017-2010 Projects to be funded from proposed bondsm MIAMIBEACH . ,.,. City of Miami Beath, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.mt~pSiiih~e~6Ehfl.gpr; ; 1'v• Y MEMO # oil-ZOio COMMISSION MEMORANDIJIvI To: Commissioner Edward L. Tobin FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: April 13, 2010 SUBJECT: Projects to be funded from propose onds Attached is the September 21, 2009 LTC 247-2009 containing the list of projects to be funded from proposed Water and Sewer, and Stormwater bonds, prepared in support of FY 2009/10- 2013/14 Capital Improvement Plan & FY 2009/10 Capital Budget (Capital Budget and CIP). Please see issue totals on page 7 of 7. The second series of both Water /Sewer bonds and Stormwater bonds may be adjusted based on changes in the program or savings achieved through current market conditions. In addition, the following projects are anticipated to be funded from Parking Bonds and for the Energy Conservation/Equipment Bond. Parking Bonds -Est. - $65 million Refunding of the 1997 Parking Revenue Bonds Sunset Harbor Garage additional land, construction and reimbursement of previous parking projects Collins Park Garage Misc. surface lot renovation Energy Conservation/Equipment Loan/Bonds - $15 million Energy Conservative Measures proposed by Ameresco Please note there have been changes since the Capital Budget and CIP was adopted last September. We are in the process of developing the updated Capital Budget and CIP that will ultimately be adopted in September 2010, which will reflect any changes since September 2009. cc: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission YY f ~ •~ I.n i J /~ t~"~ Sir c2 Fri C~ 1 ! -y s W ~ ~~~ ~. OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 247-2009 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~ </\ DATE: Se tember 21 2009 Jf l ~-~'~•J P Su9JECT: Transmittal of Analysis of Timing for Spending of Existing Water, Sewer and stormwater Bond Proceeds The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to transmit the analysis of timing for spending the remaining water, sewer and stormwater bond funds. The attached schedule provides information on the existing water, sewer and stormwater bond funds (as of August 31, 2009). Based on projections provided by the Capital Improvement Projects Office (CIP), the existing stormwater bond funds, in the amount of $8.5 million, would be substantially expended by December 2009. Similarly, the existing water and sewer bond funds, in the amount of $36.2 million, would be significantly spent by September, 2010. Spend down of both water and sewer and stormwater bond funds assumes the use of the line of credit (to provide ability to award additional projects) for currently unfunded projects, using existing bond funds for expenditures for both currently funded and unfunded projects (to be committed from the line of credit), minimizing draw downs against the line of credit. Similar details of total expenditures through September, 2010 and February, 2011, are provided on the attached schedule, on a project basis, along with information on anticipated dates for commencement of disbursements. Attachment \\ ,,~I!' J MG/ I~yC~ F:\CAPI1$a18CanolBOnds -New Water & StormwaterVLTC - 2009-09-21 -Spend Down of Bond ProceedslLTC -Spend-down of STW WS Bond Proceeds 2009-09-27.doc PROJECTED FUNDING NEEDS AND PROJECT STATUS UNFUNDED FYrMad Amount: Cash Outlay ~ a TWaI ESplndauna Tabi Eapandituro! PFO~tN:}. Name FJ(PENSE CATEGORY AMWNT Remaining Balance Gommancamant t ~ through Sap 2010 through Fee 2011 a. Dr aemro9 8 ~ PROJECTS fN CONSTRUCTION 6brm Wabr UnNMee d 5 16],220 Sep-10 t 3 16]220 $ 16],220 .•:A ~ Nautilu3 ROW ateamwmrpal eabnnp -- - S 3,096.153 -- SeP09 4 - E 3,098.753 3 3,(198];3 - ~ wabeaeawer l+al Ea:aNp 124,8/3 5 Dec-09 1 S 121,6{3 _ 124,643 $ ._ wmraswwr NxS-wr 6a«al FUadp $ 2,294,912 SaP09 < Y ]11,265 4 ]11,265 smm~ Watw UnNmtwl S 2,088.698 _. Sep-10 1 S 2088,898 ; 2088898 afWaaavlar YrnNMW!!. S E ~ S Norrnendy Shores ROW ~ fl 1~2 Z 1 2 8 L2 8 , ~ 8.2 S No~09 s 6 21 ~ = 6 21 l ___ _... _. m«aa bees i4b 1__ ip - -......- __.._ __._.. ___ __._._-._ . _. _...__ ___... emrm Wabr Untwgq S 198.006 SeP10 1 - f 196.008 - 15 19!1,008 .,~-.-.1;SIA\tUMlPitltlii:: ~ j ~ 5 " j Normantly Iale / Normandie • - ~ - •~ • •~ - Sutl ROW sm mWm.N2al EatWnp I __. 3 684] Nov-09 1 5 890 S 8.94] Iwaw.as.ww pal Etlrarp E 881.354 Nov-09 3 3 8W.35d - - 3 89),354 Waura3awer (+24-oar eraexef Ealsiaq S 58,837 Nov-09 3 j 58,837 5 58.93] Sbtm Wpu UnMCM 3 j - $ - ~ i r Upalzing Undr Cap Wste Wtr ^i~ ski ~'r•.~r: ^ F S S $ IC 25-41 St amnewaarNal E:Ia4y S S - S (iratlian Creak Protect) war., a s.wer P:y Eab4rq - $ S - 5 wabr aa4ww N2a-out arway EWabq -.--_.--- E 2,08,543 Nav~09 B f 2,08,543 S ?,di8.54J amrm wabr unnme.a S ___... y - .. _... j , Upaking Untlr Cap Wtr Mn IC A tb[ilt4a4 ~( M>h+l'.%-` r S .. i 3 -. ' 2S~dt St etWm Wanriaa).E4xbq $ S - S (Indian Creek Prolecq - -- --- - - -... r watwaSawraxn Eauwq S ~ i - S - ~ W4Miaaaw )422-GWf aueal Eawap 1975648 3 Nov-09 8 f 1915,848 S 1.918,848 storm watx unsmwp . i - _. 5 - S - y~i _ AIdM ~.., • ~rz E f 5 Indian Creek 28th to 61st •. s _. {Indian Creek ProjecU sro^n Wabr (uq EWanp. $ S ~ ; w+bansewe.Pal Eal.Urq E 499,411 Nov-09-- - B - 3 a99ptl . S 499,111 Ra _. ~ _ waaxiaamrtlLt-4114 BMb Ei i 5 S - FUNDED PROJECTS ~~~ aroma Wa[er UnilagN $ 5 - -- $ ~Sa1a~40~YNa{ : E - 3 Infiltration 8ingow Pr ogram ' - -' - - - -- Phase! amrmwawNxgE.bnnp $ - 3 5 w.bra S.wer Nx47 EalsGp --~_~~ - - $ 5,172,881 Dec-09~ 13-- 9 3,978.993 S -- 5.1]2,691 Wabri Bauer Nx3-GWt arawlErh3eq S 133,8:15 Dw09 13 S 564,488 ._. 3 133.835 storm Wabr tMMeed '. ; -.- 3 _ 3 . a°P ra EMHH{1MBIeN r: .. . :~ .. .: S - .; - 5 -.. - Pump Station LandacaPing - .. .. ~ r.- Unaaalgned ~ Wabr Pxq hutlrq S L S - E - Wamr85ewe1+2+1 Eabanp -. -- E 1382.508 .. Apn 10 i -- - S 1,185,005 S 1,382506 -_._ WabeiBrv»r142]-GWr ereuelEml4q E E - f arorm waw unnma.e E _ ; S uL6~ ~ Pump Station 4 Landscaping -- 3 -- - (Hibiscus Island) lbrmWaw NalExnmq - f - f wawaaemr l+x+) Eabtlrq S t0.W0 Feb12 _ 2 f -~ f _... _ WaW4awFw N24-xiwt era+al e4aa+p _.. ______- _ S __. _.. f ---- f - F'K'.a%dw~CanvWCrda- N.n W Ve a SbnmMWrxm aN~v Bv<FUWg4LG xOYt41I FPOJECif O1pHD iVMgNG NEEOB pND ENO~ECL 9rhill4tk 1 D( 7 PROJECTED FUNDING NEEDS AND PROJECT STATUS Project Name E%PENSE CATEtlORY VNFUNDED ' R ~'°'- ""°~"" amalnln9 balance Gah Outlay ~ ~ Total ESpantllluns Todl Evpen01Wm4 F 01 h gMOUNT u o10&]1I09 Commmcamsnt o v Z Nroup h Sap 2010 t roug h eh 2 1 FUNDED PROJECTS smrm wear unnaasa f f ~ f beam >:,, ,~„~ 3 - 3 E ' Pump Station 22 _. - - _- -- -.-- -.. Landscaping/NSGC atmm w.br 142al EMaap. - - - i S - 3 ~~~ - ~~- wa4rasawerpzq Exlstlrq f 16.000 Fa0.10 2 f 16,000 3 16,000 wab.aamwr Pn.pn -f -_-. ---.. _._ ___ _.. _. aroattl Ealaarp . -. _ -- -_ -_-_- f E Shxm Wabr Unmoved . E ~ f - 3 ~.... :' }iw~rztMMrjat•;; E S - E Pump Station 10 .. amrmwaM lout EXaaq $ 3 - f Lendacapingl Bette Isle - - - ~ wmra aewo HUl E4all~N g 31.000 Nov-08 1 E 31.000 f 31000 Wa4ra b.m.r lbal.(iul( _. _. &axt ESbtl f $ amrmwamr unaared -, E S - E t seder ~nvar .: m } d°-.~'~r~ E - f - S - PumpStatlon2Landscaping ~~ - . - - - -- -- .. (Star Island smrm mbr N]Q e'La"a ~-~ f - - - $ 3 ' ~wa4ra sa...r Nat Ea4n~q .. y . 3.924 Nov-09 1 - y ~ - _ 3926 ........ E . . 3,924 Wabr6 amnr14]J.6W @raaul Exump S 5 ~ 5 - amrmWaWnnnvtlad $ $ - $ - Pump Station 27 tEtlwaa4wrrlammd.,a P S _ g. _. --- __.. - - -- Landa<apingl Collinad 57th smrm wmr(b4q EmaM4 f $ $ _ SL -. -...--- IWa4ra 4ewe~143b1 ~E+~ea~ --. E 20,000 Dac08 2 5 - -.. 20,W0 E 20,000 ~ Wabr a Satyr Ibis -Gull amnl E.bmq f f . .. E arorm wuruma,a.d S - $ $ _-.- Pump Station 28 i34aar'Mnhsdwi' <'::: .. S _ - _ 3 E - Landscaping f Indian Creek 8 smrm mar N:q &blYp S E ~ 3 63 SL - - wa4ra s.w.~t+zal E4atlry E 00,000 Mey40 L P f 80.000 f 00,000 Wa4ri 8eMrlb]3. GWf @reaxel Ea4tln3 a __ -.. -. .. -- - _ f ___- - f ,amrmwa4r UnNntlaa E $ _._ S ____ Pump Statlon 75 I a..~r.,^+ ~:. S - - S - E Landscaping/itat Street smrm wear ingEw+M $ 6 - f - (Completed) '. - -- -...- -- ---- --. . Wa4ra Sawar Uibl ~f.gmp $ 3,J31 __ Nov-09 ._ _.. 1 f 3,131 f 3,J31 . rra s.w«pia.wa drama) G4arp $ 3 - E am,mwamr unnaw.d f - S - 3 i aam~ygypd('".. ~ "~ 3 ~ f - f Pump Statlon 5 Landseaping ` ` °' - -- - - - - /Palmisland (Completed) smrm w4mr(b]q rslmnp i S ~ 3 wau~ a sewer N29 E.ian,p _ f 8.380 Nov 09 1 E 8.306 E 8.36fi ~waeb asew.rlus.ow. -_ - - ---_.__ ~emul EtlaCiq 3 S - S -~ smrm wabr unmma S E E ~'z r' ~~~ " E Pump Statlon 8 LandacaPing '"° " - - ---- -- ~~ - lSan Madno arorm wam U:p:en.onp $ s - 3 - Ealmry sevnrtbal - -j. -_. 10.000 Oc411_ 2-.. f. --... $ -. -. WaMra 9awW 14]J. pat --- - . _- -.. -...._.- awxel Exbram 3 ~ 3 - 1 - 'iamrmwaurUnmMad :: i S -_ E _ _ - _._ 3 __-__...- - , ~ i 96 r" E Pump Statlon 7 Landacapillg « - -- - / DI Lldo Is. smrm Watr put e4bmp $ 3 _ 3 rss.w..lba1 y -. _10 000 _. 5 ... E 4 , _ .. Nov-tt _._ 2 3 -_--- _ wa4rt EawerPA.-e4f ~I Bzaaa Exbap -- -- E --- -- f - S arormW.Nr9nhmdatl S $ _ i -- .,'fir .. .MK' f - s $ Pump Statlon BLandacaping -- ~- - - - -- I Rivo N[o bmrm wabrlap Edawp $ - 3 s wamaaew.r ryzq EW14q -. E 10.000 _____._ Dao11 Z. $ _ =rAribairew~m~e. ~ r4. can. a am~.~.wsvmvm base eve iu'4aurG zasamrr W W ECiED eorvG rundeic ar[oe nxU rrzaE<r arnzuam 2 D12 PROJECTED FUNDING NEEDS AND PROJECT STATUS UNFUNDED Footled Amount: Caah Outay ~ ~ Total Eapendkum Toml Eapandltuos Pf0]ecI NeRte E%PENSE CATEGORY AMOUNT Remalnin9 WMno° Commencement ~ ~ through Sap 1010 mrouph Fe0 E011 as or 0&31109 FUNDED PROJECTS ear wee unnmaw S .. f -~ - .- f ---. -.~- Pump Statlon Z7 ;d.'. "f E 5 S ~ Landscaping / 71st SL 8 Rue awm waxer pxsl Ealeee S - E - E - Versalllea ~ -- -- --- - w.mres..r.r HxG Evamq f 10,000 Jan-t2 - 2 b - 5 - ----... wawaa.w.rHa.om eeert,l Ealalkp S E 5 9bIM Waar UaNMtl 5 - - . ..-. _- _.. -. - 5 - . - § - Flarttlnga ROW :. Wew[s+eer 3fa § - s 5 Nelghbomood Improvements - - - - -- BP 10D -WashiOgton Ava. smrm wear(+NlEasaM S 16211 Apr-10 1 E 16,211 S 16.211 (COmplatadt wnt. a s,wm Pz11 Et~smq S 47.881 Apr-10 1 E 47.681 E 47.861 Wewa9eWer {+IS. GYn 9.vaa)Etbeq f f - E steno Wear Unermletl E f - S - Belle tale ROW BPark BP 138 ICOmpletad) sarm w+arfaxel Fauae § - § - - --- § waarase.m HR+1 FNSwq - _. f 195,61] _. A r10 P _.. 1 185,817 f - -_ S 195,817 -.- __ wawaa.wmr axe-oNi elute)Ellntlq _ , f - aarm wear unwree. E E - E SOwage Pump Statlon Odor ` ' -- -. . -- -- --- -- -- Control ~a~ W~r(~) 5 5 S - waaraatwm Pxq E.itaae _. -5. ---- - f-- -- - 'f --.-. - WawaaaavrielJ~Wl arse+•1 Eaaap E 10,378 Jarv W 1 1Q378 f f -10, 378 amrm w.ar uanaq,v ~ S _ -- 1 - _. 1 >: o.. "t t : ~ f S f CltYwlde Sub. ACqueous Yr Y. ; ` , -__ -- - - -. Feaalbilty Study. ~sb.m waw Nxll EasMq § 5 i jwaa,as.vmrluG ~EYnmp S. -. .. -.--- --.. a-._-.- -.. f _.-.--- - ~WawaSewerlMa-GWI a.mgFaMay ___- S 380,000 Jun-10 < 5 380000 --- § 360.000 'amrmWawUnnadW E _ f § >b4¢~fY ' 'yh'bitYld;t:: ~ " '' 4 ~ " 5 f s Mlac. Wastewater and Water " ` - - - - . - - - - -- -. -. . Upgrades amrm w.r Rr•1 aM•an9. f _ § _ w.ara s.wer PZO - S -.._ - -. - - en.nre - _.__ - 3 S waaraa.w.. (+aa-con erxz,l Eti,Wq E 815723 Mar-/0 7 f 845.723 S 845]23 3W(m Waar VtlRMe1 ~,. ... § I § § . !KaWAYmavr 4nffalep: ~:3 f f.-. 5 -.-.__ -..- Water System Preaaure - - - - - -- Control Valve sror w w Iaza1 EAalNp ~ f - 1 E 'Wa1teA Sewtt 11111 f ~- - - -- ~E.an,u _._ - -.. - -. E - ..- 3 - _ WUnaaetn.(Ixa-Gun nreeael Eaonne 200,000 f Mar40 3 5 2D0.000 f 2W,V00 ~samr waa. UnaxMea E § - S __ -..-- --- -. T{aw S!e5Wf 01niijgmt`:i ,.. `• E E S 6th Street Alton to Michigan ~imwmmarpze)EUenn a E - E - S Wabr85ewe,Ve11) - -..-... .... Eaboriy § t24,2W Mry 10 1 f 124200 S 124.200 WewaSewvr l+x].GVII -..-.- --. --_- --. __ _ - emartl Ewn,q 5 E - E ( SWrm Wdat UnNMaV -. $ --. - -- - 5-.. _- f. --~. Waw Y;isa+aafinayded`~ '.. ~ E --.-- f f Indian Creek Or. Water 8 FIreI " -' °` - ~ - -- - LlneEat l aw waw Nxel E.bUaO § S E - war.,a S,warla0 -.. -. - _--...-... § EtbWp S 1.500 Apr40 1 4,500 § 4.500 - . -.~ __-_ an,xel EAan,q S S - S ___ storm WaNr UnMMM , ~ S --... - _. r. _ .-_-.. § - ...... '-_--. f m~a~~. ~ .: $~Otlaeav Ogl%iia~j,t § § - _ E --. No.l: NoRh Shore -. - - .- . - . Neighborhood 8fetm WtYr Nxll EiaMO § - f ~ _ 9 xU _ __ _. EWarM -- -. f 350000 Apr 10 -... _. 4 S 350000 . E 350000 -_._--- _ -___. Wear•aeeW Naa-eaa OuargbMl•19 S S S r rura.rr nr,e«d ~ uw we«A sm„m.wnwm.., s~nz. e«,e r,.,apuTC-zamos.z wrwr<eco ow~o vuxwrw rvrem aan wrn,cers'ra*Ga w 3 of 7 PROJECTED FUNDING NEEDS AND PROJECT STATUS D Fun4e4 Amount: ~ l n a 6 l p l PfOJec3 Nartt@ E%PENSE CATEGORY AMOUNT ftemainlnp balance Commanument ~ Nro uph sa p 0 O thro FOb 2att up as of OSI31I08 5 FUNDED PROJECTS saenn YMM wvM+4w E f - S -i TS 3. fY?1D ;,2x4Y;St:Y(:}et :~" S S f Repairs for Pump Station r7 . -- _""'-"'- --- - -- - .. _.. _.. - Pump Motors smrmwarx H:qE uun9 S -. -- -- --. 3 - $ - w.was.we~l+z+l Emtlrq S 11 J00 Dec-09 1 E 11A00 S 11,400 wawasawr Nfa. oar eMw}E.plaq f S - 3 ixxm Wear unruwee 5 --_ - -.... - ... -. -.. -- 3 - f :r 7 ..::.: 'SsyzarlNN4iaa~x~.: s E § . Biscayne Bay S[reetend 1 -~- ~~ --- '"""_" Enhancement aM Watx RxyEi+faq S 234.778 . __ Dea09 -.--- i S 234.176 . s 234.176 -... - waurasxnrl+z+l Ealatlnp f - f f WaW Laewx Nfa.0a1 er4etp EalaWp ... .. .. _.. _.- -..--. -..... f -.-.. -- amxm wa4+r unwWw. E § § Natiai a4vm fkhaieati ~: S - § § - SunsetHarbor820atStortn ~ ~ "' - --- S - -- - Wtr lmprOV. bromW urNU)EUatlrq ]2,239 Mat-10 1 E ]2,239 f 322]9 sewerdNl ~ li 3 E 3 E 6arp ..... --. _. Waura3.w.r(+z1 -aar fmuelEtlsap 3 3 ~ S ~ item Waix Onendetl I s 3 - s - .~. ., ( Sunset Lake Park (Sunset U I Island 114) SW slam Vhlx (4xA} lsep ( E 5.921 Apr-10 1 ( f 5.923 f ..5923 watxas.wx pxal E.ISbq E. --.~ ~ -.-.- E E ~, wat4..aaw.wpaa-oW1 ee f f - --- f PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED N7TN 1st BOND SERIES amrm watx UnNMe4 IS 100,000 Jan~10 - 12 S ]5.000 E IW,000 WaaraeeWarVM+afpK. ~ 3 350,000 Jan-10 12 f 262,5W 3 350,000 Oceanfront ROW amemwetx pz41 Ea09~a , E f S ~ f - waaraseweeNml E.1>dp S 90.115 Dec-09 - -_. 3 -~ S 86,115 --.- - § 98,175 waaraarmrtaxa. ear emx+l ExalYp ~ i E 225,198 Deo09 12 f 187,663 3 225,198 61arm WaM UeM4M $ 3,114,150 Mry-10 11 f 1,415.795 S 2.831591 •MMr{itMtdl4;.: 3 98.509 May-10 3 3 96.509 E 96509 Bayshore BB-Lower NO. Bay ""--"'~~~~' - --- - - Road bex 1var. (+zq ExlNMq - f 323.479 Mry-10 2 - $ ~ - - -- S 268,508 wawra sewe~(afai EaxErp ~ S 1.204,561 M 10 ry - 12 - 501,909 f E 1,003,913 -- - -- -~ ena~xs)Eal (+11-au8 +u!9 -- - - 5 1,013,690 1 May-10 L 12 119156 3 898,912 S storm Wabr UnNMM . - S 5838,238 - Fa0.10 11 I -- 3 4,246,5TJ -...-.. _ S 5,838,289 .. Ifti>~41ft1 ' E 81.766 Fe?10 3 3 81 163 f 81 786 Le Gorce ROW .-; t , , Neighborhood lmProvementa amrm waa. pm)Ea4i,q 3 34,002 Fab-to I t 5 eo.W2 S 36,002 BP3 _ -_... _ - werras.wer P:q Eaaarp 3 2395,191 _ FeR 10 R S. -.. 1.597,198 f 2,393]91 Wa4W ae+amr (oil-GUe smut f 1.533 FeP10 F 12 f 5059 i 7,538 norm wear unnmaw S 2,395,116 Jun~10 11 f BN,851 S 1,959.840 S ~~.`aft'-f5 4 ,r; ~ 5 98 T1J Jun-10 3 S 26,376 f 26,376 Bayshore BC-Lake PancoaSt amrm Waar(4U/Ex1+Wq f 13,343 Jun-10 I 5 18.J43 E 18.343 W+ter a Sewer I+xa) E~laarp S 1,354,560 ..... JUn40- -.-.-.-.. 11 ~~ 5 601858 E 1,353731 WaMaBSn.rHri.OW1 ereea)Eatxnq ~ 3 769855 Jury 10 it f 257,984 f 530463 Sturm Wahr urmn44o 8 13833 439 May-t0 30 3 T,D2.248 ~ f 4,564498 S'184,Yxsi~W~11,. eVnaataa4 E 10.481,000 May-10 30 1 764.500 S § 3,439,000 Bayshore BA -Central 'slala Yl4w lt1a73upbp f 3 - S - waxasewerPxq EilWrp -3- -.-. - -3 -. 3 ---. . ~V sew°laaa-nmx - -5 ~;~ .......... a^a _-..._.-_ 15,326 May-10 JO S 12,554 E 25,109 slam Wabr unnmaw S 198,962 _- Dao-09 . 11 _ 3 130.875 . . ___ § 198.862 Naw 48"OuOaII~Easement u ~1N:ti+fr~ttOF}At~..,' S - _ E _ § __-_ ._- between 4180-4200 Chase amnnmmjaxE}enxmq ! $ ~ E - Ave --- ~ -- ---- --.- - waroasewerNwl E+i•an9 3 f 3 wawaaew.rPA-Galt .... .-. . - -. -.. ema) Ealsaq E s S srwnnawv:..ewo-e.. x«wn. a s~w~..«run..mm e,.q. m,e s~.s,yare ~re.tr raaecrto a»+o ruuaw r+eemrao rgwccr arArus s 4017 PROJECTED FUNDING NEEDS AND PROJECT STATUS Funded Amoum: UNFUNDED Cash Outlay ~ ~ ToYI ExpsndiNrea Total Expentllturea PFOJ@Cf H@ID@ EJ(PEN6E CATEGORY gMOUNT Raransal~ninOpwMl~w Commntcammt 8 ~ ihroaph Sep 2010 through Fib 2011 PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED WITN fst BOND SERIES azwaWear Unanewd ~E 850,000 -~~. Mar-10 4 $ 650,000 $ 650000 a waist rz~' e.[i - -. -. -... - -_. _._ tfOeaea E f - S .a.......:. ,~} }U , ,. ,.. _ Drelnage Improvements ddth Smrm waar(axq Ewmq S ~ 6 - S St. 8 Royal Palm w.zern s.w.r t4u1 E- $ $ - - EmtNp North Bay Road 8 SB St. Ora(nage lmprovementa Cltywitle Stormwater Pian Sunset Islands t S 2 Star lslantl Biacayna Pofnt ROW Neighborhood Impmvem~ BP1 Bay Road Pump Statlon 8 Outfall Upgrades Vene@an Islands 13C Sunset 8 Venetian Island Force Mafna Sanitary Sewer Manhole (GW) Rehab. saw.rlna-oMr ewana S f ~ E ww unmm4a S x67.292 Mar-10 5 S 167.292 E 137,292 SC~, $ - -_ -.-- - - S S aW 141a)EaaEria E ~ s E sa.<r 1414) S ---_- E 3 -.. a.w.rl4za.om ' -_ - EWtltN ---- S E xar anNMW $ 600,000 Feb~10- 12 -6- -100,000 S 600,000 snwei ~~ " t E E ~ S - 3- -. wM pY{y Eabaq 1 -.. E E - sewarNZp if f S 84waf (421-CW I S. _. Em -__ ................._--- J E S 'aw UnnmdW E 990.000 "- May-10 ] E ]01,143 3 090000 Ci: llMY„ ~~~r ;" S 112.000 MepID -.-. 8 S ]0,000 S 112,OW war l4alfaaaM f _ 5 seww 1+:41 -._._ S - -.. -._ S -- --.. . S -. - . -.. Enwe~t f42a-GUY 3 2071.196 MaY-10 3 3 1,293,2q 3 2.07],106 war UnM1agad E 130.000 MaY-10 8 S 456,250 3 730,000 --- - asaMlt¢AalSad :. ~ .... S 300,000 _ -.... May-10 6 $ 250.W0 -_.... s 300.000 warl4Eal EZYYg _ { S f ifi,566 May-10 -. - 6 6 13 603 E 18,561 swm(+za. amt EabM9 S E - - - t f 'ata unNWM .... : 5 6,960,730 -- -..- Jen-11 11 $ - .. -- E 316,909 j .. . . 0awwrUMaSad'ji $ 2,]13.x10 - -. !an-11 12 3 E 463.013 YW (43a1 Eaatlre 451.177 f Jan-11 2 f - E 451,1]] seer l+x41 ! $ .283.982 Jan-11 12 S - S -- -- 46,fed j ~µza. uer i E E E war UniuntlM E 309,000 --. Apt-10 --.. 4 E 309,000 ......-... $ 309,000 - 8wzr cy~avet«t;.. . E --.. --.---.. 5 5 afar (a2al E.laWq $ E .. 3..--- so«.laq .. s.-. -..-.. -_ -. .._. -. --- - . --- --. - f - - S - sawn Fan-cwr :mmq E 5 - S aar Unama4d -______- S ]10.611 - ____ Oct-10 5 R S - S 7108x1 -;i . .. ---- sael4EQ EYEB~N ~ E 321417 OCt-x0 3 E S 321,11] sewer HZp 1.526756 E 1 Oct-10 10 S -- S )63,3]6 94ver l4za-oar laap ~ . S i.863.8W 1 ~ Ocl-10 10 $ - $ 934,603 aar unNma 3 - - E ~ E glMr4tMHd4d r; S 1.SOO,WO May-x0 12 E 300.000 E 1.671 A30 EW (Iaq tabu~p - i - E. --..- .8 s.w.r In.1 S J26,824 ...---. _- - May-10 4 3 328,fi24 S 326,624 Iawvr l4Pa-cW - -.--- -. -. -- waaiq E 3 ~ i Ear unh,.eae S --. 3 -_-._- _E- -.. RFx'Qpfi)pdi}T~;~ ..... ., .vi ..., E 1,000000 !an-t0 _... 12 S ]50.001 . -. 2 1.000,000 Ear l+zl}EAatlnp 5 - 3 .- - S eaxvRp,adr %bWO 3 f S. ... - P Y' II',LfC.reWnM. Naw Wyy 6 fiXnmxtlaVeEarym aMy 4aY <uWpLLTL ApGGI ] IgNECTED e~MO NNdND NEEOp µ0 V0.NECi ai4ruew E 017 PROJECTED FUNDING NEEDS AND PROJECT STATUS Project Name E%PENSECATEGORY UNFUNDED Fundee Amount: Remainingaalanca' Cash OUMy ~~ Total EapentllWret Total EspantliWres AMOUNT ere of 08l]1109 Dommannmant m n n i fhrou ghSap2010 thro ugh Fee 2017 s~~n PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED WITH 1st BOND SERIES - - emrm vAnr ena.a.a t - -- E --_- - E .tx Y a ^~^ e lf... S I/00 OW Jan-10 15 S 830,000 E 1,180,000 Collins Ave. Main: SP Drive- ~ "' --- - 72ntl Street ammE wmrPxq Fin ww 3 - S - S - wanr a sw.r tasty Ea.aro E --~. - -..... S -... E waxmas.aax NSa.o areexal Eil wt S f .- f --.-. -- Scam Wam. UENMW S 85,000 Mar-10 2 E 85,000 3 85.000 N~itYa'a4ear8xxlx?xtl1 .. :. 0 ~- :. E S - S Stormwater Pipe Repairer worm wane t4saiFwu nq - f - - f 5....- waW aEavnr H]41 FWtlrq -. -... 5 _... - -.-- E E -_-. W4Mi3mwr(asJ-OU Fin 8 E 3 -_. 3 ---... __ PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED WITH 2nd 8 0ND SERIES am Want IMNMea e x y S 18 022 88] _..__ Jun 10 --- 38 S 55,777 E 55 777 Flamingo ROW *6lrmrUMxexda a ... .......... a ^. ^. ] d]0158] - Jun-10 38 3- - 40.000 E 90000 Neighborhood improvements am. Warr (axq Einn aa S 164223 Jun-l9 e t 60,000 S to 223 BP tOA wa«asm.<r la:q ' 3 1 ~ - .eamny .' -_.-- - -. . _-...-.. 3 - f - _____ w,nra Sawartw-o I area..t E,nnrg we ~~ 3 . S S smrm wear trnnnaee i E 17.468.592 OG41 24 S 65,214 S t05.21a Flamingo ROW 4YatMt 4wwrl(nAtgbl 1 VY, f E 5.97,842 Jun-f0 40 S - E Neighbomood lmprovemenls amrm wanrµul Eano pi E 100,181 Jun-10 6 f 80,000 E ID0,16s BP 1DC Wearer s...erpv) IF.Iwrq ~' - - E 103,522 Jun-00 -._. _. ID S /1,409 t 93.170 - _ _.__ _- waart Eame[Un.cw BreaulFaemp r -_.~ E - .... f - 3 ~smrmwaw WrnmaN 5 1/,841,979 ~ Jun-10 _---._ 4p y .-. 21.199 E 21.199 West Ave. ROW }aawgyptygqa ~ s a": S 6997 J43 -- -- Jun-10 t0 5 18,000 E 24,000 Neighborhood lmprnvementa smrm water H]al Etlaa rq 3 178.801 Jun40--- 9 - f 80,000 E 178 801 BP 77B wearer s«.er pzq i _ ---. -.. - . Faan~u 5 20,102 Jun 10 1 E 20,102 S 2(1,102 Water a BeWar II7J. Gw i i --- -- .. Bawaf E.J[mq 3 - 3 S Ebrm WaW UnaMW 3 3 _..... S _ _-_____ North Shore ROW ST~i'N~„~. ^;f 3 9.517,000 Auq-10 24 S 796,083 S 2.775]92 Naighborhootl Improvements amrm were. (4nt Ealftl rq y E - E warars sewer Mxal -. - - - Eaanrq S 694,173 Aug-10 24 3 - -_ -- 57,648 ... - i 202.467 ~~-_ Vhnra a+werNn .Dea e~a.zl F:nap r i S S w rm waxes Unnadee S 2,139,028 F80-11 6 E - S 356,505 ~~ ~ $ ~ - - .... .a~r~{,axErVW4 0 ~ " : i' S 871,551 Fa0.11 6 5 - S 111,925 Bayshore aD Sonael Islands ' - - -- -- 1116N exam Warr (/al Eaka p 3 2,995 Mar-t0 1 E 2,895 S 2,995 waarisewerlaxal g - -. . .. -. .. .-.-. -.- Fwwra - 24.958 Mar-10 1 E 2d,958 3 21,958 _. watwatrear lass-aw tlnaxelE N t E S - -- S 8mrm wear UENMaa S 3882.810 Jantt 9 S ~ f 813,913 .o .. S 1,043,600 - Jan11 12 3 --_ ---_ E 113,933 PaImBMibiscua Islands staa Wqu NS4 Elna p S 20 222 -J --- i - , an11 1 S E 20822 Y~b E.xar Hx.) . _- ~ E 1823 Jan-II I t ~ 8 S 1823 Swwtaaar N]J •ou saes an a S ~ iA ' s - 5 F'CAMm"Cwaada - NwWp d Arcr,nES9rpr[n eNx. Ewa fuHpgYTG 91BfB~1) pnplECtEO EJMe [VNgNG NEED ANO Pox[LfCi STNNa.W 6 OI7 S 142,b77,2b9 S 40,838,037 Total Expsndituna TOfal Ezpanditures through Ssp 2010 through qb 2011 Storm WaHr UMundeO Storm wear (416) Exlsnnq Cumulative Expentlitures 'rWaterb sewer Unfunded I Water 8 Sewer )424) Ezisting Water x S•vnr )42] ~ Dutl Braoxal Ezlating $ 12,145,750 $ 15545 928 $ 12,489,964 Total Stormwater Expenditures through Sept. 2010: S 21 096,017 Total Water and Sewer Expenditures through Fab. 2011: S a0161 s42 Cash Agaliable 9109 $ 6496625 S 36229169 c raciwxc.a~,e.. w.. we. a s,a.~,.a.,wn+x; snq. m.a c~m.ozrc zomaair>av,enco aouo vuHaue uEeos uio aaoiecr srnns..d ] of ] PROJECTED FUNDING NEEDS AND PRQJECT STATUS