020-2010 Red Light Camera Enforcement in the City of Miami Beach Begins April 15, 2010~_ ~~~~~
Office of the City Manager Pv'lEMORAf~1l~UM `
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TO: City of Miami Beach Employees
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FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
DATE: April 19, 2010
SUBJECT: Red Light Camera Enforcement in t City of Miami Beach Begins April 15, 2010
In an effort to further promote traffic safety throughout our City, the City Commission enacted
Article XI Dangerous Intersection Safety, Chapter 106 "Traffic and Vehicles", of the Miami Beach
City Code. This Ordinance authorizes the City to utilize unmanned cameras throughout the City
to enforce red light traffic signal infractions. Since February 2, 2010, the City has been issuing
Warning Notices and beginning April 15, 2010, the City will issue Notice of Infractions to anyone
who commits an infraction of these red light signals where there is a camera.
It is anticipated that when fully implemented, there may be as many as thirty (30) cameras
installed throughout the City. All camera locations will be posted on the City's Website.
Registered vehicle owners and City employees driving City vehicles photographed or videoed via
these cameras violating this Ordinance, will be held liable. The first infraction will be $125. Each
additional infraction will increase the amount of the fine, with the second infraction being $250
and $500 for each additional infraction.
Prior to the issuance of a Notice of Infraction, a Miami Beach Police Department certified
employee will view the photographs and video and verify if a red zone/light infraction has taken
place. Miami Beach Police and Fire Department employees responding to a bona fide
emergency or a priority call that run a red light are exempt from this Ordinance and will not be
issued a Notice of Infraction.
In the instance of a City employee in a City vehicle, the Notice of Infraction will be forwarded to
Fleet Management to determine who the driver/employee is at the time of the infraction and then
sent to the respective City Department Director. In the event a pool car is involved, the
appropriate City Department Directorwill identify who the driverwas atthe time of the infraction. If
a City employee is driving their personally owned vehicle, the Notice of Infraction will be sent via
certified mail to the registered owner's address via the license tag. In either instance, City
employees will be responsible for payment of the infraction. As with all violators, City employees
will be entitled to appeal the Notice of Infraction pursuant to the provisions in City of Miami Beach
Code, Section 106-488 Appeal to the Special Master.
As City employees, we are expected to obey all laws, including all traffic laws, as with any other
driver in Miami Beach. It is the expectation that there are no legitimate exemptions of this
Ordinance other than bona fide emergencies for Police and Fire employees or the permissible
grounds for an appeal detailed in the Ordinance. Your understanding and support in this matter is
greatly appreciated.
JM Sam
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