Ad #603 and #604 Notice of Public Hearings June 9, 2010 Meetingsy t. ~. ::~ .......~.~,.. - - ;~..(,~,,,~~„~~° ~~MiarniH2rald.com I TtIE-MIAMI ~HERA ~h ! ~ l~! V 1 ~ l.J~ ~ ~ ~ f:" . ,; ,~ , A - CITY o~ ~MIAM1 BEACH .- NOTICE OF PUBLIC ~-TEARING NOTICE IS.HEREBY givenahat a second reading and;public:hearir~g witl be held by.the City. Commission of the` City of Miami Beach, in `the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Ha11, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on'Wednesdayrt-June 9th, 2010 at T_O:15 A.M., to considerA Resolution Approving,On Second Reading, •A'Lease Agreement B,ptween Tfie City And Rubiri & Bickman, PLLC, For .Use Of Approximately 1,518 Square Feet Of City-Owried Property, Located At 113!7 Washington Avenue, e 4th Floor, Miami Beach, Florida; Said Lease Having An Initial Term bfThree Years And Twenty gone Days,,. ~ iNith Two Additional Three Year Renewal Terms, At The City's Sole Discretion: Inquiries maybe directed tothe Office of Real Estate, Housing and Cummurtity Developmen# at (305) 673-7260. .. i INTERESTED PARTIES areinvited to appear at this meeting, orbe .represented by an agent,orto express ' s #heir views in writing addressed ~o the CityCommission, cfo the'City Clerk; 1700 Convention Center` Drive;lst Floor, City Hall,'Miami Beach, Florida .33139. This meeting maybe continued rani ui• suc~r~~ ~ circumstances additional legal notice would not be provided: :. f': a ~yq ~q ~ Robert-E. Parcher, City Cleric :~ - ~°~. ° .City of. Miami i3each • Pursuant to Section 286.Oi 05, Fla. Stat.:, -the City ..hereby advises the public that if a person decides to ` ^appeal any decision°made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at`its meeting or'its hearing, such -person musteensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the.appeal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible.or irrelevant evidence, nor does it author'¢e challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law.. ~~` '., ' To request fihis material in accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for ~ .persons with, disabilities, andfor any .~accomrneda#ion to review any °document or participate in~any e .; =city-sponsored proceeding; please :cortact {305) •604=2489 twice), (305) fi73-7218(TTY) .five days in "advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 71;1 (Florida,Relay Service). Ad #603 -f=. _:__ - _, . ~- ... .. } ,. .- <~- ',. ..:: Y ~ _ ~ ~C1TY OF~MIAMI BEACH ~. - _IVOTICE OF PUBLIC_ HEARING °" NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a second reading and public hearing will beheld by the City Commission "of the .City of MiamiBeach,.in the Commission Chambers; 3rd floor, .City Hall, 1:700 Convention Center Drive, Miami -Beach, Florida, onWednesday, June 9T ; 2010 at 10:20 A.M., to consider A Resolution Approving Dn Second Reading, A Lease Agreement .Between The City And =Strang Adams, P.A., For Use ~~ Df Approximately 858 Square`Feet Of City-Owned Property, Located At 1130 Washington Avenue, 3rd'Floor last, {Itliami Beach, Florida; .:Said-Lease Having An `Initial Term Df Three Years And Twenty -One Days,~With Two Additional Three Year`Renewal Terms;:AtThe t~ty's:Sole Discretion - rt ;. Inquiries maybe directed to the Office of Real Estate, Housing and Community Development.at (305) 673-7260 . INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear-at this meeting, or be represented by an agent, onto express their views in writing .addressed to _the City .Commission; c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center " Drive,lst~Floor, City Hall, ~Miami'Beach; Florida 33139. This`~eeting may be continued and under such ' circumstances additional legal notice wbutd :not be provided: _:... ~ <Robertf. Parcher, .City.. Clerk_ City of Miami Beach 'Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the..public that: if a person decides to :k .appeal any decisiori made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, uch:person: must:ensure -that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record ,x ,includes the testimony and evidence upomwhich the appeal is to be`based. This notice does not constitute conserfit bythe City for theintroduction or.admission of otherwise inadmissible.orlrrelevant evidence, nor `.does itauthorize challenges orappeals not otherwise allowed b_y-law.. :To request this material inaccessible format, sign anguage interpreters, information on access for persons -~avith disabilities, and/or arty accommodation to review zany document or participate in any city-sponsored _.: -.-proceeding, please _contact {305) fiU4-2489 (voice), (305)673=7218(TTY) five -days an -advance #o ~inifiate yourrequest. TTY users may also call 717 (FJorida Relay Seervice). ,~~,; ' l'5~, a" `_'~"`h'"r ., na a~ a ...dk ..[: ,a ~u~ Y" ;yh* ,xr .,-. ,gee ~.-. ~~& .x ,w+.c .,p- . .... sk = G~ o~ ~soCD