Felippe Moncarz B&C ResumeFELIPPE MONCARZ Permanent Address 3468 Royal Palm Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33140 (305) 726-6833 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Electronic-Mail Address Bar Memberships fmoncarz@hotmail.com Florida Bar U.S. Southern District Court of Florida U.S. Court of Appeals for the llt" Circuit Lehtinen Riedi Brooks Moncarz, P.A., Miami, FL Partner 2003 -Present ^ Focuses practice in the areas of appellate law, governmental and regulatory law, environmental law, administrative and civil litigation, land use, planning and eminent domain ^ Responsible for handling own caseload including federal and state appeals/cases, depositions and hearings ^ Environmental law and litigation practice includes the representation of private and public sector clients before various federal, state and administrative courts as well as municipal governmental bodies ^ Worked on such significant issues as Everglades restoration, sovereign immunity and bond validation ^ Represented the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida, municipalities and other governments in a wide variety of matters including issues regarding permits, law enforcement, contracts, taxes, civil rights, gaming, torts, forfeitures, rules, regulations, codes and ordinances Moncarz & Wainstein, P.A., Miami, FL Partner 2002 - 2003 ^ Established and operated law firm specializing in general civil transactions ^ Handled various areas involving administrative law, eminent domain, land use, procurement and criminal law Office of the Attorney General of Florida, Orlando and Fort Lauderdale, FL 2000 - 2002 Assistant Attorney General ^ Assisted and oversaw all eminent domain litigation concerning building of Suncoast Parkway, which consisted of trials, mediations, negotiations, attending fee and cost hearings, depositions, motions, and legal research Assisted and oversaw eminent domain litigation concerning the Save the Everglades Project -Phases 1- 4 Responsible for filing lawsuits and conducting Order of Taking hearings Law Offices of Arnold M. Weiner, Miami, FL 1998 - 1999 Law Clerk for solo practioner specializing in eminent domain ^ Conducted trial preparation, which included research and writing, producing charts, graphs, photos and other evidence as well as summarizing and analyzing appraisers' findings concerning land use designations and values EDUCATION The University of Florida College of Law, Gainesville, FL Juris Doctor, May 1999 ^ 1999 University of Florida Land Use Writing Award, "The Franchise Carousel" The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Bachelor's of Arts in Economics, December 1995 Bachelor's of Arts in Political Science, December 1995 ^ Hispanic Merit Scholar ^ Michigan Daily: newspaper staff writer (news and sports) 1992-1995 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ^ Florida Bar -Environmental and Land Use Law Section ^ Florida Bar -City County and Local Government Law Section REPRESENTATIVE CASES ^ Miccosukee Tribe oflndians of Florida v. U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, etal., 566 Fad 1257 (11th Cir. 2009) Court reversed district court order based on statutory and regulatory violations ^ Miccosukee Tribe oflndians of Florida v. U. S. E.P.A., et al., 516 F.3d 1235 (11th Cir. 2008) Court reversed district court order relating to violations of Freedom of Information Act ^ Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida v. U.S. E.P.A., et al., 2008 WL 2967654 (S.D. Fla. July 29, 2008) Court order found several statutory and regulatory violations, including the Clean Water Act ^ Miccosukee Tribe oflndians of Florida v. S.F.W.M.D., Fla. Supreme Court Case No. 09-1817 (opinion pending) Challenge to bond validation case validating bonds for state purchase of U.S. Sugar land ^ Miccosukee Tribe oflndians of Florida v. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, (S.D. Fla. Case No. 07-21747, DE 71 (November 13, 2008)) Court granted preliminary injunction against federal government based on statutory and regulatory violations ^ United States ofAmerica v. 1.39 Acres of Land, et al., (S.D. Fla. Case No. OS-21478) Successful representation of land owner in federal condemnation action ^ Miccosukee Tribe oflndians of Florida v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 650 F.Supp2d 1235 (S.D. Fla. 2009) Challenge to proposed Tamiami Trail bridge modifications ^ Grassy Key Subdivision, Inc. v, City ofMarathon, et al., 16 So3d 902 (Fla. 3d DCA 2009) Zoning case involving vested rights and res judicata ^ Miccosukee Tribe oflndians of Florida v. U. S., 680 F.Supp2d 1308 (S.D. Fla. 2010) Court allowed equal protection violation cause of action to proceed against the federal government ^ Village of Wellington, Florida v. Department of Community Affairs and Palm Beach County, Florida (Florida DOAH Case No. OS-0944GM) Administrative challenge to comprehensive plan amendments relating to annexation ^ Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida v. Department of Environmental Protection, et al., (Florida DOAH Case No. 08-003782) Administrative challenge to issuance of permit to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ^ Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida v. Department of Environmental Protection, et al., (Florida DOAH Case No. 03-2884RP) Administrative rule challenge regarding invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority ^ Village of Wellington, Florida v. Department of Community Affairs and Palm Beach County, Florida, (Florida DOAH Case No. 04-4650) Administrative challenge to comprehensive plan amendments relating to water service areas ^ Donald A. Mackenzie, II, v. City ofMiami Beach, (S.D. Fla. Case No. 07-21357) Represented police officer in employment discrimination action for discrimination, retaliation, harassment and constructive discharge