Yair Lapciuc Concluded letter`, 1~ /~, C11~/ Of MiQmf Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.mi~amibeachfl.aov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK,. Robert Parcher, City Clerk ~ ~ . Tel: (305) .673-741 1, Fax: (305) 673=7254 , .May 25, 2010 a Yair. Lapciuc . ~ _ ~. . 4210 Nautilus Drive Miami $each,; FL 33140 ~. ~ . Subject: Public Safety- Comrt9ittee:' A RESOLUTION OF THE. MAYOR ANO CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF .MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALLNG RESOLUTION . No. 200.2-24765 AND ~BOLISHLNG THE PUBLIC SAFETY. COMMITTEE. . . :. Dear Ms. Lapciuc, _ The ,City Commission has reques#ed that 1 convey ao you its appreciation for your .contributions of time and effort, resulting in the successful functioning of this Committee, qnd for the interest shown by you throughout your service on it. ~ - Your membership on the above Committee is now concluded, because the purpose and responsibilities of the Public Safety Committee have been adequately addressed .and handled by the City Administration and other related Committees within the City: . - ~ .. The -,City Clsrk.'s Office. is available to review with you other Board and Committee opportunities. , ~~ .. Sincerely, ~~ J sue= . ~ ~ . . ~ ~ Robert Parcher ~ ~ ; -.City Clerk . Cc: Mayor-Matti Herrera Bower rind Members of the-Commission .Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager City Liaison: Chief Yuhr ~, Saul Francis I , ~. We dre committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live,. work and play in our vibrant tropical historic community. 4~;/~ 7i'@ ~=Cri t(Yi: ~iE'.~ iC'• C'i~OV:ll~t rlQ E~:.~iiC;!?i i~U;.~)l~i;.:-5°i Vi::; E', i.i ni7 Sv S ~ ?C'.' Ci! 'vNli:i 'if's/~~ ih"r~~I K, (_'tiiv ~:iu ~~i in ~; iil~ Viii C; rte. }I~J(.i%CGi,- ti;:~iQ~iL. ~~~~~i r?~n~~~.'