Yamile Jimenez-Soto Concluded letter.,City O~. MIC111'll BeCC~7, 1700 Convention CenterDrive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miami6eachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE~CITY CLERK, Robert Parches, City Clerk ~ ` - Tef: {305) 673J41 1, Fax: {30Si 673-7254 '_ Apr..i1 6, 2010 .. ' Yamile Jimenez-Soto 1 125 Marseilles ,Dr. #4B .' ' _ ' IVliarrii Beach,. FL33141 . Subject: Reusing ~4uth®e'it'v , Dear Ms. Jimenez=Sofo, `' ~ . .. Your membership on_the Housing Authority is now concluded. The City Commission hds'~ requested, that I ,convey to you its appreciation .for .your contributions of time and; effort,`resulting in`the successful functioning of this Committee, . ~ ~. and for #lie interest shown by you throughout;yourseivice on it. ' f Please note that regrettably, the parking decal veil} no longer be honored;since your term of membership. on the committee has ended. , Sincerely, ~ ~ ~. .. .- u ~Q ' ~ . Robert -E. Paccher - - _ ~ City Clerk,:. ' -- Cc: City Liaison: Ana 'Parekh ` Mayor.Matti Herrera Bower j Saul~Francis File ~~ - ... ~ - F. We are.,~o~~i}t~~C1,,tp~fov~~S~.~~xceel~e,nf,~u~I~~r,.~eSrv~Ge q[}c~.~Q~~ t all {, live ork n[~ glgy 1n oWr yfl~r~anl, troRi pal,, istonc cpmmunity. 4 C~ ~ v ~ E fcpG', „11,'h4 ir., ~kC~k, Uli~, Cu(7~i ' ~ ~,L(C.ni J~.,CC '~ii . '~C.~77 f1J^,~~