Dr. Baruch Jacobs Resignation letter•
:.City ®f Nitarnt Besach, 1700 Convention Center Drive; Miami Beach; ffo~ida 33°1:39, www.iniamibeachfl:~ov
OFF-ICE OF THE CITY CLERK,Robert Parches, Ciry Clerk . ~ - •• ,
Tel: X305) 67.3-741 1, 'Fax: (305) 673••7254
. .
. -
•April 1, :201.0 ..: ,
Dr. Baruch :Jacobs
,:360...5 Fkamingo Drive_
~- Ntami Beach;•.FL 33-1.40. .
~: ,: . .
. ,
:Subject: Public 5afet~ Adeis®~~ C®rnmittee .
Dear D,r. Jacobs, ~-• •
• • ~ As per your resignation letter, your. membership on the above Board is now concluded.
1"he City Commission has requested that i. convey to you its appreciation for your
• contributions of time and-E:ffort,. resulting in the successful functioning of this Committee,
T and for the inferest shown by you throughout your service on it:
• Sincerely, :':
~~~ ~~ ~ . .
' • Robert E. 'Parcher ~ ~ .
City Clerk
.. ..
cc: Commissioner .Ede Tobin
Saul Frances
• City Liaison Chief 1~'uhr- .
File .
We ar~,,corrirmitted to, _,; cQViding ~xcellenr P~ ~blis~ ~servic~ onrd saf~, ty o all wha live, -.work ond, la in _our vibr{~.nt, tro icpl .historic communi}~~.
., `J E _l!r . ,.rG _I ;~. LiDv,C,...G ~\...~rr~!j! i~f.J;i:.. S..i /, ~. ~, ~ i, :~..7 ,~,:.'1!c~,}_ ~: ur: 1h~1 r:~ :r•/t', ~h (?I X, (]r r;: c.;rU~i i~_.~,r ,/ ~j G'/?+. rr.~~~!~.'v:, ~i': ~i~~ll::.:~`i?(i:1.:^!ij~. '7