Ad #601 Notice of Public Hearing24NE I THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 2D10
- ~' N1tAN11 BEACH
NOTICE IS HEREBY given that second readings and public hearings will be lteld by the Mayor . ,~
and City Commission. of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, in the Commission Chambers, 3rd
fiaor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on"Wednesday, May a2, '~
'~ • 2010, to consider the following:
10:15 a.m. - _
Ordinance Amending Miami Beach City Code Chapter 2, Article III,. Section 2-22(20).Establishing
Procedure Applicable To The City Commission At-Large Appointments lJJf:Board Members By
Providing That With Regard To The City Of Miami Beach Visitor And Convention Authority,
Any Vacancy Remaining After City Commission Appointment(s) Under The Established
Categories May"Be Filled 8y Applicants From Either Or 8otb (Combined) "Hotel Industry"
Or "CommunityAttarge" Category.
Inquiries may be directed to the City Attorney's Office (305) 673-7470.
5:00 p.m.
Ordinance Amending Chapter 1.42 Of The City Code,. "Zoning Districts And Regulations;" '
.Article N, "Supplementary District Regulations," Division 3, "Supplementary Use Regulations,"
By Creating-New Ordinance Section 142-1111, "Short Term Rental Of Apartment Units
•Or Townhomes. _ > ,
~Jnquiries may be directed to.the PlannirJg :Department j305) 673- 7550. "~`' ~''. ~'
- INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, .or be represented,tiY an agent,.'
~.or to expresstheir views in writing addressed to the. City Commission, c/o-the City Clerk, 7 700 _:
Convention Center "Drive, 1st Floor, City 'Hall,` Miami Beach,. Florida 33139. Copies of these
ordinances are available for pubiic inspeetiitn during normal business hours in the City Clerk's
office, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor, City Half, and Miami Beach .Florida 33
139 'or k
wia the City's web srte at This meeting may be continued and under '
~Ch circumstances additional legal notice would ..not be provided.
~, ~ . ~ <~~ert E P.archer, Ct;,Clerk `~
~ `F~ ~ ,. r,,G4 w
~11Aia~iieh.. }t~.~ ~...
`Pursuant to Section 286.01D5, Fla. S#at., the City hereby advises the public that: if a person "" a
.,decides to appeal any decisipn made by the City Commission with .respect to-any matter s
considered at its meeting or its hearing, such.person must ensure tl~t~ yerbatim:record of
'the proceedings is made, which record "includes the testimony :and evidence. upon which the '
appeal is to be based. This notice does riot constitute consent by the'-City for the introduction
~ ;or admission ofbtherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,-nor does:it'autharize challenges
Y, nr appeals not otherwise allowed by law. .
~=~ To request this material in accessible format, sign .language interpreters, information on E
access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document ' 4
P P y tY- p
"' -or artici ate in an ci s onsored .proceeding, please contact (305) 604-2489 ..(voice), ' r
~3'~) X73-~~~ 'fi~'> ~,e'gr(iate•~your request. TTY users may also gall ,
711 (f=lori~a 1`lela~y 5eraici~ ~'~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ #$ ; ~ ~ ,
1~q~1601 . to '~ ~ { ~ ~, . - ~ " ~ ~ ~ ;
_ 24P~E THUFSUAY". FiPnIL ~5+; ~010~
G~T~ ®F r~~A~~ ~~~~~
®T~CE 0~ P~~~~C H~~a~~~~S
NOTICE IS MEREOY given that se,~ond readings and public hearings ~rdill be held by~the Mayor ,
and City Commission of she City of~Miami~Beach, Florida. in the Coinmissio,a Ch~irnh~rs_.;;rd
r~~~or. Ciiy Hall. 1700Convenif~nCenter Drivc~.Miami Beach. Florida. oh Wednesday, May-i2,
2010, to consider the following.
10:15 a.m.
Ordinance Amending Miami beach City Code Chapter?.Artide III: Section 2-22(20) Establishing
Procedure Applicable To 1 h~ Cit}% Commission ~1t-Large Appointments ~f6oartl: Members By
Providing Thai lh'ith Regard To the Ciiy Of Miami Beach Visitor And :Convention Authority.
Any Vacancy Ramainin~~ Aii~i City Cornm~ssion AppointrT~eniisi Untler`~ The e"stablishe~d
CategoriPS fylay Be Fiil2rl By,Applicants From Either- Or Both iCombinedl 'Hotel Industry'.
Or `CommunityAtLarge" Category..
inquiries may be directed to the City Attt~rncti ~ Office ;5051 6~ :; X7470.-
5:C0 ~.r?.
Ordinance Amending Chapter 1.4`' Of .The Ciiy Code. ~~Zoning Districts And Regulations,"
Article. IV ~Supplenientary D~~trirtPrculations ~"Division 3. "Supplementary. Use Regulations:"
~Qy Creating blew Ordinance Section iq2-1111.Short Tend Rental Of Apartn~iFntUnits
~Or TownhomPs. ~ ~ _~
.Inquiries may he directed to+he PlanninUDepartrner~i (;;051 E7~- 7550.
INTE~ESiED ?ARTIES are invited to appear at this ~u~eeting or be represented by an agent,
or to express their views in writin~(addiessed tothe~CityCommission. r~o the City Clerk,1700
Convention Center nrive. ~;>i Floor. City HaN, Miami Peach. Florida ;;;109. Copies of these
rirdinances are available for public inspection during riormai-business hours iri the City Clerk's
Ufiice, 1700 Convention Centec~riye, 1st Floor, City Hall: and MiamiBe~~rh,Flunda ...~139~or
via the CityS web site^t ~^~~~.ti~:mi~imibeachtLgov. Thismeetinq may be contin~ied'and under
~t?c!~ circur~~stances addiiionai legal notice wouidnot de provided.
Robert E Parcher, CityClerk
%ity~of Mia~rriiBe,ach
'Pursuant to Section 226.010"~, Fla. Stat.. the City heredyadvises the public that. rf ri-pPrson~-
decides to appeal any decision made~~bv the- Ciiy Commission with respect to any, matter ~ ~ _
,considered at its meeting. or its hearing. such person must ensure that a verbatim record of
th~~ proceedings is made-.~whrch recordmcluries thetestimony and eviderrceupon which the-
~ippeal into be basE,d. Thisnutice does~not constitute consent byihe Gity for the introduction~~
or admission of~othen nse inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor dogs it authorize challenyes~~~
or appealsnot otherwise allowed by IaNi.
:fo request this material in art <;sible format. sign language interpr;,~te~s, information on
access for persons witfidisanilities and!or anV accommodation to reviewany document
or participate in amr city-sponsored proceeding. please contact (305; 604-2439 jvoice!.
f3051 673.=7213 ~T?'y'i five nays m ~dva~Tne to rnitiate-your request. 1T>'.users may also call-~
i11 (Florida Belay Service):
ti~ ,'#601 G
e_ Rr~rs ~~~ ~-