File Ref #715 6/11/2010 Certificate of Registration "Miami Beach 25/7"C` t Tt1 Cur-z ~L f ~ I E ~~ # ? I S J'u,v E : ,~.~,a a iU ~~~~~ ~~Q ~ni4Qb ~~~~~~ .17,~~~P~r L`~` k- CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION PRINCIPAL REGISTER Tlae Mark shoia~n in this cer°tificate has been registered in the United States Patent and Trademark 0~ce to t1~e named registrant. . Tlie records of the United States Patent anal Trademark Once show that arz application for registration of the Mat k shown in this Certificate was f led in the O~ce; .that the application was examined arZd deter'nained to be in compliance wit12 the requir°enaerats of the -law and with the regulations prescribed by the Director of the U~aited States Patent and Trademark Once; and that the Applicant is entitled to registration of the Mark under the T adernarkAct of 1946, asAnzended. A copy of the Mark and pertinent data from the application are par°t of this certificate. To, avoid CANCELLATION of the registration, the owner of the r"eglstl'at1.011 lllust Sllblrllt a deClal'ati01Z Of CO72ti11ned use 01' exCllsable nOll-Ilse behveell the fifth and sixth. years after the registration date. (See next page for more infor°nratior2.) Assuming such a declaration is pr°operly filed, the registration will remain in force for ten (10) years, lcrzless terrr2inated by an order. of the Cor~znaissioner° for T adernmks or a federal court. (See next page for information on. maintenance r egicirenaer~ts for• successive ter2 J~ear periods.) ~"~ `~ i~h~~' '" _ _..._.... .. _. _.,.... _ 6 t 7 ~ '4f ~~ -ti, :~ y rah ~ ~° "+ 1 ! / ~~, ~ ~'~ ~; r'~-.,.._.-- s3 .i' ~, • Direclor of the Unilerr stales Pnlent aitr/ Tr~rdeninrk Offtce REQUIREMENTS TO MAINTAIN YOUR FEDERAL TRADEM~.RK REGISTRATION Regnirexnents in the First Ten Years* Wlzat tend N~heiz, to File:. • First Filing: A Declaration of Continued Use (or Excusable Non-use), filed between the ' 5th -'and 6th. years afl:er, the registration date. {See 15 U.S:C. § 1058;.37 C.F.R. §2..161.) • Second Filing: A Declaration ofContinued Use (or Excusable Non-use) and an Application for Renewal, filed between the.9th and 10th years after the registration date. '- - (See 15 U.S.C.`~~1-058 and X1059:; 37 C.F.R: X2.161 and 2.183.) .Requirements in Successive Ten-Year Periods* What atzd When to Filer • A Declaration of Continued Use (or Excusable Non-use) and an Application for Renewal, filed between, each 9th and l Oth-year period. after the -date when t17e first. ten-yearperiod ends. (See 15 U.S.C: §1058 and X1059; 37 C.F.R, §2.161 aild 2.183.) Grace. Period. Filings* There is a six-month grace period for filing the documents listed above, with payment of an additiolial fee. ~ ~ , The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will' NOT send you any future notice or reminder of these filing requirements. Therefore, you should contact the USPTO approximately one year prior to the deadlines set forth above to determine the requirements and fees for submission of the required filings. ` NOTE: Electrofiic foz•fzzs foz~ the above docuzents, as well cis izzfor•zzzatio~a regardizzg cuz~z~erzt fzlizzg z°equiz~e~zzezzts and fees, aze available online at the USPTO web site: .- www. uspto.gov YOUR REGISTRATION WILL ~BE CANCELLED IF YOU DU -NOT FILE THE DOCUMENTS IDENTIFIED ABOVE DURING THE 'SPECIFIED TIME PERIODS. Exception. for the Extensions of Protection under the Madrid Protocol: Tlie holdei, of an international registration with an extension bf pi,otectioi to the United States must file, under slightly different time periods, a Declaration of Continued Use (or Excusable Noi1-use) at the USPTO. See 15 U.S:C. §1141k;.37 C.F.R. §7.36. The renewal of ~n international registration; however; iizust be filed,at the International BLireau of the World Intellectual Property 0i•ganizatioi, under Article 7 of the Madrid Protocol. See 15 U:S:C. ~1141j; 37 C.I'.R. X7.41. - . ,; i r ;.