File Ref #715 6/11/2010 Certificate of Registration "25/7"(' ~ ~-tn C L~,\l ~L l" I LLB f~ r~'1= ~ 7 ( ~ :Ti,~ rV (~ 1 ~ 'LC I l~J i ,1 Copyright Trademark Intellectual Property And Related Causes June 7, 2010 Max Sklar City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Dr. Miami Beach, FL 33139 RE: "25/7®" Logo Trademark Class 35 Dear Max: Telephone (305) 372-1630 Fax (305) 381-9834 email jsperwin@jsplaw.com I have finally received, and enclose, the Certificate of Registration for the. "25/7®" trademark. This is an important legal document, which we may have to produce at some. point. Please keep it in a. safe place. You will note on the back of the registration Certificate, it is necessary to provide the Patent and Trademark Office with an affidavit confirming the continued use of the "2577®" mark after June 1, 2015. In addition, a mark may become incontestable after this five-year period.. I have added this -information to my calendar, and will try to remind you that it must be provided to .the Patent and Trademark ..Office at the appropriate time.. But since,, it ~ . may not be possible for me to reach you, you should also make a note of this date on your calendar. You may also receive notices that purport to come from the Trademark Office offering to renew your trademark .or to provide. monitoring services. The Trademark Office will never contact you directly about anything You should discard these notices. Law Offices of ,Jean S. Perwin Ingraham Building • Suite 1135 25 Southeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 www.jsplaw.com . l _. . . ~ ~ , i Max Sklar. , City of Miami .Beach . =June 7, 2010 .Page Two - .,. . ~. 'You. should-now use the symbol ® or e.ther~the legend _~ "~ •."Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office" or ° ."Reg. U. S~Pat. & TM Off."' in connection -with each use of j the mark to give notice of your registration. Failing to I do this •-can. seriously affect your .ability to recover ~. damages in .an infringement case. - ! Finally; if the -registration is properly I maintained, it will expire ten years`from the date the registration was issued. The registration may b~~renewed " I- •within six ~ months `prior to the expr-ation' . of the ,registration; or within six months following such .~ ~ registration. I will°try.to notify you, of the: expiration of the-'registration. at that time. I suggest,. though;-that. • you take steps~to independently note the date. " ~ A- federal trademark regis~tration~ confirms your rights in the mark, but these rights can change over time. ~' ~ through your .use (or ..misuse) of. the mark and through the us`e by others of conflicting marks. - Please notify ,me. I' - ..immediately _f you. discover. anyone using your trademark or something similar. If youhave any questions; don't hesitate to call ,~ or email. ,. ~.`` Sincerely, ~ - ' _. ~ J~ ~~ - ~ ~ JEAN S . PERWIN .: , <~ - .. JSP : alc - !. ... ~ - ~ . .Enclosure. -. ~ • ~` • , L ..: ._ , __ __ .- - ~. ', - ~ . . r,Ap~ OFFICES OF JGAN S. PBRk~IN . ` C i I i Reg. NO. 3,795,726 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH (FLORIDA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION) - 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DR. Registered June 1, 2~1~ MIAMI IIEACH, FL 33139 JLrit. Cl.:' 35 FOR: PROMOTING RECREATION AND TOURISM IN MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, IN CLASS 35 (U.S. CLS. 100, 101 AND l02). SERVICE MARK FIRST USE 1-12-2007; IN COMMERCE 1-12-2007. PRINCIPAL REGISTER OWNER OF U.S. REG. N0.3,676,373. TE-IE MARK CONSISTS OF THE NUMBERS " 25" AND "7" AND A SLASH IN A CIRCLE. ' SER. NO. 77-846,839, FILED ]0-12-2009. ' JEAN IM, EXAMINING ATTORNEY ~/ ' - Dircclor of the Unlicd SWtci I'atcnt and Tradcmnrk Olt icc Please note that U.S. Customs. & Border Protection (CBP), a bureau of the Department of Homeland Security, maintains a trademark recordation system for marks registered at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Parties who register their marks on the, Principal Register may record these marks with CBP, to assist CPB in its efforts to prevent the importation of goods that infringe registered marks.. The recordation database includes information regarding all recorded marks, including images of these marks. CBP officers monitor imports to prevent the importation of goods bearing infringing marks, and can access the recordation database at each of the 317 ports of entry. CBP's InteIlectual Property Rights e-Recordation (TPRR} system, located at hops://apps.cbp.gov/e-recor-lotions/, allows right holders to. electronically file IPR recordation applications, thus significantly reducing the amount of time normally required to process paper applications. Some additional benefits of the system include: a Elimination of paper applications and supporting documents. Copies of the certificate issued by the registering agency (LLS. Patent and Trademark Office or the Copyright Office) are retained by the right holder, not . submitted to CBP. o Payment by credit card (preferred), check or money order. Ability to.upload images of the protected vt~ork or trademark, thus obviating the need to send samples to CBP. Reduced time from filing of the application to enforcement by field personnel. Information about hojv to obtain a recordation, and about CBP's Intellectual Property Rights border enforcement program,. is available at CBP'sweb site, R~.cbp.gov.