Ad #600 Notice of Public Hearings 4/14/2010. sand City Commission ' of the City of Miami "Beach, :Florida; in °the Commission Chambers, ` 3rd floor, .City .Mall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, 4 April 14, 2010, to consider the following: .V~:.: $~. Al - R y 10:15 a.m. ~~ ~ = Ordinance Amending Section 90-230 Of Chapter 90 Of The City Code,'Entitled ".Solid Waste;" Said Amendment Increasing The Term Of The Cit~r's franchise Waste Contractors/Franchise ~ ~. Waste Bontractor Agreements .From Three `(3) To :Five '(5) (ears; Amending Section 90 231, -Entitled "Recycling Requirements For Franchise Waste Contractors; Protest-Procedures;" And FurtherAmending Various Non-Substantive Definitions ~1nd Terms Throughout `Chapter- 90 To Update And Clarify Same :(As Well As`=Deleting Various'Definitions ~1nd Terms`For The Satre ` - Y Corresponding .Purposes Of Update/Clarification)..' _ , Inquiries may be directed to the Pub(ic~Works Department (305) 673-7080. ~ - ;~ . , ti',~ ;:_ a •. ( ..10:20 a.m. .. .. :. Ordinance Amending Chapter 86 Of The Miami `Beach City Code Entitled "Sales,"'By Amending Article III; ~t=ntitied "Non-Profit Vending And Dist~rbutivn," ;By Amending °Division 1, E~ntifled "Generally," -B~ Amending .Section 86-141,, Entitled ~.DefinitionS;" By Amending -The ~Defirntton Of Message=Bearing :Merchandise; By,Amending-,Section 8.6-143:,.-.Entitled "Area Reserved -..For Eton-Profit Vending And Distribution,'°::~y- Clarlf~ing i'errnit 'Requirementcs .~1nd. Amending , Th:e 'Provisions Regarding The Relocation Or Suspt;nsion 0f Non-Profit 1lertding ..Under :Certain Circumstances; By A-~ending'Section 86-14.5,Entitled "Prohibitions," By Amending The ~_ Activities And .Actions .P,rphibited By A Permit Holder; By ~Amerading `Section B6--148, ~En#itled _ "NoPermit; Renalty," By Amending The Activities"Prohibited °Without=a Permit; ~By Amendir~ ...Section 86=152. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r -:. ; Inquiries may .be directed to the~.City Managers ~Ctffice=(305) fr73=T~D10. -INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at .this meeting, or ~be represented ~ by :an ,agent, for to express their mews in writing addressed to the `City ~Commfission, e/o the Ci#ji =Clerk, 'T700 Convention Center Drive, 1st 'Fbor, City 'Hall, Miami Beach, 'Florida 83139..Cop:~es of ' . _ -ti ,. these ordinances -are auatlabie for ~pub'hc inspection :during ~;norrnal ,business trours m 'the City ~ieriC's Office, 1.700 Convention Center -Drive, 1st FJoor,~G'it)r :Hats, :and Miami Beach, Florida -331.39 ~or via the-C~i's~web site at www;miamibeachfl.gov. This :meeting -maybe oQntinued - -and under such circumstances additional Legal .noticewould not be ;provided. .. _ .- ~ Robert E. Parcher, City'C#erk _~ -~~~a. ~. .._ .. _ City of Miami_Beach ~_ ~~Pursaant to~Soction,286~1A5, Fla. Stat.., the City .hereby advises the public that: if.a person .+ decides to appeal any decision made by °the City Commission with respect to -any matter i~onsidered' at Its mebtirf g or its hearing, suchperson must ensure that ~a verbatim record .of the ,proceedings ~s made, which record includes the testimony and. evidence upon viwhich the f -appeal is to-be based. This ~not'rce doss ,not: constitute -oronsent by the City •for the in~oductian ' ar adntissian ofetherwiseinadmissibie or<irrelevarlt~evidence, nor does it:authorize chailenges g ~or appeals not otherwise allowed-by law. ~ ~ _ j -~ To request this material in accessible format, sign language intetpraters, information ion ~' access for .persons with disabilities, and/or arty accommodation to review any document ~" or .participate `in any`` ci#il=sponsored proceeding; please contact (305) 604-2489 (voice), ' - (305)~7ves~n,adv"~oit~6eur request.TfY~sers may also call 711. ; (Florida ;Relay Service):, . J . , ~ ..,.:a , ~; _~ Ad: X600 ~ ~ _ ....._.:, _ _ . - - ..~..