Marjorie O'Neill-Butler 12/31/2012
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl aov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk
Tel: (305) 673-741 1, Fax: (305) 673-7254
Marjorie O'Neill-Butler
603 E DilidoDrive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
m-xyvxsa~,.°+xrvc~-m^^a^.~ r
~S.UBJECT "~r~ Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
Congratulations! You have been appointed by the City Commission to the agency,
board or committee named above for a term ending: 12131/2012.
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2006-3543, commencing with terms beginning on or after
January 1st, 2007, the term of board members who are directly appointed by a member of
the City Commission shall automatically expire on December 31 of the year the appointing
elected official leaves office.
If you are unable to accept this appointment or have any questions, please call the City
Clerk's Office at 305-673-7411. Please read the enclosed materials carefully.
Congratulations again and good luck.
o~~a f ~~Z~~ ~
Robert Parcher
City Clerk
cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director
Gary Farmer
Letter of Appointment
City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee
City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459
Ordinance No. 2006-3543 -Amendment to City Code Section 2-22
Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 -Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance
City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form)
Booklet -Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employee
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Ciry of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.ggY
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, Ciy Clerk
Tel: 1305) 673-7411, Fax: (305) 673-7254
TO Marjorie O'Neill-Butler
RE: Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the
United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of
a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have
been appointed for a term ending: 12/31/2012.
I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest
and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theF/orida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine
Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, and understand that as a member
of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure* require-
ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which
I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar year on which I have served.
Marjorie O'Neill-Butler
Sworn to and subscribed before me this2 (, ay of ~/ ,^2~01~0~
Silvia Prieto
Deputy Clerk
*Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at under City Clerk/Board and Committees
for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements.
We are commined to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
m ~::'i~',/,i~, BEACH
Lasr Name
Ap; Nu.
PHONE~~sG 7 ~ ~~~ 4
2 ~M,4R~o ~P~ r
rFirst Name Miodle In
~I J/o~d ~r/~, LYll~ah~,i .~~ FC_.
Home ^//~ uveric~ ~c//
3usiness Name: /Y Posttion:
(m .la•L
No. Street Chy State Zip Code
Professional License (descdbe) Expires: Atrech a coPY of the license
Pursuant to Clty Code section 2-Z2(4) a and b: Members of agen:,ies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the dty for a minimum of six
months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownershippnteresi for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city.
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes ^ or No ^
• Demonstrate an ownership/irrterest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (B) months: Yes ^ or No ^
• An: you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes ^ or No ^
• (Please d e one): I am now a resident of: North Beaeh South Beaeh Middle Beach
• I am applying for an appointment because I have spedel abflities, knowledge and experience. Please list below:
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes ^ or No ^
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1j first choice [2] second choice, and (3J thircl choice. Plsaise note that onH three f31
eholcac will be observed by the City Clerk's ixfice. (Regular Boards of City)
D Atiordeble Hotlsin Adveo Commibee ^ Houein Autho
^ Art in Public Places Ctrmittee ^ Loan Review Committee
^ Beatttlfit~tion CtmtmfGee Marine Altlho
p guard of Ad'ustrnertt' Miami Beach Commission for Women
D B Committee iami Beadr Cultural Arm Cormdl
^ C ilal Im ads Ovens Commithae ^ Miami Beach Sister Cities P
D CommMlae on the Homeless 0 Nomten Shores Local Govemmem h. Imt>ravamem
^ Commfttee for Oual Education in MB ^ Perks antl Recreation Facilities Board
^ Commun Devel mem Advisory ^ Personnel Board
^ Commun Relations Board ^ Ptannin 8oerif'
D Convention Carder Advis Board ^ Police Citizens Retaborts Committee
p Dr3bannem Committee ^ Production Ind Council
p Desion Review Board' ^ Public Se Adviso Committee
Disabll Access Committee ^ Sa Commttlee
ine Arts Board p Sin le Fami Residarrtial Review Panel
D Ga ,Lesbian, Bisexual and Trensoendar GLBT p Susfainabil Commlltae
^ Gofl Advis Committee ^ Tre ran Reliabil & Accountability Gommittee'TRAC'
^ Health Adviso Committee ^ Trerrspotfation antl Parkin Committee
D Health Facdifties Aulho ' Board p Visitor and Converttion Autho '
^ His nic Afrairs CommMme ^ Waterimnt Prn[ection Commtttae
^ Historic Preservation Board ^ Youth Garner Advisory Board
'Board Required to Flle State Disclosure Form
Nate: If applying for Youm Advisory Boani, please indite your affiliation with the Sxh Rakow Youth Cemer:
1 Past senace on the Youth Center Advisory Boar: Yes . Nb _~ Years of Service:
2. ~resem pertlcloation in Youth Cemer activities by your children Yes_ Nc =. Ii yes, please list the names of your children, their
apes. and N?tlCh programs. LI5 DelOw
Chiid's nom=. Age: progrem.
Cnitd's nem=_
AO°: Progrem:
- .~!EP .50.!'. ~oF]RM,$~g7gP.:~ 4NC ~JMMnrE°_c\B. Aooir_vuonD62604 N°_H'.oo:
.save you eve :,ear ~o-,v -te. : z ieion~ "es ~ No r v°s please explain Ir pawl'
• Jo you currently nave a vio;auorns; a C¢y o` tJiam, 3ea:,!~~ codes vas ..~f No :. I` vas aisase eroiair. Ir oewir.
• Do you currently owe the City o' IJliam~~ Beach any money. Yes . or NoX i` vas explain ir. detail
• Ore you currently servln~ or arn~ ~nq 3aards or ;:ommlttees Yes or Nox L vas whicr ooard~
• VVhat oryanrations Ir. the City o' tJliaml 5each oc you currently Hole memoersrn[. Irk
Name: Title
Name Title:
• List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located wRhin the CRy of Miami Beach:
• I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach. Yes C or NqP~' Which department?
• ?ursuarn 4:o City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent q spouse _~, chlltl G, brother C, or sister G who is employee ay the
City o` Miami Beach % Check all that apply. Identify the department(s):
The following intormatlon Is voluntary end Is nekher pert of your apptieatlon nor has any bearing on your eoneitlerakon for appointment It i5
oeing asked to comply with federel equal opporWnlty reporting requhamems.
Gender: C Male ~Femafe
Ethnic Origin: Check on=_ only (1)
White (Nbt of Hieoenic Jripln): All pereens having origins in any of the original peoples of urope, NaM Africa or the Middle East,
Afrt~n-AmericanlBlack (Not of Hlapanfc Oright): M persons having origins m any o` the Bleel: ratial groups of PSri~.
i] Hiepanfc All persons of Mexi~n, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Gardral or South American, or other gpanish culture or otigtr„ regardless of race
i _' Asian or Paeffte Islander: All parsons hawtg origrtts m any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Aeie, the hsiten Stl6eoMinem.. or
the Paeffic Islands. This eras irtctitdes, for lei, Chhra, hidia, uapen, Korea, Me PMNpplne intends ono 3omoa.
J American Indian or Alaskan Medw3: All persons having origins in any of the original pealNes of North America. and who rrmvaein
CWSaaI klertkfication ttaougn trmel affiliation m wrtarutnity recognaion.
~ Pitysicaliy Chelfenped: Yes ~~ or Nd5
Employment Stakus. =rrrpioyed ^ Retired p Homemaker ^ Other~Q' $ C j'1 ^ G ~,-•~ ~o-y C~_
NOTE: If appoitttad, You will fx requhed m follow certain kaws which aPPty to pity boardleotmmMtae terembere.
These laws include, but are not limbed m, fhe following:
c Prohibtion from direly or indirectly hnbbying ckp personnel (IVliami Beacn Cm~ Code section 2-459)
., Prohibition from contracting with the dty (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.17
o Prohibtion from lobbying before haard/oommftree you have servetl on far period of one year after leaving office fMaam
Beach City Code taection 2-26).
c Requirement to disclose certain finanaal interests and grfrs lMiam~•Dade County Catle seedon 2-11.1).
(re: CMB Community Development Advisory Commfkee) prohibNon, during tenure and for one year Itfter laawng afire
from having any htharest in m retsiving any benefit from Community Development Block Orarrt fttrtds for ekher v_ oursel'
or those with whom you have business or itnmediete family ties (CFR 57D.611).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obitilseirred from the City Cierl;.
"' hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, rsaC and will abide by Chaote•
Article VII - of the Clty Code "Standards o` Contluct for City Officers. 5mployeas and Agency Members."
h-..t.~~,- D,N ~~- 2ly~iu M!}2~f2i~ D'Nr=~~L-Bk7c~:,E'
Applies s Signature Date Name of Aoohcan~ (o EN.S_ oRIN'~~
°IaeaC attach a copy o! vou: resume ro tnls appllcMwr.
NDTE: 4opheations will remain or fh¢ for a penan o+ one (1 , wlenpe- veer
Renewec it me ".II" ~IenCS Enloe D\' :Jat° _ ,'ZOOM ;,Ontro~ NU 21i iJalf (>~p(
Name o! DeoUH~ CJlerl'. --
Cell 305-458-0604
Height: 5'g" Hair: Blonde
Size: 12 Eyes: Green
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland White Rabbit Playground Theatre
Uncommon Women and Others Mrs. Plumm Women's Theatre Project
Shiloh Rules Clara Women's Theatre Project
Rabbit Hole Nat Mosaic Theatre
Hold Please Agatha Women's Theatre Project
Three Tall Women A Public Theatre
(Nominee -Best Attress 2004 Curtain Up Awards)
(Nominee -Best Ensemble 2003 Carbonell Awards)
Shortcuts Tour Multiple roles City Theatre
The Fourth Wall Peggy Hollywood Bivd. Th.
Prelude to a Kiss Mrs. Boyle The Actors' Project
SummerShorts Multiple roles City Theatre
Alchemy/Dead Man's Blues Caroline Bridge Theatre
Love Letters Melissa New Theatre
Uncommon Women & Others Mrs. Plumm Hollywood Blvd. Th.
Other People's Money Bea Sullivan Hollywood Blvd. Th.
The Glass Menagerie Amanda New Theatre
A Lesson from Aloes Gladys New River Repertory
Yentl Rivka/Frumka Shores Theatre
Other Places Deborah/Mother New Theatre
(Honorable Mention Best Attress-Carbonell Awards; Bes[ Actress New Theatre)
The Killing of Sister George Sister George Miami Actors Studio
Twigs Celia Shores Theatre
Our Town Mrs. Webb Shores Theatre
Italian American Reconciliation May Area Stage
Steaming Violet New Ehrlich Theatre
FILM/TV (principal roles)
Burn Notice Housekeeper USA Network
The Boynton Beach Bereavement Club Woman in Pool Snow Bird Films
Lick-It Man First Female President Rogue Wave Productions
Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven
Of Bliss Cierk Disney/PBS
Spenser: for Hire Muriel McGinn Warner Brothers
A World of Difference Lucy WCVB-TV, Boston
Miller's Court Neighbor WCVB-TV, Boston
Seeking: Ginger Gwen Univ. of Miami
A Raise In Pay Denise Independent Film
Home Life Carmen Univ. of Miami
INDUSTRIAL FILMS (principal roles)
Federated Department Stores, Devcon, Minnesota Mutual Life, Organizational Dynamics, Inc. (2),
Medcom-Beth Israel, Howard Johnson Company, IBM, Commonwealth Films.
Saachi & Saachi, Merkley Newman Harty, Gray Advertising, TBWA Chiat Day, Sandbank Films, HMS
Partners, Temerlin McClain, Houston EfFler Herstek Favat, Venture Produttions, Tucker Wayne/Luckie &
Co., D'Arcy Marius Benton & Bowles, West & Co.
Ensemble Studio Theatre-Deborah Hedwall; Royai National Studio, London
Acting Judy Braha, Robbie Burns
film/Commercial Workshops-Cynthia Stillwell, Mel Johnson, Len Hunt, Lori Wyman
BS and MA Degree
Director/Choreographer, (resume upon requesU, Playwright, Dancer (tap, ballroom, jazz); Dialects
(Standard British, Cockney, South African, New York, Southern), drive stick shift. Sports: rollerbiade/ice
skate, weight trained, swimmer, bityclist.
Cell (305) 458-0604
emaiL• dramamerj@yahoocom
Artistic Director, City Theatre, Miami, FL 1999.2000
Tea and Sorcery
Whose Life Ie It Anyway
The Apple Tree
Greater Tuna
Words of Masa Deception
Central Park Weat
An Evening of Winners II (3 short playa)
The Seagull
Unexpected Encounters (6 short plays)
Shape Shifters (4 short plays)
Getting Hot (4 short plays)
An Evening of Winners (3 short playa)
Never Swim Alone
Time Flies
Politically Correct Police
A Little Bit of Culture
Good Little Girls
Divine Fallacy
Prior Self
Deaf Day
The Break-Up Shake-Up
Sea Spray
Shortcuts School Tour (6 short plays)
Winter Shorts (all 7 short plays)
Plan Day
Just Be Frank
With the Patience of Angels
Grave Concerns (8 short playa)
Bed and Breakfast
Dancing at Lughnasa
Annie (twice)
The King and I
Yours, Anne
City Theatre (Summer Shorts'09)
City Theatre (Summer Shorta'09)
Inside Out Theatre Company
Hollywood Boulevard Theatre
Mosaic Theatre, Plantation
Hollywood Playhouse
Mosaic Theatre, Plantation
Public Theatre, Ft. Lauderdale
On the Boards Theatre Company
Edge Theatre, Miami
Edge Theatre, Miami
Edge Theatre, Miami
Public Theatre, Ft. Lauderdale
Hollywood Playhouse Blue Box
City Theatre (Winter Shorts 2001)
City Theatre (Winter Shorts 2001)
City Theatre (Winter Shorts 2001)
Key Went Theatre Festival
City Theatre (Summer Shorta'00) ~
City Theatte (Summer Shorte'00)
City Theatre (Summer Shorta'00)
City Theatre (Summer Shorte'00)
New Theatre, Coral Gables
City Theatre Winter/Spring Tour'00
City Theatre, Winter Shorts
City Theatre (Summer Shorts `99); •
City Theatre (Summer Shorts `99)
City Theatre (Summer Shorta'98) •
City Theatre (Summer Shorta'98)
New Theatre's "Other Series"
City Theatre, (Summer 3harte `86)
Ring Theatre, University of Miami
Killington Playhouse, VT
Killington Playhouse, VT
Killington Playhouse, VT
I Remember Mama Killington Playhouse, VT
South Pacific Green Mtn. Guild Summer Theatres, VT
West Side Story Green Mtn. Guild Summer Theatres, VT
Cabaret Green Mtn. Guild Summer Theatres, VT
* Carbonell Nomination Best Ensemble
Theatre for Children
Theatre for Children -Green Mountain Guild, VT
Animal Crackers -The Princess and the Ogre -Christmas Carol -Everybody's Different -Peter Rabbit
and Other Tales -The Nightingale and the Emperor -The Devil and Hie 3 Golden Hairs -The
Christmas Cuckoo - Juet So Stories -Red, White and What? -The Emperor's New Clothes -The
Magical Red Cap -Fable Factory -Along the Mississippi w/Mark Twain
Raggedy's Blues WLRN Radio, Miami
Dancing at Lughnasa, Oace Upon a Mattress, West Side Story, Annie, Dames at Sea, Jerry's Girls,
God Bless Irving Berlin, Remember Cole Porter, The King and I, Cabaret
Education: B.S., State University of NY, Cortland; MA., New York University
Cell (305) 458-0604
manna and the Huluppu Tree
Faith Healer
The Apple Tree
It's a Fabulous Life
Whose Life is it Anyway?
Closer Than Ever
Beau Jest, The Musical
The Tales of Peter Rabbit
Animal Crackers
Red, White and What?
Everybody's Different
The Nightingale and the Emperor
The Emperor's New Clothes
Prince Fairyfoot
Just So Stories
Animal Crackers
The Christmas Cuckoo
Stephanie Ansin
Sandra Ives
Andy Rogow
Stage Mbar Bement Resume
The Playground Theatre, Miami Shores, FL
Inside Out Theatre, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Hollywood Playhouse, Hollywood, FL
Inside Out Theatre, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Broward Center for the Perf. Arts, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Byron Carlyle Theatre, Miami Beach, FL
Inside Out Theatre, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Hollywood Playhouse, Hollywood, FL
Hollywood Playhouse, Hollywood, FL
Green Mountain Guild Theatre for Children Co, VT
The Playground Theatre Artistic Director
Inside Out Theatre Company, Producing Artistic Director
Hollywood Playhouse Artistic Director (Ret.)
Board Member The Womea's Theatre Project (2007-2009)
Wilks Award (first annual) 2002- to recognize the accomplishments of a woman over forty
working in an artistic area of professional theatre, whose achievements and generosity of spirit
have been an inspiration to her peers.
Remy Award 1998 For Outstanding Service to the Theatre Community of South Florida
Founding Member and Managing Director - The Green Mountain Guild, Inc, VT
(not-for-profit theah~e company) 9 1-1995
Cell (30s) 458-0604
Board Member, Theatre League of South Florida (1995-2006; President 1998-2002; 2004-2006)
Csrbomell Awards Voter 1998-99, 2000-2005; Producer of Annual Awards Show (2000-2003)
Board Member The Womeu's Theatre Project, PY. Laaderdsle, FL (2007-2010)
Board Member Miami Beach Arts Trust (2004-2005)
liosrd member, Dade Cultural Alliance (2000-2002)
Remy Award 1998 For Outstanding Service to the Theatre Community of South Florida
Wilke Award (first annual) 2002- to recognize the accomplishme~rts of a woman over forty working in an artistic
area of professional theatre, whose achievements and generosity of spirit have been an inspiration to her peers.
Founding Member and Mauaging Director - The Green Mountain Guild, Inc., Vermont.
(not-for-profit theatre company) 1971-1995
The Guild mounted over 290 full-length productions and a touring Theatre for Children Company, and
toured all over New England, New York and the American and British Virgin Islands.
Managing Director duties included: casting, play selection, costume coordinator, production coordinator,
contracts, booking, tour coordination, graphics, promotion, advertising, photographer, and primary fiscal officer.
Interim Mamagiug Director-Shores Performing Arts Theatre, Miami Shores, FL 33138 Fall 1992
Duties included establishing Box Office system, coordinating and accounting for ticket sales and all
other income, preparing contracts for actors 8c staff, group sales and theatre bookings, schedule box office and
volunteer help, schedule repay and maintenance of theatre, assist Artistic Director.
Co-author ofi TAX CUIDE FOR PER_FORMFRS• Buv ThiQ Book. It's Dedutibla
Baker's Plays, Boston, 1989; second edition 1992.
Co-Editor of: THE SOURCE• A Theatrical Resource Guide to the Greater Boston Area
Stage Source, Boston, 1989.
Adjudicator-Florida Theatre Confereoce auditions 2000, 2001
Adjudicator Mete ofFlorida-Individual Artist Fellowship 2002
Production Coordinator/Company Manager-Storyvi!!e, Shores Performing Arts Theater, 2001
Crestor/Producer-S/amP/ay and Yow've Gotta Have HeART 10-minute play contests 2000-2003
Crestor/Producer-Theatre League Full-Length Pley Contest, 2001-2003
Dramaturgy City Theatre, Miami 1995-ti; independent work for playwrights ongoing
Black Boa Theatre Committee City of Miami Beach 1994-5
Guest Lecturer
Providence College Theatre Departrnent, 1988-Seminar on Audition Techniques
University of Miami, 1996-Seminar on Taxes for Performers
Production Coordinator The Charles Playhouse, Boston, 1986
The Fantasticks I S week run. Duties included casting, hiring, contracts, overseeing the
Panel Member (professional presentations)
New England Theatre Conference
Vermont Theatre Association
Teaching Eaperiemce
New World School of the Arts, (college division) Miami, FL
Coconut Grove Playhouse, Coconut Grove, FL
Dartmouth College, Hanoveq NH
Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH
University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT
BS, State University of New York, Cortland, NY;
MA, New York University
Playwright Development
Playwright Development
Downstage Miami 2007
True Blue
What If?
The Christmas Cuckoo
Everybody's Different
Just So Stories
Animal Crackers
Prince Fairyfoot
Cell (305) 458-0604
Program 2009 with Carlos Murillo
Program 2008 with Christian Parker
with Leslie Ayvazian
The Women's Theatre Project, FL
Raneas City Women'a
Playwritinq Festival 2007
Green M~
The Nightingale and the Emperor
The Magical Red Cap
The Emperor's New Clothes
Sin Guild, VT
True Blue GableStage
what If7 Studio Theatre/Wellington
The Women of the Beat Generation The Women's Theatre Project at
New Theatre and
Miami Dade College South
What If? Finalist RC Potluck Productions
What If? Semi-Finalist TITLEWave Theatre, OH
Turning Into My Mother URGENT MATURITY
Mother/Daughter Monologues, Volume 4,
On the Road
What Are You
Belle's Caf€
South Beach,
With the Girls
the Musical
The Crones Among Us
With The Patience of Angela
Quiet Lies
The Great Blasket
It's A Cat Bouae
Women Always Win
Words of Mass Deception
BS- State University of
MA- New York University
Stuart Dornfield/Rob
Bonnie Benson
Suaan Westfall
Lana Gelb
Roger Martin
Roger Martin
Roger Martin
Roger Martin
Roger Martin
Roger Martin
New York, Cortland
PROGRAMS Hippodrome Theatre Playwrights Program
Gainesville, FL
M8M88R Dramatists Guild of America
International Center for Women Playwrights
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Mailing Address:
First Name MitlUle
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