Marie Towers Resignation Letter
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City, of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.~ov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parches, City Clerk
Tel: X305) 673-741 1, Fax: X305) 673-7254 ,
May 26, 2010
Marie Towers
1316 Normandy Drive
541.5 Collins~Avenue
.Miami Beach, FL 33141. "
Subject: Miami "~eacb Sister -Cities Program
.Dear Ms. Towers,
As per your resignation letter, your membership .on the above Bogrd is now concluded..
The City Commission has requested that I convey to you its appreciation for your
contributions of.time and effort, resul#ing in the successful functioning of this Committee,
and for'the interest shown by you throughout your service on ~it. ~ "
.Please note that regrettably, the parking decal will no longer be honored since your term
of membership on -the committee has ended.
Sincerely, '~ ,
Robert E. Parcher
City Clerk ,
cc: Mayor Matti Herrera .Bower '
. Saul Frances ~,
We ore ,committed to providingtiexcelleni public service and saf~t~ to all who live; wprk and flay in our vibrant,. Tropical, historic community.
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