9b UCC Termination AME!IIDMENT (pARTY INFORMA nON): This Amendment affects a Debtor III Sccured Party of recoid. Check only go; oftheso two boxes. Also check OIlC of the following tbree bOlles and provide appropriate lulormatloD In ltellis 8 and/or 9. . ~O CHANGE namc and/or address: Give current lUOfd IlBl1\C in item 8a or 8b; D DELETE namc: Give rcconl name D ADD nalIlC: Complete item 9a or 9b. . AIIo give new name (if name change) in item 9a or 9b and/or new address 1 to be deleted in item Sa or lb.. and 9c; also \:Ol1Iplctc item' 9d-9g (if (if address change) in item 9c.. " . ::l applicable). -, - ',f-- '" FLORIDA SECURED TRANSACTIONREGffiTRY .1' FILED 2006 Feb 10 AM 12:00 **** 200601880100 **** STATE OF FLORIDA UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FORM A. NAME'" DAYTIME PHONE NUMBEROP CONTACT PERSON aail O. Serota. Esq. (3051 854-0800 B. SEND ACKNOWLEDOEMBNT TO: Namc G..il D. Serpe... Esq. Addr~ Weiss S.ro~a Helfman Paatoriza Cole ~ Boniake, P.A. Add~ 2665 South Bayshore Drive, Suite 420 10. INITIAL FiNANCING STATEMENT FILE 1# 940000001)3284 lb. This FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT is to be filed {for record] (or recorded) in dlC REAL ESTATE RECORDS. 2. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION - DEBTOR NAME -INSERT ONLY ONE DEBTOR NAMB 2a.OROANIZA11ON'SNAME Miami City Ballet, Ine. 2b.INDlVIOUAL'S LAST NAME fiRST NAME MIDDLE NAME 3. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION - SECURED PARTY NAME -INSERT ONLY ONE SECURED PARlY NAME 3. OR 3b 3..0RGANlZATJON'SNAME wachovia Bank, N.A., formally known as First Onion National Bank of 3b.INOIVlDUAL'S LASTNAMB FIRST NAME ~lDDLENAME TERMINA nON: Effectiveness ofthc Financing Statement identified above is terminaUld with respect to sccurity intercSt(,) oftbc Secured Party authorizing this Tcrmination Statement. s. 6. ASSIGNMENT (fUll or partW): Oivc name of assignee in ilem 9a Q( 9b and BddICSS of PlSignee in item 9c; and also give name of assignor in item II. 8. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION 8a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 8b. INDIVIDUAL'S LASTNAMB MIDDLE NAME SUFfiX Florida SUFFIX SUFFIX SUFFIX COUNTRY 9S. OROANIZATIONAL IDII ONE 9b. INDIVIDUALS' LAST NAME 91\. MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MIDDLE ,,\AME STATE CITY \ IQ: Ullisned. 9d. TAX JON 9o.lYPE OF OROANIZA nON E): lidded, or give entire 11. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTIlORlZlNG THIS AMENDMENT (name of assignor, ifthi, is an Assillrunent). tfthis is an Amendment authorized by. Debtor, which Ildds llOllll1eral or lIdds the authori2lng Debtor. or ifthi, is a Tcnnination IIIlthorizcd by a Debtor check here L:!. and enter name of DEBTOR authori' \hi, Amendment . lIa. ORGANIZATION'SNAME Miami City Ballet, Inc. lib. INDIVIDUALS' LAST NAME flRSTNAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFlX 12. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA S:r ANDARD FORM - FORM UCC-3 (REV.I:znOOJ) F11l111 Office Copy Approvecllly fte Secret.r)' orSt.te, 8..le or Florid. I -- -. ~.___ It ;r STATE OF FLORIDA UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FORM ~ ADDENDUM 13. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE ## (same as item Ie on Amendment fonn) 94001)00003284 14. NAME elf PARTY AUTHORIZING mls AMENDMENT {laIN ..Item J I DO AIsIcodmeat forlll} 148. ORGANIZATION'S NAMB Miami City Balle~, Inc. 14b.INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 1 FlRSTNAME TMlDDLE NAME I SUFFIX I ......... . .."',,., .. IS. Use this space for additional information. This UCC-3 terminates the following: UCC-l filed for record on January 5, 1994, under document number: 9400000003284, as amended by that certain UCC-3 filed June 28, 1999, under document number 990000145007--3, and continued by that certain UCC-3 filed September 11,2003, under document number 20034922224. STANDARD FORM. FORM UCC-3 ADDENDUM (REV.IV1OOI) IIUlae omce Copy Appnwcd by dlc Scncta'Y of Sc.tt, State of Florida - - '" FLORIDA SECURED TRANSACTION REGISTRY , ,. ...."t .. FILED 2006 Feb 10 AM 12:00 **** 200601880097 **** ST~TE OF FLORIDA UNIFORM COMMERCIAL COJ;)E FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FORM A. NAME lJr. DA VTIME PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON cail n. serota. Elq. (305) 854-0BOI) B. SEND ACKNOWLBDOEMENT TO: Name Gail n. Serota. Bllq. Add~ weills Serota Helfman Pastoriza Cole ~ Boniske, P.A. Addrcss 2665 South Bayshore Drive, suite 420 la. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE ## :200100199007--2 Ib. TlUs FINANCINO STATEMENT AMENDMENT b to be filed [for record} (or recorded) in dtc REAL ESTATE RECORDS. 1. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION - DEBTOR NAME - INSERT ONLY ONB DEBTOR NAME 2a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Miami City Ballet, Ino. lb. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME 3. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION 3a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Waohovia 3b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME SECUREDl'ARTY NAME-INSERT ONLY ONE SECURED PARTY NAMB 3.0R3b Bank. N.A., formally known as First Union National Bank of FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX Florida SUFFIX TERMINA TlON: Bffcctiveness oCtile Financing Statement identified above is a:rmilllllCd with respect to securil.Y intcrest(s) of the Secured Party authorizing Ibis Termination Statement. 5. 6. ASSIGNMENT (ftJlI or partial): Give name of assignee in item 9.or9b and addrcs,ofassigneo in ilc~ 9C; and also slvi: name of assignor in item II. AMENDMENT (pARTY JNFORMA TION): This Amendmonl affects Socm~ Party of record. Otcck only 9IIll of lhcso two boxelI. Also check one of the roUowina three boxes and provide appropriate Information lit Items 8 end/or 9.' . Ir'""\I CHANGE nerne and/or Bddn:ss: o;ve current record namc in item 8a or 8b; 0 DELETE name: Give record name C ADD name: Complete itcln 9a or 9b. ~ AlIa sive new name (ifnBnlC change) in item 9aor 9b aridlor newllddres, 10 be deleted in item 81 or lb. ~ J and 9c; also complete items 9d-98 (if (ifadd=s change) in item 9c. ~-!O . applicable). .8. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION -INSBRT ONLY ONE NAME 8a OR 8b - Do Not Abbrcvla1e or Combine Names 8a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 8b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 9c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY MIDDLE NAMIi STATE SUfFIX COUNTRY 9g. ORGANIZATIONAL I0Il ONE 9b. INDIVIDUALS' LAST NAME FIRST NAME 9d. TAX IDII 9o.TYPE OF OROANIZA nON ony~bol(. restated coIlalcraI description, or describe collatetal [Q) .maned. II. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AVTHORIZlNG TIllS AMENDMENT (name of usignor, if this Is an Alsi~nt). If thu is an AmendmCllt authorized by a Debtor. which IIdds collalmll or addJ dlo IlIIlharizinl Debtor. or if thi, i3 a Tennination authorized by a Debtor, ,check 11IIre L!. and enter name of DEBTOR autllorizin \his Amendment IIll. OROANIZATION'SNAME Miami Cit:y Ballet:. Inc. t lb. INDIVIDUALS' LAST NAME FIRST NAME . MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 11. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA STANDARD FORM - roRM UCC..) (RItV.I1/.1001) FllllI& orne. Copy ApproVed IJy tile Sccreblry ofSblte. Sta.. of florId. ,.- .. ~. , S'P'ATE OF FLORIDA UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FORM - ADDENDUM 13. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE" (~as Item Ie on AmendmCllt funn) 200100199007--2 14. NAME of PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT .._ II. Item 11 011 Amendmcllt f_ 141. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Miami City Ballet, Inc. 14b.lNDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MlDDLE NAME SUFFIX 15. Use thi.~ SpllCC fOT additional infonnation. This UCC-3 terminates the following: UCC-l filed for record on September 14, 2001, under document number: 200100199007--2. STANDARD FORM -lIORM UCC-3 ADDENDUM (REV.12/1ll01) FlU... ()fl1e. Copy App.......d by the Seere"'.,. d. Sbte, SeMe "f Florida ~ . FLORIDA SECURED TRANSACTION REGffiTRY FILED 2006 Feb 16 AM 12:00 *** 200601916148 **** **C * 02160670431401-12.00***12.00*** B. SEND ACKNOWLEDCitiMENTTO: Hlme Gdl D. Sarota, hq. Address "eill. Serota Helfman Paetorlza COle.. BoniBlta, P.". Address 2"5 Boutll sa)'shDre D%J.ve. Suite 4:10 Ci . MiMi. n. 33133 1.. INmAL FINANCING STATEMENT ftLE j 001880118134 07-18-88 sa PL III. 2. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION - DEBTOR NAME-INSSR.TONLY ON! :la..OIlOANJZATlON'SNAMB Miami City Ballet. Inc. :lb. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME PIRST NAME MIDDLE H~ SUFfIX J. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION -SECURED PARTY NAME-INSERT ONLY ONE SBCURED PARTY NAMS 1.. ORGANIZATlON'SN lIl1chov:l.a BAnk, N.A.. formally known as First: union Nat:l.~l 3b.INDIVlDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAMe M1DD N~ME . . Florida SUfFIX TERMINATION: ~ofthe Fi_in, s-ent kIcnIlfledabove is tanrinated w1threspeetlO-=Urity ~')oflhc SecurecI Puty autIlorlzilllllllil TamIAaIlOll SlatIIncnt. CON11Nl1ATION: Effec1i..... ofdla PinancinS StIlemaIt idcDIified .,. wlIb IapecC 10 _.-ity inIzral(l) of die SacurecI Pill)' IUIhorizina Ihis Contillllltion SUtenlent is cantlnued fbr dle lIlIditlonal Dericct rmwided bv mlllicalllllaw. . . ASSIGNMENT (1Id1 01 pUlal): Qj"IIlIIII'of~gnco in i_ 9urtblllldlllldJu8 olaalpec in itCm 9c;.nd alsosivi: -ofusfcnor inilallll. . , CInd Put)' orrecoid. Ow:dc 0111)0_ ofCbes8 .- boDs. -:n 7. AMENDMENT (PAR1Y INFORMA1lON): This Amelldmcnuft'CCIS . Abo cheek one ottbe 'ollowlDI three w..la elUl pnrvlde appropriate Idarmadon ID Items, IDII/or'. . 17)1 ClfANCI_IlllIIor-.ldras: GIve CIIIhl1t.-d __ in iI&IIo Ia or till ~ DBLBTB =no: OlvB n:cont IIIIIlC 0 ADD name: OapleIDllOIft ,. or ~ ~ AlIo,l\oc -_ (ir......~)m iIIlIl hac !lband/on_addreat ~,JIO"deIaad in iIaIl.. III' lb. ,and 9c; alsocompleCl:lIems 9d-98('C (iladltrah dlInp) III ill:m 90. o. : .llpIIIica\IIe). MlODL2NAME SUFFIX jg: 8Aipd. 12. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA STANDARD FORM. FORM VC'C-3 (REV.121JOO1) I'IllqOlllccC.." ,,~ II)' ... Secntary .,Sea........ .r....w. 11. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OP RECORD AllTHORIZlNG THIS AMENDMENT (_or-..;pot. irtilis. 811 Anipnlcnt).lIlhlt is IIIl AmuldrDcnt ~ tly a DdQr. MUch adds coIll1al1l or IIl!dI d1e mlharldlll DebIor. or if dlis is. T___1IIIlhorilIIId by. Deblor. chcct bare L!. and enter _ ofDI!.DTOR IUlhari2i dlll Amcnlm-. lIa. ORGANIZA11ON'SNAMB "1&1111 ~ty Ballet. Illc. . I lb. INDIVIDUALS' LAST FUlSTNAMB IX -- .... ...-J STATE or FLORIDA UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FORM - ADDENDUM 13.INI1lALll'INANCJNG STATEMEHl' JlILE 1#(l8IIla.lleIIIllonAmeedmentlbrm) . 001180118134 07-11-18 8S PL I". NAMI: oIPARTY Atn'HORlZlNG THJS AMENDMENT ._.. Ie... u .. A_dllUl fornj 14.. 0 ANIZATION'S NAME Mlam! City -'lllt. Inc. 14b.INDIYlD Al,'S LAST NAME MIDDLE. NAME SUFFIX FIRST NAME 15. Use this SJIICC for additional inbmalion. This UCC-3 terminates the following: UCC filed for record on July 18, 1998, under file number: ~880118134, as continued and amended by that certain UCC-3 filed on May 7, 1999, under document number: 980000100658--8, as further amended by that certain UCC-3 filed on March 26, 2003, under document number: 200303592071, and as further continued by that certain UCC-3 filed on March 27, 2003, upder document number: 200303592034. BrANDAU JlOAM- JlOIlM \ICC-3 ADDENDUM (UY.l2I2ODJ) I'11III 0IIIa Clip)' Ap........ Il,r tile 1Sccnfa". .r State, 8Ia4e .. Plertdlo