File Ref #715 6/11/2010 Certificate of Registration "So much to do, you'll need the extra hour"e~~-~ Cl~'y1.(G tFrl~ ell.e'~ ~ err 1Urvrr ll;~iD ~ ~~`i~Q~ ~~ ~5~~~~es r~. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION PRINCIPAL REGISTER T1ie Mark shown in this certificate has been registered in t12e United States Patent and Trademark Once to the named registrant. The records of the United States Patent and Trademmk Once shoe that an application for registration of the Mark sl2owri in this Certificate was~led in the Once; that the application was examined and determined to be in compliance with the requirements of the law and with the regulations prescribed by the Director of the United States Patent and Trademmk O~ce; and that the Applicant is entitled to registration of the Mark under the TiadernarkAct of 1946, as Amended. A copy of the Mark and pertinent data f"om the application are part of this certificate. To avoid CANCELLATION of the registration, the ornner of the registration naaast slcbnlit n declaration of continaaed use or excusable non-arse between the fifth. rrrad sixth. years after the registration. date. (See next page for more information.) Assuming such a declaration is properly filed, the registration will rer~lain iri force for ten (10) years, unless terrniraated by an ordel• of the Commissioner for Tr adenaar ks or a feder al court. (See next page for information on. mairztenarzce requirenierzts for successive ten }year periods.) ~~ , P ~F ~,;~~ __ . ~.... .... i~ 'l ~. • Y ,~ ~ ~~,~/q ~ ~F ~~ ~ ~, "~ ~ ~ ~. ti s~ i.:~~ r~ tix k i ~ l ~ i ~/ a ~---.---~ ; ~~ ~l'' ~ ~ Director o`tke United States Pntent unrl Trndemnrk Dfjlce ~ V i I' ,~ r~ l REQUI~2EMENTS TO MAINTAIN YOUR FEDERAL - TRADEMARK REGISTRATION ..Requirements in the First Ten Years* -What and When to Filer .. First Filing: A Declaration of Contiiiued~Use (or,Excu`sable Non-use), filed vetween the 5th and 6th years after the registration date. (See 15 LT.S.C. § 1058; 37 C.F.R. X2.161.} • Second Filing: A Declaration of Continued Use (or Excusable Non-use) and an - Application for Renewal, filed. between the 9th aild 10th years after the. registration date, - {See 15 U.S.C. X105$ and §1059; 37 C.F.R: §2.161 and 2.1$3.) .Requirements in Successive Ten-Year Periods* - Wliat arrd Wli.en to File: - A Declaration of~Contiziued Use (or Excusable Non-use) and an Application for Renewal, filed between each 9th and.l0th-year period after the date when thefirst teri-year period.ends. (See 15 U.S:C. §1058 and §1059; 37 C.F.R..~2.16.1 and 2.183:) 'Grace Period Filings* ! There is a six-month grace period for filing the documents listed above, with payment of , , an additional fee. The U.S. Patent and.Trad~emark Office {USPTO) will NOT send you any future notice. ~ . or.reminder:of these filing requirements. Therefore; you should contact 'the USPTO approximately one year -prior to the deadlines set forth above. to determine the requirements and fees for. submission of the required filings. NOTE: Electronic for•nzs for• tlae above docu»zents, as well as infor•rrtation r•ega~•ding curr°erzt filing r~equiren~erzts and fees, ai•e avazlable~onlirie at'tlze USPTO~ web site: www. uspto.gov YOUR REGISTRATION WILL BE CANCELLED-IF YOU. DO NOT - FIT,E THE DOCUMENTS IDENTIFIED ABOVE DURING THE SPECIFIED TIME PERIODS. fixceptioii.for the Extensions of Protection under the 1Vladrid-Protocol: ' The holder of an international registration with an extension of protection to the United States must file, under slightly different time periods, a Declaration of Continued Use (or r Excusable Non-use) at th:e USPTO. See IS U.S.C. §1141k; 37 C.F.R. §7.36. The renewal of an international registration, 1lowever, must be filed at-the International Bureau of the - World Intellectual Property Organization, under Article 7 of the Madrid Protocol. See 15 U.S.C. §1141j; 37 C.RR.. §7.41: