Eliane Soffer Board Application~; - BO>L,P~~ ,4tJu CCfVI[ti/!iT T ~E ~;PPLIC~;TIOh =CR1~ NAME : ~,~- ~ .~-~-~J` ~ Las? Name -ire+. Name IVuodie InrtEal ' ~~ c.3 Ap No. House Nc./Street City Q Stale Zip ~odE PHON! :~ ® . O~ l O ~- ~~~~ ~ ~ +~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !`. ~.. (fit ~C B i ~~ ~W4_~- - C~ Home Business Name' _ Address: No. Professional License (describe) _ City State Zip Code Expires ~ Attach b copy of .fhe license Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the fioliowing ways: a) an individual shall have been a resioent of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. • Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: YesNo ^ • Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes or No 0 ® Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes ^ or No D . (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North Beach South Beac Middle Bsach . I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below, ® Are you presentl}~ a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes ^ or No Please fist your preferences in order of ranking [1j first choice [2j second choice, and (3j third choice. Please note that only three C3) choices ~-HI tie observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) D Affordable Housin Adviso Committee D Housin Autho ' D Art in Public Places Committee D Loan Review Committee 0 Beauttficatian Committee D Marne Autho D g~~ of p-d~ustrne~ D Miami Bsach Commission for 1Nomen D Budget Adviso Committee D Miami Beach Culture( Arts Councll 0 C ftel lm rovements Pro~ects Oversight Committee 0 Nfiami Beach Sister Cifies Pry ram Committee on the Nameless D Normandy Shores Local Government Nei h. imerovemertt 0 Committee for Quai' Education in MB D Parks and Recreation i=aciifties Board 0 Commun' Develocment Adviso D Personnel Beard Commun' Retafions Board D Ptannin Board"' ^ Convention Center Advtso Board 0 Police Citizens Retations Committee D Debarment Committee D Production industry Council D Design Review Baardr` D Public Safe Advi o Committee D Disability Access Committee D Safe Committee D Fine Arts Berard D Sin ie Famit Residential Review Panel D Ga ,Lesbian, Bisexual and TransQender GLBT ^ Sustainabil' Committee ^ Goff Adviso Committee D Trans area Reiiabil' 8~ Accauntabiitty Committee "TRAC" 0 Health Adviso Committee D Trans ortation and Parkin Committee D Health i=aciltties Autho ' Board D Visitor and Convention Autho His anic Affairs Committee ^ Waterfront Protection Committee D Historic Preservation Board D Youth Center Advisory Berard "Board Required to File State Disclosure Form 2 Mote: If applying for Youth Advisor~~ Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott P~akow Youth Center: '~ Past service on the Youth Center Advtsory Beard: Yes = No~ Years or Service: Z Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yes_ No L, if yes, please ages. and which programs List beto~~. ~hi1d`s name: Age: Program: j Chitd'~ name Aa= Program: ,: L.P .~AL'_ ~a=~Rr1~,5~6~.ARG tiN~- ~~MMiri'~=~\B~ H,~nii~ai~onU62609 N~N .oo, V Email address Work Street Fax Position: li l the names o` your children, their ~'-ia'Je yp~~ av~' J~a,- ~~' ~%I~i°~ .., c T°i:~'1' ~' oc ~. ~V.i I V°;, al@?5~. °X~iali ~' it ~ gal: ~ :J. you ~Urr?'ltl~- ~BV~ c Vlo~atlorl;5 C~ ~I?\% O- C~iami ~~aC` ;OdeC YgS .. C NO ~' Vc~c o Q- i ~I,aSc Y,piair I. :2.,~a1,. • JG VOU currently CWe t'lo ~;liv O' I1~liam; 3°aCi''~ any' rnaney Yes 0"`..=.~" ~` v°S eXOiatr Ir~ aetall ~ .y r° VoU currentiv s]r~~Ir1C C~ ~n\' ~ Its' 3C8r~E C"~lr"litt~°S Yes C NO ~' ;r6S VN'"1lSi 708rG~' • Wriat or~,anization5 ir'. ,nom '..I?1 ~~ iJiiami ~°a^i"' ~C ;JJL CUrr°"iiiV r>CI~ ^"I~'rt'iC)°rSnl~; Ir: Name: ~ ftiG Name: ~ itie • List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of ,Viami Beach: • i am notir erTZpfoyec by the amity o' f~iiam~ Beach: Yes ~~ or Nou. Which deoartment~ : Furstlant.to C[ty Code Section 2-Z5 (bj: Do you have 2 parent D, spouse _, child ~; brother ~, or sister D who is employsc a~~ t~~. :. it}~ of Niiami 3~act-~ % Check al that apply. Identify the department(s): The folkowing intorrr~atton is voiuntan~ and es neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your considerattan for appointment being asked to comply with federal equal opportuntty reporting requirements.. Gender: D hhale ~ Female Ethnic Origin: Cheri: one only ;1} D White (Nat of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or the Mtctdle Gast. D afri.:an-American/Stack (Not of Hispanic Originj: AIf persons having origins in any a` the Blaci; racial groups of Africa. Hispanic: all persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race J t~stan or Pacfftc istantier: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the =ar mast, South+rast Asie, the Indian Subcontinent. or ~ the Patftc lstartcls. This area includes, far example, ChirtE, India, .iapan, Korea, the Philippine Islands and Samoa. D American i~clten or ,4taskan Native: All persons having origins in arn~ of the original peoples of North Arneri.:a, and who maintain ~ Guttural irlet*tttfCCafion through tribal affi{fiaflan or commtmlty recognition. ~. ~hysicatby Chaliengect: Yes ^ or o~ Employment Status =mployed D Retired ^ Homemakers ether D N6TE: ff appoettted, ycu wilt be reQubt+sd to fotiow certain iavrrs which apply to ctt:y baardicommtttise members. These havers bnciude, beat are not titratted tn, the following: c Prohibition from directly or indire:;fly lobbying cit}~ personnel (ftliiami Beach City Code section 2-49) Prohibition from contracting with the city (Niiam+-Dade County Oode section 2-'I '~ .1). Prohibition from lobbying before beard/commtttee you have served on fob period or one year after leaving office lNlcam Beach City Code section 2-z6}. Requirement to disclose certain financial interests aria gifts ({vi~am+-Dade County Lobe section 2-~ i .1 ). (re: CMB Community Devetoprnent Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving offl~~ from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development BIoc4< Grant funds for either voursef or thQSe with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CcP 570.61'') " Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Cierl;. "'. her 1' a f to c % and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and wi{( abide b}~ Crartte~ to V{{ City C d 'Sf;.ant4ards of Gonciuct for Git}~ Officers, =mptoyees and Agency Memb rs." ~` Apolic nt`s SYgr~e mate Name of HoDl~can~ (~'~~G,S~ ~~ i pr se attar; 2 cop, o" vottr resume tr, this appltcat~on ~ NO7E: Applccatiortr will remain file for a Deriod ~' DnP ! i ; ~at,endar vea- Recewec it the ~ t~, ~ieri~<. ~ffto< o~,; ~ - : ~ ~~ mate ~ ~ ;'20 tJ :,ontro~ No ~` 3~j .irate X200; Name o` ~enuty ~-ert: _ -