Department Memo 10-2000 re: Spanish Language Advertisement,~ l~f t' Q CUNVENTIUN CENTER DRIVE MIAM1 BEACH, FLORIDA 3339 '~~ch,fi.us I`i r.3 ~~ `t t~ _. , ,, ~~yyyy}"IC~ Vi11r.]L'tttiL'YL'L'HG17NSfSfSiS7lfiiGlNSfWVSt.M11{I{f4fNNVL'.iLYJLY.ILSZISTJ{NINIhtiW.lRtStVL'{I{I{IYY{7WL~141WL'JYIIN.SL'wS'wS'J{fLSViiYidSIS7L7.4Y.V.7W1lIIVYWVYY'1{I{flfYSiStLY1LYL'.1P 1'L'l7lM1'17YL'WLti1~1M1M1~L•JLnNL111RrY."1L'SiL11{IYWW{I{I{IYL~M1~24WLVN.IR.S'JiRRISISIW'1. y1$tSiiiS{7fiiSliAi61S1tiLVVW111M1111VlM1rrtiliiL':wLY..'Sir1Y.~.fltSillLrLti'1t{i~tl ~ rrfi `~ DEPA~T~~~T ML~~~~D~~ ~~r ~.•... .~ ~ ~ / _:... T0: AXi Assistant City M~~aagers, Executive Assistants, DATE: ~ctobe~~ 9 ZOOo . Department Directors axed Depa~•tmentlDivision Directors FRaM; Jorge M. ~onzaiez Ci Mana er ~ g SUBJECT; Procedures Pe~•taining to Spanish~Language Advertisement It is importa~~t to the City Conunission and me that all members of the community receive full and acc~u~ate i~afor~nation about the activities of their goverruaaent. The City of Miami Beach has a large and growing population of Spalaish~speaking residents and business owners, The Administration must be responsive and sezasitive to the needs of tlae entire community. Effective inanaediately, pursua~at to Resolution No. 2oao~24to5 which established a goal that at least 10% of all nao~aies spent on advertising be spent with Sparaisla-language newspapers, all departments placing advertisements in local newspapers for tlae purpose of co~nnaunicati~ag general gover~a~nent rnfornaation should also loop for oppox-tunities to place floe adve~~tisenaent in a Spa~aisla-language newspaper, There are three ~3}Spanish-language newspapers, Art Deco Tropical, Hola Amigo and La ~oz De .Miami Beach, which tl~e City has negotiated rates. Every effort shailld be made to fairly distribute your advertising among floe three ~aewspapers. Each depaz~t~aae~at will be responsible for translating the information to Spanish, determining the size of the advertisement needed, and co~atacting the newspaper, If advez~tisenaent or translation assistance is needed, contact the City Clerk's Office. The following information is attached to assist each departaaaent in achieving dais objective. 1. A master schedule o~ tl~e publishing dates containing the following information: contact names, telephone anal fax numbers, Internet email addresses, and rates. 2. Sample adve~~tisenaent layouts. Tlae ~I~t~aaan Resou~•ces Depart~ne~~t will advertise, on a ~nontlaly basis, employment information. Tlae Finance Departnae~~t will prelaare a quarterly repot of Spaz~isla-la~iguage a~e~vs~al~er expenditures foz• nay ~•eview. A brief ove~•view to explain the ..process algid address a~~y cli~estioxas will be held at floe next Afte~act~o~alAge~ada Review ~~aee~i~ag, tai adc~itlol~ if.you need assistance in deter~~~iniaag if an adve~~tise~aaent should be publzslaed ~n Slaal~is~a, contact Robel•t Parcl~er oi° Nalazaette Rodriguez for assistance, Thanl~ you in advance for yo~l~• cooperation iza this inattei~ c. Mayor Neise~a C. t~asdi~7 and Me~aabers of t11e City Conanaissian Na~~~aette Rodrig~~ez and Robe~~t Pa~•cl~ex El~clos~~res. ~9 pages} ,~1 , JMG: ~ ~ F;ICLERICLERISPANrS~IIADMIN~RD.wPD QQ A'I fifld- A'I a~pQ uot~p~~~gnd ~ 8~d aui~p~aa-~DO Qa a~Q r4,~ N t 6T S~ G~ 9~ S~ t~[ £I Z~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~.~ g ~, 9 S ~ ~ Z ~ op~saa~~dsMaulu~ei~!-!I~al~~!~Ill~~lq~~l ~~ Z~~$ a6~d 8/I S~Z$ a6~d ~/~ SZ~b$ abed z/G 009$ a6~d £/Z 008$ a6~d Iln~ S3111~i utoa'usu.~~7~W~p~o11~~1 ~!~u~~ ~~L~~8~5-Sa~ x~~ ~~L~-S~~-~a~ 8s~6-fi~Z~~ 1~ `~q~~~g !we!W ~988~~ xo8 =p ~ ~ ~'''"+~l.l,,~. s4 a l la n ( d olu bed ~l~ fan ~~Sx,~9~ - zl~o~l D~xg abed ~/< . n~uy „L X „9~ fan - zi~o>~ ,~~'~ x «~'~ a6ed ~lZ -~ «~'~ x ,~9~ abed IIn~ -111-~ qo~a~ i~~!W aq zan ~~ ~~u~q~nas~iaq~so6!u~~!aq ;!!~u~~ 8~5Z-X98-~a~ x~~ aa~z~~98-~a~ ~9~ Z~9~-aZ~-sa~ .a~o~d h 1 ~ A~ ~~~~ ~~ ,~ ~, ~ akin, ~aaa~s ,~,p8 ~a~ h~ ~~xlo~ Z 19'~~8xlna Z la6ed /~ ~ti=BX log ~b IOZ=~,x~oa 5 l DE ~~'~ x [o~ £ l95 = ~X x I~~ fi ~a6ed Iln~) ~fi = 9~ X boa 5 dH -so !iuy !~H ~` ti; ~au'~!~nos!IagN~laa!da~~oaap~~ .~ia~ua ~6~b~-~L9-Sa£ -~ xa~ ~688~~~~5-~a~ ~~x~~ ~~ `uaaaa !u~eiw a~~# anuany ue! !aa p W ~ZZ eua~sa~ a~!W ~ ~~~`~~ ~~ y „91~ pue £ su~un~oa _ apEnn,,Ox ~ ~yfiiay „Zh X Z~ sa6ed Ob - ! I~ doa1 oaa a~~ti uo~~~~i~gnd -~ 8C1d au~~p~aQ OQ t- c~~F~~~' (~[ ~ ~.-ux'&**' 451 ~-~: \A ~ c y~~y~~rr a . '~ ~~k~~..~ F~-1'C' ~ 7 V f~ ~ -~ rrt jt n dCf~~"~., "ih '`~ ~' r .u S s 1~ ~; l 1 ~, f r -v, ~ ; x. ~W'`' y { . ~, /7~~ t/~, .a W Ul l~~5--~~~~ ~ ~~ ~` ~ P ~ t ~ Eery, y~{~~ ... _ , .~: ~.l[ L ~ ~ ~i.F,i,~ r ~~ ~ n^ J tY Q.. .-. L~7 A ^ ~, r..~' ~ . 1 -~~ f 1. ~~ f2`S ~ T ~.R:~ , r i 1 .~ 'r r r w~ , f ~ • r ~. ~. .x.. ~,. Jyx. t .. p f L Y its r ~ f x r L~ ~ ~ ~~mJ . .. ' C .i ~ ~~~~R~ .,F ~ f b ~ X,N, 1 T i ~~( ~' ; ~ 5 ~ k~ 9 t: Z~ S'''am 1 _'t7_.;.- ~ ~ r r. nl In I• ~ 1\~1v ~~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~s: c~ ~ ~~ -~'~` ~ A ~ D E r r. ~ 7 r~ = ', §' ~... 6~ s~ ~r 9~ sx ~~ ~x ~~ ~~ ax ~ ~ c ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~