Notice to Passport Applications Acceptance AgentsFrom: Miami Passport Agency 305'-810-0766 To: 040340 iJate; 5!12!2010 Time: 12:49:00 PM~ Page 2 of ' i ' _ .. ,~ 6NT - y~ ; 1, ~ [ 7~~ . ~ „' ~ ~ ~ ~~ .. ; j ~~, .. n c; ~R'T I®I~TI~~ ~ ~: .~ TO ,, . ~ ~ , ~,~x ~ ~ P~,SSPORT~~PLI~ATI~IOI ACC~~`~IC~ t~.G~I~'I`~ ~~ , ' . - - ~ ,. - ~ ., ~~~a95~ ~~ ~~ )~1rIIlfita~$Il~Hfl ®]ffl a~ P~}CDQ1~ll~Il~ ~a`fl~s}fIi®}C°~ .?~,~~D1~ll~~~Il~IfD ~ , I11~ ~3 ~ - F - . a!s i ~. i' We would like to reiililld ail Passport ~Acceptailce Ag~i~ts o,f olu- policy r~gardulg the~rel~as~ ~f Perso.u~~11~J~ - lii. It'' Identifiable Iilfornlatioil{PII) to tllird~parties ill accordance ivithtlle Privacy Act of 197. Tlie polio ~~;Ile~ts ~t what: information Passport .Services. may share with individuals, includinb Passport A`ccept.~.iice ~lgents_ wlxi ~, j request inforration on perldulg pass,,port applications. (,; f o abl o y u are un I e to provide written authorizati n from the applicarrt, Passport Services call only provide .yc~~i. r, . with tlle~fol~lowing status u1fo1-matc~n~:~, .. ~ .. . ~ , ,# .. _ .. - ~. I~ ~ ~ o The application his veers received at a p zssp~r-t rigencv ~ -,k ,'~ ~ o _ ~ The. apphcat~on is ~n proc~,ss ,. ~! ? ~~;i . ~ - ®.` The pas:~poi-t has veers TSSUed . <, ' :. .: - . i{ 4~~ ~ No additional information r-e~ardill~ ~y~ eildin~ a ~ li'eatioir will be released to an acce tance a~e.rlt i:~l~:less b b I' b pp p b 'F' ~ ~ written authorization, signed and dated by the applicant; is received by Passport S~rvice.s.~ The. «~ritten {; Fri J authorzation-nlust specify what information may be released atld to whom Tlla authorization 1»sy.lie fa.:~e:d . ~f~ I, f {..ore-nailed to our r-e~ioi~al ass ort a~enc , ~I'ass ort Services rna at .its discretioi re uli-e recei t o:€~~1~~ Y ~ p. p ~ Y p Y~ ~ q p := i} ' :.original wrtt~il author~zaiion pr.for to r.e_leasing ulfornlation to atl acceptance. a.g~nt: ~:. l ~1~~ ~- ~ ~; .;. . Accordilgly you should. always ads se ct~stoti~rs to call the National Pas~spoi-t Ir~foriilation Center (NI?IC)'i~(~ ~~~ {' the lave uestioiis about their a licatioti or corres oildence received from Passport S ~ Y q pp p erti~ces.. Custo.l~u`s i` 'r~3 cars contact NPIC toll-.free .at l`-877-l~87-2778. ~ ~ ~ . ~ . tt;z If ~ '. .. Please coi~.ilueto contact-yolu-reganalpassport agirilcy-;~~~hen youu have questions aboLrt pas~poil acc;el~tfin~e ' i ~i~ (t~~ M r procedures or if it comes to your attention that a Passport application nay have been lost its transit. . ~ ~ ~ .. ~ . ~ ' f : ~ ~~~t IEti ' p Y . .. ,:. This.: olic i<s in strict-enforc:enlent and serves to~protect you ~as we'll as our mutual c;ustoniel~s, from the i~', I, 4 una utllor ized re lease o f P II. _ ~ ~ . - - ~~ i~, _ Wz appreciate your~col~lpliance with the Privacy.Act of 197: Tl~~~~lc you! . ~_ ~`'i r ~,~ ire., r . t 7 , , ~ PPT/P MO/CS-May 2010 - ~ - ~y <~, . +r _ ~ ~~~