Ad #605 Notice of Public Hearings, ~ ,. ,. ~. . :. i ,i .. -. ~ , f . ,; ~~~; I THURSDAY, ~'~AY '7; ~~1G ~ ~ ~ , " ~~ . ~b ,_ .,~ , ,. . e : _ . ~ ~. . 1`JC ~ ICE IS i~ER~BI( given that. second readings and .public hearings ~~~ill l be ;`~:~Id by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Bead, !!~ ". ~ . " Florida, in the .Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, .1700 Convention Center. Drive, .Miami :Beach, Florida; on '~dl~ednesday, June .9th, 2010, te, - consider the following: ~_ - ~~ 0.30 a.rt~. . Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 Of T_ he City Code, Entitled; "Administration;" " ~ ~ 3y _ Amending Article VI .Thereof. Entitled, "Procurement", By Ameridi~g ~. r << ~. Jiv~sion 6 Entitled .Living Wage Requirements For Service .Contracts An d City ` Employees", Sections 2-407 Through 2-410 Therein. Inquiries may be directed to the Finance Department (305) 673-7466 - ~: :' 10:35 a.r~, Ordinance Arnending Chapter 82, Entitled "Public Property"; By. Ameno:r;g y ArticleJ, Entitled "In General," By Renaming Section 82-5, Entitled "Reserved,'' " " ~ To "City Signs To Be Obeyed" To Provide That City Signs ShaII Be Obeyer! ~,nd Disobedience To .Such-Signs-Shall Be Enforced Pursuant To Chapter 30: Inquiries may be directed to the Legal Department (305) 673-7470 , .. ~ 1®:40 a.r~. ", ' ~ ~ Orc+anance Amending Chapter ,82, Entitled "Public Property," By Amencin~~~ ~~ - ~: ~ Ar~icle I,:Entitled "In General," By Renaming Section 82-6, Entitled "Reserved," ~ ~ " To "Desi ~. . gnated Ch~l~ren -Play Areas, And Provrd~ng That Adults Must Be j Accompanied By A Minor In-Areas Designated As Children Play Areas. " 9nquiries may be directed to the Legal Department (305) 673-747 e1~T'BR~ST~© PARYIBS are invited to appear at this meeting, or be ' ~ 'represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the f - . -- ~ City Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1700`Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor, A City Hall, Miami i3each, Florida 33139. Copies of these ordinances are available . " for public inspection during normal business hours in the City-Clerk's Ofifice, ` i 700 Convention Center Drive; 1st Floor, City Hall, and Miami Reach; Flcrir~a ~ -~ . ~ 33139 or via the City's. web site at wwv~.miamibeachfl.gov. This meeting may ~. be continued and under such circumstances additional legal notice would nit I be provided" Robert E. Parches, City Clerk ~ ~. City of Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 28E:Q105; Fla: Stat.; the :City hereby advises :.the. uti!ic -I p . 'than: if a person decidesto appeal any decision made by the City Commission . ~!vith respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its -nearing, such ~ .~ person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, whic;~ ` ~ record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to t;e based. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduc~ic~n ~` . or admission of othenrvise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor. doe" l~ ~' , . authorize challenges or.appeals .not. otherwise allowed by law.. To request this material. in accessible format; sign. language .interpreters, .information on access for personswithdisabilities,-and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding please ~ - contact (305)_. 604-2489 (voice), (305) '673-7218(TTY) five e~ays in .advance to ~ , _' ~ i~ . ~ia~e ;ici.~r request. TTY users may also call 71 i (Floric9a Relay. Service). a ~'; -:~ #605 _ ~ .. . - ~ i