015-2010 Traffic Calming Programm MIAMIBEACH
Office of the City Manager
TO: Ed Tobin, Commissioner
FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: March 29, 2010
SUBJECT: Traffic Calming Program
, ..__ .
This is in response to your March 19, 2009 email regarding traffic calming issues along Flamingo
Drive and the 51St Street Improvements, as well as a copy of the La Gorce BODR. Attached please
find copies of the request made to the County and their response on the traffic studies. A copy of the
La Gorce BODR (August 26, 2002) which contains the list of traffic calming improvements along 51St
Street from Pine Tree Drive to Alton Road, is also attached (Attachment 1).
Below, please find respective answers to the questions you've raised in your March 19th email:
1. Please forward me a copy of the City's request to the County for a traffic study at the location
(Flamingo) -
Pleasesee Attachment 2 -Request by Cities (sic) of Miami Beach to Miami Dade County to
conduct a Traffic Calming Study for Flamingo
Please also forward me a copy of the Cities (sic) request to the County for a traffic study in
the 51St Neighborhood
Please see Attachment 3 -Request by City of Miami Beach to conduct a Traffic Calming
Study for 51St Street.
The last time my office corresponded with staff we determined that the County's criteria for
calming would not be met for either of these locations. Despite the obvious we still request
these studies. How come?
The reason we request these studies from the County is because Miami Dade County has
full authority and jurisdiction over all traffic engineering functions within the County as per
Article XIII of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances, and as such, all traffic related
requests must be reviewed and approved by the County. In turn, the City must receive
formal approval by the County prior to the provision of any traffic calming measures.
In the event the County does not deem that traffic calming is warranted, the City works
diligently with the County to develop alternative solutions to enhance the safety of motorists
and pedestrians. These alternative solutions focus in improving operational safety. Some of
these solutions include, however are not limited to signage, striping and/or lower posted
speed limits.
In this particular instance, even though the County concluded that traffic calming measures
are not warranted, they did however acknowledge the need to improve operational safety
and therefore will be adding pavement markings at the curved segments of Flamingo Drive
between W 33 Street and W 35 Street. Also, the county will issue work orders to install curve
warning signs along Flamingo Drive for both northbound and southbound traffic. The County
is expecting to complete this work within 4 weeks. Attachment 4 - An email from Joan Shen
from Miami Dade County Public Works dated March 23~d, 2010, delineates the County's plan
Traffic Calming Program
March 29, 2010
Page 2
of action to include operational safety measures along this corridor. The same alternatives
were studied by the County for 51St Street, and the County has also deemed it necessary to
implement operational safety measures such as a double yellow striping with the standard
"No Passing Zone" and reflective pavement markers along that section of roadway. The
County has indicated that these improvements for 51St Street have now been completed.
Please see Attachment 5.
4. Doesn't the City have a pilot program for calming on North Bay and Prairie, if so what is the
criteria for a pilot program in other neighborhoods?
The answer is yes, this program was adopted in 2005 and speed cushions were
implemented after receiving approval by the County in April 2008. Please see Attachment 6,
email from the County's Public Works Director which evidences County approval. The pilot
program at those specific designated locations was allowed by the County based on a City
study that determined that those locations met the criteria for the installation of speed
cushions. The results of the study indicated that after evaluating speeds, traffic volumes and
accident data, North Bay Road, Prairie Avenue and 34th Street met the minimum criteria to
justify the installation of speed cushions. The City has subsequently requested that the
County grant the City authority to proceed with measurement and testing of pilot areas;
however, the County has indicated that, pursuant to the County's authority and jurisdiction
over traffic engineering functions county wide, subsequent traffic calming pilot program
efforts would require County approval. As evidenced by Attachment 7.
The Administration will continue to expeditiously process traffic calming requests through the County
which averages about eight weeks to complete an evaluation and provide a response.
Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information.
1. Copy of the La Gorce BODR related to 51St Street
2. Copy of City request to the County for study for Flamingo Drive
3. Copy of City request to the County for study for 51St Street
4. Copy of email from Joan Shen in response to the Flamingo Drive request
5. Copy of County response to 51 Sc Street request
6. Copy of County authorization to proceed with installation of speed humps as part of Pilot
7. Copy of County's response to the implementation of additional Pilot Programs in the City
cc. Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
Jorge Gomez, Assistant City Manager
Fred H. Beckmann, P.E., Director of Public Works
Fernando Vazquez, P.E., City Engineer
F:\work\$ALL\(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERS\Xavier Falconi\Transportation\Traffic calming\Memo to Commissioner Tobin\Traffic Calming
Program Memo rev 4.fav.doc
We are mmmiited to providing excellent public service and safety to all who li~~e, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic commun~iy.
Attachment 1
Basis of Design Report La Gorce Neighborhood
Funded streetscape improvements include:
• Planting within the Right-of-Way -Shade and/or flowering trees (at a
height of 10'-14' and a spread of 6'-8') and palms will be installed on the
existing swale (between existing trees) to create a future, continuous
shade canopy, and at the Cherokee Avenue and 515` Street intersection
in the expanded corner bump-outs.
• Sidewalk Extensions -Existing sidewalks will be extended to the edge
of street pavement at intersections where necessary (Figure V-6), to allow
for improved pedestrian circulation throughout the La Gorce and
surrounding neighborhoods.
• Street and Driveway Apron Resurtacing -The entire length of 5151
Street will be milled and resurfaced with 1" asphalt surface course.
Additionally asphalt, grass, or gravel driveway aprons will be replaced
with new asphalt driveway aprons. Existing paver, or decorative concrete
driveway aprons will not be resurfaced.
• Street Narrowing -The entire length of 5151 Street will be reduced in
width from 28' to 24', with two 10' wide travel lanes and a 4' bike lane on
the north side of the street. Street narrowing should function to calm the
flow of traffic along 51 St Street, by reducing the amount of pavement upon
which to drive. Street narrowing will also increase the amount of swale
area, thus increasing planting area, allowing more flexibility in tree and
palm installation. In addition, all non-curbed intersection radii will be
reduced to 15'. This should function to reduce the speed of vehicles that
are making turns.
• Four Way Stop Sign - A four way stop sign is proposed at the
intersection of 5151 Street and Cherokee Avenue and 51St Street and
Blackhawk Avenue (subject to Miami-Dade County approval). The
proposed stop sign, in conjunction with street narrowing should provide a
reduction in the operating speeds of vehicles on 5151 Street.
• Intersection Improvements -The southbound La Gorce Drive sweeping
curve to 515` Street will be removed. All vehicular traffic will be forced to
make a 90° turn at the intersection of La Gorce -Drive and 5151 Street.
This should function to increase pedestrian safety by reducing the speed
of vehicles that are making turns onto 515` Street. During the Design
Phase, The Consultant team will perform traffic counts to support Miami-
Dade County's permit requirements regarding traffic calming and street
closures. Intersection and traffic calming improvements are all subject to
Miami-Dade County approval.
Page V-7
August 26, 2002
Attachment 2
Page 1 of 3
i~From: Elbermawy, Ayman (PWD) [Ayman a,miamidade.bov]
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 4:~1 PM
T'o: Falconi, Xavier
Ce: mleflcowitz~ECSBUSINESSSERVICES.COM; Bocio, Patricia; Bettin, Christine; Ferrer. Josiel:
Shen, Joan (PWD); Chorro,Angel (PWD); Keeney, Ellen (PWD)
Subject: RE: Flamingo Drive Homeowner's Association (SR# 2009139399)
In response to your request regarding safety issues on Flamingo Drive, on behalf of Mr. Michael
Lefkowitz, please be advised that the Traffic Engineering Division will initiate a traffic study. A response
will be provided to you and to Mr. Lefkowitz once our study is complete, in approximately six (6) to eight
(8) weeks.
In the meantime, should you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact
Ayman Elbermawy, M.S., E.I., Section Head
Citizen Support Section
Traffic Engineering Division, Public Works Dept.
Miami-Dade County
111 NW 1 Street, Suite 1510
Miami, Florida 33128
Tel. (305) 375-2158 Fax (305) 372-6064
"Delivering Excellence Every Day"
From: Falconi, Xavier [mailto:XavierFalconi@miamibeachfl.gov]
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 12:15 PM
To: Elbermawy, Ayman (PWD)
Cc: Shen, Joan (PWD); Bocio, Patricia; Bettin, Christine; Ferrer, Josiel
Subject: RE: Flamingo Drive Homeowner's Association
Please let us know the timeline for completion of the County's review. Thanks.
Josiel, please coordinate with Ayman.
Xavier R. Falconi, PE Transportation Manager
Transportation Division
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach. FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7080! Fax: 305-673-7028 www.miamibeachfl.gov
xfalconi;o~miamibeachfl. qov
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live. work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
From: Falconi, Xavier
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 9:21 AM
To: Elbermawy, Ayman (PWD)
Cc: joans@miamidade.gov; Bocio, Patricia; Bettin, Christine
Subject: FW: Flamingo Drive Homeowner's Association
Please take a look at the request below from a Commissioner's office and let us know the result of your review.
Also, confirm timeline for completion of this review. Thanks.
fi1P•//('~~Tlnc„mi,~nr~anrl fiettings\wnrkfalx\T,ocal Settines\TemporarvInternetFiles\OLKl... 3/23/20]0
Page 2 of 3
Xavier R. Falconi, PE Transportation Manager
Transportation Division
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, rL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7080/ Fax. 305-673-7028 www.miamibeachfl.gov
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
From: Torter, Benjamin
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 2:13 PM
To: Falconi, Xavier
Cc: Mejia, Dolores; Beckmann, Fred; 'michael Lefkowitz'; 'rockinrobin39@aol.com'; 'Ed Tobin'; Tobin, Ed
Subject: FW: Flamingo Drive Homeowner's Association
Our office received the below e-mail from Flamingo Drive Homeowner's Association Cc-Presidents Mike
Lefkowitz and Robin Jacobs. I spoke with both of them and they agreed that they'd like a traffic study be
conducted to get the Bali rolling towards installing some sort of traffic calming devices such as speed humps on
Flamingo Drive to slow the traffic down before someone nets injured or killed. Anything else that you can think of
that can help alleviate the problem of speeding and reckless drivers on Flamingo Drive would also be much
appreciated. Please let us know how you would like to proceed.
Thank you for your assistance.
Best Regards,
Ben Porter, Special Advisor fo Commissioner Ed Tobin
Office of the Mayor and Commission
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel: 305.673.7107 / Fax: 305.673.7096
From: michael Lefkowitz [mailto:mlefkowitz@ECSBUSINESSSERVICES.COM]
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 7:47 PM
To: Wolfson, Jonah; 'jerrylibbin@miamibeachfl.gov'; 'ed@edtobin.com'; 'soul@miamibeachfl.gov'
Cc: 'rockinrobin39@aol.com'; 'Alvarez, Mike -Public Works'
Subject: Flamingo Drive Homeowner's Association
Jonah, Jerry, Ed, and Saul:
As you know Robin Jacobs and I share the mantle of leadership as Co-Presidents of the Flamingo Drive
Homeowner's Association.
Please take note of the following critical safety issues currently impacting all Flamingo Drive residents:
1) The curve on Flamingo Drive situated between 33-35 Streets is a major motor vehicle safety issue that must be
resolved immediately. My wife was almost hit head on last week, and younger drivers do not possess the driving
skills to readily assess the threat and take appropriate counter measures. Speed bumps is the answer;
2) Monitoring Flamingo Drive after Beach High and Hebrew Academy have dismissed the students--those
students utilize Flamingo Drive as the Miami Beach "Daytona 500";
3) There is an 18 wheeler parking, albeit on a random and sporadic basis on the North end of Flamingo Drive that
seriously inhibits the driver's field of vision.
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Page 3 of
Robin and I appreciate your swift call to action on these safety matters. And, thanks for your continued attention
to the concerns that affect Miami Beach and her citizens.
_iAll the best,
Robin Jacobs, Co-President, Flamingo Drive Homeowner's Association
Michael Lefkowitz
Miami Water Management,
a division of:
4770 Biscayne Blvd., Suite: 660
Miami, FL 33137
888-535-3679--Toll Free
"1 am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more
1 have of it."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Attachment 3 Page 1 of 3
From: Beckmann. Fred
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 20l 0 4:08 PM
To: Wolfson, Jonah
Cc: Falconi, Xavier; Vazquez, Fernando; Mejia, Dolores; Gomez, Jorae
Subject: RE: W ~1 Street between Pine Tree Dr and Alton Rd (SR# 2009li1060j
We got a final report from the County on subject traffic request. Their summary findings and planned actions are:
"The above data shows the vehicular speeds traveling eastbound and westbound are within the limits.
Also, a review of the Miami Beach police records revealed that W 51 Street east of Alton Read and
west of Pine Tree Drive does not have any reported accidents during the last three years. Based on
these findings, the PWD will restripe this segment of W 51 Street with the standard "No Passing Zone"
and retro-reflective pavement markings (RPM's}."
Please let me know if you have any questions.
~UIIt~Pvll ~l
Fred H. 6eckmann, P.E., DIRECTOR
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach.. FL 33139
Tel: 305.673.708D /Fax 786.394.5472 / www.miamibeachfl,gov
fl'e are coumritted to provfging excellzn~ public seridce and sgfet}~ to all u=lro In~e, wrn~k and plat in our rrb~~ant, u-opical, historic mrnntunin~-
From: Shen, Joan (PWD) <joans@miamidade.gov>
To: Falconi, Xavier
Cc: Colas, Esther (PWD) <ecalas@miamidade.gov>; Rabassa, Joaquin (PWD) <jra@miamidade.gov>; Canizares,
Juan (PWD) <juanjo@miamidade.gov>; Elbermawy, Ayman (PWD) <Ayman@miamidade.gov>; Chorro,Angel
(PWD) <CHO@miamidade.gov>; Keeney, Ellen (PWD) <B20@miamidade.gov>
Sent: Tue Feb 23 14:56:08 2010
Subject: RE: W 51 Street between Pine Tree Dr and Alton Rd (SR# 2009131060)
Good afternoon Xavier,
In response to your referenced request, please be advised that Miami-Dade County Public Works
Department (PWD) staff conducted a study to evaluate traffic conditions along the subject corridor. W
51 Street between Alton Road and Pine Tree Drive is a two-lane residential street and the statutory
speed limit is 30 mph. The intersections of W 51 Street with Cherokee Avenue and Black Hawk
Avenue were selected as the best candidates to conduct traffic data collection. The speed and volume
of traffic was recently collected, as shown in the table below:
85th Percentile Speed Volume
(MPH) ~ (VPD) 2
W 51 Street at Cherokee Avenue
W 51 Street at Black Hawk Avenue
33 1341
36 1191
30 1162
30 1168
tile://C:ADocuments and Settines\workfalh\T,ocal Settings\Te,Tinnrarv lnternPt F;1P~AnT u i ;h ~/~n1 n
Page 2 of 3
~ (Miles Per Hour) 2 (Vehicles Per Day)
The above data shows the vehicular speeds traveling eastbound and westbound are within the limits.
Also, a review of the Miami Beach police records revealed that W 51 Street east of Alton Road and
west of Pine Tree Drive does not have any reported accidents during the last three years. Based on
these findings, the PWD will restripe this segment of W 51 Street with the standard "No Passing Zone"
and retro-reflective pavement markings (RPM's).
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you,
Dr. Joan Shen, P.E., PTOE, Manager
Traffic Engineering Division
Miami-Dade County Public Works Department
111 NW 1st Street, Suite 1510, Miami, FL 33128
Phone:305-375-2030, Fax:305-372-6064
htto://www. miamidade. aov/ou bworks/
"Delivering Excellence Every Day"
From: Wolfson, Jonah
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:39 AM
To: Falconi, Xavier
Subject: FW: Bi-Weekly Newsletter
Double lines a possibility?
J ondi M Wolfson ~ COMMI S S I ONE R
City of Miami Beach
T :305.673.7102 ~ F :305.673.7096
i700Convention Center Dr., Miami Beach, FL 33139
r' ~ a ~~~:~ ~~ the environment ~r rn print r~;
From: Kevin Burgoyne [maitto:kburgoyne@aragon-capital.com]
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:56 PM
To: Wolfson, Jonah
Subject: RE: Bi-Weekly Newsletter
Thanks again.
I had an additional thought. 51St Street has a single dotted yellow line down the middle of the
road, indicating that under FL law it is a passing zone. Given the nature of the neighborhood
and width of the street, this seems highiy unreasonable.
Perhaps this is also something we can suggest the county change, short of installing stop
From: Wolfson, Jonah [mailto:jonah@miamibeachfl.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 11:28 AM
To: kburgoyne@aragon-capital.com
Subject: FW: Bi-Weekly Newsletter
file://C:ADocuments and Settings\workfalx\Local Settines\Temnorarv Internet Files\OLK1 ___ 3/2>/2010
Page 3 of 3
Here's the status. It is a priority for me.
J onah M Wolfson ~ C OMMI S S I ONE R
City of Miami Beach
T :305.673.7102 ~ F :305.673.7096
1700 Convention Center Dr., Miami Beach, FL 33139
~~_s2 ~ ia~1 ihc: environment ~ Ir~ pli ~~inr.
From: Songdahl, Bruce
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 10:28 AM
To: Wolfson, Jonah
Cc: Martinez, Raymond; Blanco, Julio
Subject: RE: Bi-Weekly Newsletter
As you can see below, Julio and I deployed a SMART trailer right after your request.
We deployed it at 51 street and Lake View.
It was on location for over a month.
On Tuesday we deployed a decoy car there.
Our unit feels strongly that Both "fixed" and mobile speed displays help prevent speeding.
The two fixed speed displays on Pine Tree Drive are maintained by the city.
There are plans to install new fixed speed displays units along Alton road. I worked with Xavier Falconi on
choosing the proposed sites for these new units.
I feel 51 street is a logical choice for fixed speed displays.
The issue is funding, if funding could be given a higher priority, the number of these speed display signs could by
increased and the time for installation decreased.
~JII~.~V1[ ~~
Bruce Songdahl, Master Police Officer
POLICE DEPARTMENT, Community Affairs Unit
1100 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach R 33139
Tel. 305-673-7776 Ext_5297/Fax: 305-604-2155 /www.miamibeachf'~ ao~~
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community
file//C'•U~nnnmPnts and SPftinvs\wnrkfalx\i ,Heal ~Pttina.cATPmnnrarv TnternP~t Files\nl ,K 1 ~/2~/2O1 [l
Attachment 4
Page 1 of 2
Falconi, Xavier
From: Shen, Joan (PWD) [joans@miamidade.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 7:51 PM
To: Falconi, Xavier
Cc: Calas, Esther (PWD); Ferrer, Josiel; Bocio, Patricia; carlosnoriegs@miamibeachfl.gov; De La
Torre, Angel (PWD); Rabassa, Joaquin (PWD); Canizares, Juan (PWD); Elbermawy, Ayman
(PWD); Chorro,Angel (PWD); Keeney, Ellen (PWD)
Subject: RE: Flamingo Drive Traffic Calming
Attachments: flamingo dr.pdf
Good evening, Xavier,
In response to yyour request reggarding the installation of traffic calming devices at Flamingo
Drive between W 28 Street and W 40 Street, please be advised that Miami-Dade County Public
Works Department (PWD) staff conducted a study to evaluate the existing traffic conditions and
ph sical characteristics of this location. As a result, it was determined that the vehicular
volume, speed, crash history, and geometric characteristics do not meet PWD's criteria for the
installation of traffic calming devices, such as speed humps, at this location. Therefore, traffic
calming devices are not recommended at this time.
However, in order to improve operational safety, PWD has issued work orders to add the
necessary pavement markings at the curved segment of Flamingo Drive between W 33 Street
and W 35 Street. Also, work orders have been issued to install curve warning signs along
Flamingo Drive for both northbound and southbound traffic. This work will be implemented
within the next four (4) weeks.
Since concerns were expressed regarding speeding at Flamingo Drive, by copy of this a-mail, it
is respectfully requested that Mr. Carlos Noriega, Chief, Miami Beach Police Department,
provide selective enforcement to ensure compliance with the statutory speed limits and traffic
control signs.
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
Thank you,
Dr. Joan Shen, P.E., PTOE, Manager
Traffic Engineering Division
Miami-Dade County Public Works Department
111 NW 1st Street, Suite 1510, Miami, FL 33128
Phone: 305-375-2030, Fax: 305-372-6064
Excellence Ever
From: Falconi, Xavier [mailto:XavierFalconi@miamibeachfl.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:08 PM
To: Shen, Joan (PWD); Elbermawy, Ayman (PWD)
Cc: Ferrer, Josiel; Bocio, Patricia
Subject: RE: Flamingo Drive Traffic Calming
Joan, please provide response ASAP. I am drafting a response to a Commissioner's inquiry on the
subject request now.
Xavier R. Falconi, PE Transportation Manager
Transportation Division
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7080/ Fax: 305-673-7028 www.miamibeachfl.gov
Attachment 5
Falconi, Xavier
From: Viaud, Claudette (PWD) [cxv@miamidade.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:50 AM
To: Falconi, Xavier
Cc: Shen, Joan (PWD); Elbermawy, Ayman (PWD); Keeney, Ellen (PWD)
Subject: FW: W 51 Street between Pine Tree Dr and Alton Rd (SR# 2009131060)
Good morning Xavier,
Please see comment below from Ayman.
Take care,
From: Elbermawy, Ayman (PWD)
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 3:18 PM
To: Shen, Joan (PWD); Keeney, Ellen (PWD)
Cc: Viaud, Claudette (PWD)
Subject: RE: W 51 Street between Pine Tree Dr and Alton Rd (SR# 2009131060)
This work has been completed in the field already.
Ayman Elbermawy, M.S., P.E., Section Head
Citizen Support Section
Traffic Engineering Division, Public Works Dept.
Miami-Dade County
111 NW 1 Street, Suite 1510
Miami, Florida 33128
Tel. (305) 375-2030 Fax (305) 372-6064
e-mail ayman(a;miamidade.rov
http;J/www.mia midade.govJpubworks(
°>£?oifeaerira~ .xoolterte~ every flay~t,
From: Falconi, Xavier [mailto:XavierFalconi@miamibeachfl.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:55 PM
To: Shen, Joan (PWD)
Subject: RE: W 51 Street between Pine Tree Dr and Alton Rd (SR# 2009131060)
When would the County complete this work? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks.
Page 1 of 5
Xavier R. Falconi, PE Transportation Manager
Transportation Division
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7080/ Fax'. 305-673-7028 www.miamibeachfl.gov
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
From: Shen, Joan (PWD) [mailto:joans@miamidade.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:56 PM
To: Falconi, Xavier
Cc: Calas, Esther (PWD); Rabassa, Joaquin (PWD); Canizares, Juan (PWD); Elbermawy, Ayman (PWD);
Attachment 6 Page 1 of 3
From: Beckmann, Fred
Sent: Monday, Apri121, 2008 7:26 PM
To: Vazquez, Fernando
Cc: Falconi, Xavier; Leduc, Christine; Middaugh, Bob
Subject: FW: Traffic Calming.ILA.doc
This is great news. Move forward while the iron is hot in getting County sign off for Lower North Bay Road and
Prairie Avenue traffic calming pilot projects.
Fred H. Beckmann, P.E., Director of Public Works
1700 Convention Center Dr., Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel: 305.673.7080 / Fax: 305.673.7028 v,~ww.miamibeachfl.gov
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to atl who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
From: Calas, Esther (PWD) [mailto:ecalas@miamidade.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 6:46 PM
To: Beckmann, Fred
Cc: Hasan, Muhammed, (PWD); Shen, Joan (PWD)
Subject: FW: Traffic Calming.ILA.doc
In response to your request to conduct the pilot study without an ILA, please be advised that the Public Works
Department has no objection to this program. Ms. Christine Leduc has already set up an appointment with Mr.
Hasan in order to review these proposed devices.
Thank you,
Esther Calas, P.E., Director
Public Works Department
1 "11 NW First Street, Suite 16] 0
Miami, Florida 33128
Phone: (305) 375-2960
Fax: (305) 375-3070
ecalas st miamictade.~ov
"L)Ytiver•ing E~xcettenee Everaf I:)a2J"
From: Beckmann, Fred [mailto:FredBeckmann@miamibeachfl.gov]
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 12:17 PM
To: Calas, Esther (PWD)
Subject: RE: Traffic Calming.ILA.doc
Our City Attorney's Office has contacted or will be contacting Mr. Tom Goldstein regarding the issues pertinent to
the ILA.
Short-term, we have some immediate requirements to move forward a pilot program that we would like to
implement now independent of the ILA. The pilot project would give us important data to finalize out Traffic
Calming Manual. The pilot project involves the installation of three speed cushions on North Bay Road and four
speed cushions on Prairie Avenue. I request you ask Muhammed Hasan to review and approve the installation of
file://F:\work\$ALL\(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERS\Xavier Falconi\Transportation\Traffic ca... 3/25/2010
Attachment 7
Falconi, Xavier
From: Jeff [miamistax@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:22 PM
To: Falconi. Xavier
Cc: joans@miamidade.gov; Vazquez, Fernando
Subject: Re: Quick question
Page 1 of 2
Our traffic authority is in Article XIII of Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances
(http://librarv.m>micode.com/HTML/10620/Ieye13rT1II C'2 AXIILhtml). The Dade County
Department of Traffic and Transportation was absorbed lock, stock and pickle barrel into
MDPWD nearly 30 years ago, and authority and jurisdiction transferred into our current agency
at the same time.
Jeff Cohen
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 24, 2010, at 3:57 PM, "Falconi, Xavier" <XavierFalconi~~mimlubeachll.aov> wrote:
Please provide a response to comment and question from Fernando below. Thanks.
Xavier R. Falconi, PE Transportation Manager
Transportation Division
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7080/ Fax: 305-673-7028 www.miamibeachfl.gov
xfalconi(a~miamibeachfl qov
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical.
historic community.
From: Vazquez, Fernando
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 3:40 PM
To: Falconi, Xavier
Subject: Re: Quick question
I am not convinced.
Where is the specific language in the ordinance that grants the County the authority to
authorize measurement and testing.
Fernando A. Vazquez, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Miami Beach
From: Falconi, Xavier
To: Vazquez, Fernando
Sent: Wed Mar 24 15:19:48 2010
Subject: Fw: Quick question
This is the response 1 received from the County regarding approval of future traffic calming
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pilot projects. Again, until the City has an IAA with the County, they maintain jurisdiction over future
installation of traffic calming devices.
From: Viaud, Claudette (PWD) <cxv@miamidade.gav>
To: Falconi, Xavier
Cc: Shen, Joan (PWD) <joans@miamidade.gov>; Viaud, Claudette (PWD) <cxv@miamidade.gov>
Sent: Wed Mar 24 14:14:23 2010
Subject: RE: Quick question
Hi Xavier,
Yes, that is correct.
From: Falconi, Xavier [mailto:XavierFalconi@miamibeachfl.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:07 PM
To: Shen, Joan (PWD)
Subject: Quick question
Does the City need approval from the County to initiate a pilot project for traffic calming?
1IA1V11 +
Xavier R. Falconi, PE Transportation Manager
Transportation Division
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7080/ Fax: 305-673-7028 www.miamibeachfl.gov
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic