It seems that the municipality of Placetas, in child at birth leaving the womb with laughter Rosendo Herni3ndez PadrOn, known in the a but also brightened the lives of others by cult But Rosell was not just a consecrated humo distinguished itself by elevating the name of composer of over a hundred songs that have sports broadcaster, writer, journalist, writer c actor in radio, theater, cabaret, television an justice the category of multi-faceted. ~tra Digital IaugM1h~ central province of Cuba is the only place that had the exclusivity of a Lead of crying. It happened on 25 June 1918, and the child was named as Rosendo Rosell, the only placeteRo who not only tried to stay happy, tins Cuban culture. st; in ninety years has worked in various cultural fronts, and has ie land of his birth for the pride of his countrymen. Singer in the beginning, been recorded by the world's greatest performers, animator, announcer, a his own programs and disks, show producer, researcher, writer, historian, the Cuban and Mexican cinema -all have which have earned won him with He broke into show business professionally t the age of 20 years singing tangos with pianist Gustavo Lopez on radio station CMCJ that belonged to Rodriguez a d Hermann, located in Monte and Estrsvez, in Havana. He eventually got his own orchestra with musical directors of the talus of teachers Adolfo Guzman, Humberto Suarez and Rafael Lay, at various times, consisting of master musician like singer Julio Valdes and arranger, composer Richard Eg(ies who played the piano, before Orquesta Aragon integral itself and then replaced the flutist Rolando Lozano, among others. As an actor he began in the theater next to announcer of the radio station COCO (belo Rita Montaner (named for good reason "Th of Rita's biographers post-Castro era have imitated by Julio Sabala in a presentation o part of the words of the song which say: "B~ Being among the founders of television in c Manolo Alonso from Channel 4 Radio and the outstanding performers the humorous c entertainer with Bertice Serrano of the "Var audience that provided educational, fun am Children who became over the years stars, award-winning, internationally recognized Academy in Miami, nominated for the Nobe Infantil del Camaval de la Habana in 1953, daughter for 14 years); among others, this started professionally when he was Armanc ~nowned figures as Charlie Quintana and Candita Pous and then was ding to Casas Romero), leading to one of the most popular programs with One") in 1942 by RHC-Cadena Azul, called "I know nothing", that almost all 'en omitted, where Rita was singing the song "Lengua Lisa" (who has been Jnivision's Premios Lo Nuestro, for which no one so far has given him credit, ter that a stay quiet, not say nothing, because what you know, me too I know. it country, he participated in 1950 in the first'sketch' of TV produced by ~levision Union-sponsored by Hallicrafters-Frigidaire, which counted among io Garrido and Piriero and the young actress Ada Bejar. He was the star qty Show Hatuey," becoming the host of a children's show with a large entertaining TV called La Escuelita through CMBF-Channel 4, which involved ;uch as the prima ballerina of the Ballet Nacional de Cuba, Martica Garcia, card-winning writer and poet Luis Angel Casas, member of the Royal Spanish Prize for Literature, Ana Martha Robledo, Ph.D. in psychology and the Reina ctress Sarita Malberti high karat (at maturity went insane and murdered his as the program where the prestigious actor Francisco Armando Robles r Rodriguez Blanco, a simple but great cartoonist. As a humorist he recorded twenty-two albu s with jokes without being rude, and also published several books: "Brief Biography of a Great People;" Placetas; Sp' y stories; More Hot stories with cartoons and caricatures, Life and Miracles in Showbusiness Cuba (five volumes) and he rote for decades in the Journal of the Americas World in the well-read World of Stars column. He has written hundreds of popular songs, sung by prominent singers like Roberto Faz who recorded the song Sabrosona (which was written to promote M Ita Hatuey although credit is given to Rafael Lay and Richard Eg0es who were the arrangers); Pedro Justiz " Peruchin 'recorded: Bad Note, Dasheen, I Never Thought, Paris, Muchachita, The Bar, In the Capital, Can Can Cha, Coward (o iginally called Smoke and Vanity); Oscar D'Leon has recorded Calculator, Celia Cruz recorded EI Bungalu metida with u, and many more like Fernando Albuerne, Xiomara Alfaro, La Orquesta Aragon, Los Cafres, the Conjunto Casino, O uesta Hermanos Castro Chamaco Garcia, Enrique Chia, Gilberto Diaz and his Orchestra, Anita Isaac, Rolando Laserie ; Orquesta Belisario Lopez, Machito Orchestra, Nico Membiela, Marta Perez, the Orquesta Sublime; Titans Trio, Israel Lo z "Cachao" and so on. For this reason he is considered the most ve large awards in Cuba, such as in 1954 when him with satisfaction, (in Greek mythology, N Olympus with his sharp criticism and mime) on 19 November 1989 he was honored as" [ And on April 18, 2008, in his honor the first Campus was given, sponsored by the Collec M. Del Monte who quickly worked with Dr. M procedures to effectuate this scholarship, wh goals proposed in their specialized studies it hsatile of Cuban artistic talents, hence he has had an opportunity to receive he was named "King Momo" of the Carnival of Havana, something that filled omo, is a god of mockery and madness, famous for entertaining the gods of end in exit, July 17, 1988 was named "Day of Rosendo Rosell in Miami, "and iistinguished Placetas Son "by his townspeople in their municipality in exile. cholarship "Rosendo Rosell Scholarship" at Miami Dade College Wolfson e and the Municipality of Placetas in Exile, at the suggestion of friend Arthur anuel Alzugaray, president of the organization, to obtain the relevant ich will encourage young people without sufficient resources to achieve the theater, television, entertainment and related disciplines. In his personal life, Rosendo Rosell is the s n of Thomas Hernandez Perez de la Maza and Aurora Padron Lopez, and had two sisters Elsa and Mery. He married t e young Martha Joffre on 25 June 1946 (the day of his birth, in the same year they moved to Havana and he debuted on CBS in New York) in the legendary church of Sant'Angelo in Havana hands of the Reverend Father Gonzalo Gay I. They had only one child, Martica, a professor at FIU School of Architecture, who is married to Jaime Carrav~s Milian, al o an architect, and who have two children of whom the grandfather speaks wonders. We know that Cuba had and has very good rtists, but at the same time it someone who can cover as many facets so well that it is difficult to say who would be the be t, there is one: ROSENDO ROSELL. But in addition to being a great friend, he always has a kind word, is educated, se sitive, without realizing the true importance he has actually had and has. An extraordinary yet simple man, he has he group of friends, of many that has garnered employees of EI Encanto store where he we drawing laughs in the show "A million Laugf Leading figures of the show will come toget (305) 358-5885, at the Auditorium (305) 54. to cooperate from the start but that health p Rodriguez and Manolo M. Del Monte who h organization of former employees of EI Enc. A big star of our country who painfully is nc with honor as his unforgettable people, why Miami of today, who owes much for his eff< hardly knows about the significant talent of raised in the post-Castro era when they trie memory with World Stars chronicles collect always come to light, because his work is u has outlawed him in our country and its ovc More details about his life and photos can mariaargelia@hotmail.com. More work gyred Cuba and Cubans with a broad and dignified career, for that reason a ~blic and admirer of his work, along with former colleagues show and former :ed before he was famous, together we will celebrate its 90 years of life " on Sunday 1. June at 3:00 pm at the Miami-Dade County Auditorium. r to entertain the master of laughter. Interested in booking can call phone .414 and Lourdes AlvariRo at (305) 551-0109. A nice project that I undertook ~lems had to be relegated, leaving it in good hands with friends Arturo e the necessary support from Julian Dario Miyares and members of the mentioned and not even his countrymen know all iof his merits and has filled n he has dedicated his moving song entitled "Placetas" .Unfortunately, the is in founding and maintenance of the theater, radio and TV in Spanish, is show, much less the Cubans who live scattered around the world who to erase him from our history. A free living that has helped fuel our historical d in five books. But despite the cultural criminals and looters, his glory will ry commendable and will last indefinitely, beyond the same government that seas agents. them by visiting the section that we have dedicated our page do_Rosell.html. Opinions and suggestions welcome to found by visiting the author www.mariaargeliavizcaino.com q ~ ~^ NQ O .~ ii B '1? U! ~~ J n® yl , '~ ~ 'x ~_~~;~ N G q _ a ~~ c N ~ t °1 m m o, ~ ~ ~ u ~ m o ~ v ~' m N_ O "E o W .O j H 0 lV n i ~ u Q J j i U y m I I d v i i N c j~_-._ w ~ 1 4 i ~ i I I I O ~~ L ~, I ~ ' t°ji m i -O OI O ci sl ~~ N sl ~ zl ~ ~ N ! [0 ' O U UI V ~ I ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ mi g E' v LI ~' i I h I 0 Q a I, C i N O tO V m i ~_ W Z a1 ~ N O ~ O N ~ ~ ~ ~ c ai C .c C7 ~ ~ 9 O o. 0 0' o ~ VI U ~ ~ ~ ,U o ~ a ~ ~ `n d' F o O V C O C m m o- ~ O F (n O N ~ 0I m O ~ >, U m m ~ . t l0 ^ ~~ d N 0 d~~z ~,~~o~ a O y N C U C .~.. ~ ~ N m m °u C ~ L N ~ N N F- m J U _ N ~ ,C ~ ~ U O m °"'m ~ ~ ~ . O o ~ v, C ~ d 'p t0l1 C C m o c- E E C C ~S C N N N j ~ a W ~ ;~ d s f0 J. m d . `~_ d m O_ m ~ u m m N ~ C IA ~ `~ ~, m Q ~v o " ~ n d z 4 m o_ U ~ m t m ~ c A O _ _E O N J O_ (n ' U ~ N_ N_ ~ 6 m r ~ a. U ~ N 7 N 4~'Y O ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ LL~ L ~' ~ vi t N m C n O U D ~ s d U n ~ Z N ° C N N ~ [O ~ 10 ~ Q o U ~ N E a ~ ~ > 1 N N ~ J a N E bJ o T t0 >.y~ O f ~ N ~ 0 ~ (n O u 7 0 °- ~ = m ~ v m C 2 LL ~ p v ~ a d .. >n 1O S R' ¢Q~ . N C O a 0 m ` o ~. O m 2 0 W ~ N N O ~ ~ ~ Q ~ o Q U z ~ .o N= O J ~ ~ ~ J ~, n ~ W c w O ~ d' C' c~ Nu n _. _ ~ --~, H ~+ ~,~ O °o ~ ~ N 0 Q) ~ p V d~ d [*J d .n W O r~ ~ ZJ~ ~ F ~ J C ~ ~ ~ N '~ W m = ca $ O C ~ V ~ O t ` N O N ,~ O 4 - ~~ N ~ ~ d io N t0 u r v 0 C d v Y N O O t n m t N N ~~ d o N IL ~ _ c N y d `~ ~ IUO O_ O O ~. n ~ C ~ p D J ~ ~ , o t m n N ~ d N O_ C N ~ m m v o !n E a ~ ~r~m- N O