74 Michael Góngora 12/9/09 R7C, . ,, ,, f ~Y , ,; - - : ~~- : i ~' - ,, .: p , m ., .. .. ,« .. ~, .. ,, ' HO MUST FILE"Ft~RM~8B `.:4 ' .. i ,- y t ra. ~. ~..v x`~ arty ,.,, V yxn ,..• This form is for use by any.personaserving ~a't the county city or other local level of government on an appointed or,elected board,. council, i ; • . ` , coiimmission,-authority, or committee: It applies. equally to'members of°advisory and` non-advisory.'bodies•wlio are; presented with°a:voting ' conflict of!interest under Section Y12.3143.Florida'Statutes: `~ - . Your responsibilities under the law when faced with`voting on a rrieasure in which you have~a conflict of interest will'vary greatly',depending '. • on'whether..you;,hold an electlve.or.appointiye position. For this,7eason,,please payrclose attention to the; instructions on this form before completing+the reverse sitle;andFfiling the form . ; ' ,, •.. ~' -¢ - ., ,- ~ . ' i •. °'~' - '~IIVSTRUCTIONS rFOR COMPLIANCE WITFI SECTION 1112:3143, FLORIDA STATUTES~_°` ., ,. .. , .. ._.. - „: ~ . . A:person holding>electiye or appointive county, munlcrpal,`.or,other local public.office'MUST ABSTAIN from.,voting on a measure which . . inures to his or her special prvate gain orioss. Each elected or-aPpoinfed local~officeralso.is prohfbited~fi-om knowingly voting~on a mea-: sure which inures to"the special gain`or~loss, of a principah{otherahan aagovernment~agency) by-whom he or she is refained.(including the paren~'or`ganization,or subsidiary of a corporate p~incipal.by which fie or.she. is'retained); Eo.the special.piivate gain'br'loss~of a''elative; or ~to the special private gain'o~ loss of a business associate. Commissioners. of commurnty~redevelopment.agencies'under Sec.`i163.356 _or . ~. -163.357 ,~F.S;~and.officers!of independent spiecial iax districts~elecfed on:a~one-,acre, one=vote basis are riot profiitiiYed from voting in.that , ` . , capacity , ~ ~ ~ ~_ .. For purposes of this law, a ''relative' includes only,the officers father, mother song daughter, husband, wife, brother, sister, father-rn-law, timother in-law son in-law, and daughter in;law: A '+business associate means any person"br entity engaged in or carrying, on:.a`tiusiaess enterprise with the: officer a's a partner~'joint, venturer; coowner of,property, oi' corporate shareholder `(where the shares of the-corporation are not listed on any national or regional stock exchange): "` ~ ~ ' • ' ~ .; t ;. t +y .. .. ELECTED OFFICERS . ~ ~ ~ • . , _ ~ ` r. ' In adcJition to°absfaining-from~,votingin the situations described above yourriust disclose theconflict:' ~ -. .. PRIOR TO THE VOTE t3EING'TAKEN by publicly stating to the :assembly the nature of your interest in the` measure on which you . ,.. ,.:.. .. a . w ..•are,abstaining"from'voting; and ', ;; ': WITHIN;15 DAYS AFTER THE`VOTE,000URS by completing and filing this.form with the person ' a v responsible for recording the min- `~utes of the meeting,.,who-should incorporate the form: in` the' minutes. - ;~" "'~ - ~~ -~ ,., ~ _ ~ .. , r - ,. a •: * ,, , `.APPOINTED OFFICERS , :.:.', ~ , . , Although you rnust'abstain frorri.voting iii'-the situations described above ,you othervvise may participate in these~mattecs..However,~you rriust disclose, the nature of the conflict before making any'attempt• to'influen~ce the: decision,.whether orally or in writirig and whethec'made' - ' by you or at your direction. w ;, ; . >. ~ ~. . IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY-ATTEMP~ ~ - ~ ;. .. ^ ~ TTO INFLUENCE THE DECISIQN PRIORITO THE MEETING AT'•WHICH THE VOTE WILL BE~ TAKEN .'. - - You must,cornplete,and file this'form (before making ariy attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the ~minute§ of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes.: "(Continued~on other sidef .- :. , , - r ..~ /~7e1 ,. • ,~ ' - FORM 8~-.~ ~VlEnii(~RAIVC-lJ~ ~~~V~T~I~1G"C~IVFLIC~f ~®R," .-~ " C~l1NTY,~:IViU6V;ICI.Pi~L~,:~?-(VD OT~1-IER~LO~C/~L PU~LI:C O~~IC'E~RS , LAST NAME 'FIRST NAME-M.DDLE NAME ~ ' , r //' i NAME OF BOARD, COUNCIL, COMtiAISSION, AUTHORITY, OR COMMITTEE , ,_ , MAILING AD SS ~ '' ' n 1'~JO.•,~- r.~" ~~.~~1` THE BO RD COUNCIL COMMt O_ ' A ,. SSiO AUTHORITY: R CpMMiTTEE ON' ' WHICH~.BERVEISAUNITOF'.~.- - CIT Y .'` COUNTY ITY ~ CJ COUNTY ~ OTHER LOCAL AGENCY - ~ 1 . . NAME O UB • IVISION ' DATE •"' - ,u ' ON WHICH VOTE OCCURRED , - , . .. ,, ~j )Q,- p MY POSiTION'iS _ T E ; U , _APPOINT.IVE" APPOINTED' OFFICERS (continued) ~,,. • A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members ofythe agency. • The form must be read-publicly at the next meeting after=ttie form is filed. , 1 ., , IF YOU MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT THE MEETING: • You must disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating. • ~ ' " ~ `- + ` • You must complete the form and file itwithin 15 days after the vote;occurs'with the persoh responsible•for recordirig tiie.:miriutes of the .meeting, who must incorporate the, form in the minutes. A copy of theaform must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency, and the form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed. ~ ~ ~ . ; DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST r I'-~~~~-~--~`~~--~t~'=''------~herebydisclose that on_-!_---------~---------------~20 ~_~: (a).A measure came or will come before my agency which (check one) , ___ inured to my special private gain or loss; inured to the special gain or loss of my business associate, __ ' ___ inured to the special gain or {oss of my relative, ______________________________ ___ inured~to the special gain or loss of_________________________ whom I am retained; or ___ inured to the special gain or loss of ________ is the parent organization or subsidiary of a principal which has retained me. , by which (b) The measure before my agency and the hature of my conflicting interest in the measure is as follows:_ ~~ _ ~ ~- ~ yv. ~w~e tL C~; 2~"~G ~ o f ~~~ M ~, ~Ltrl ~.. ~ Seer ~ l-e~~ c~~-ee,N.~.-E- ~ c,~ ~n -tom.. G~-~ e.~ ~cc.~ ~e~zc~L,. 1 X1,,0,, ~., ~.j (nc~ ~ v10 1 Pia , G~ ~ ~, i c~' ~ ,-~ ~ o ~'i~~ ~ ; „a C ~ c. v~Y ~Gn Ge Date Filed - ®~C. . r -------- ----- - - ---------- ------------ Signature NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF. FLORIDA STATUTES §112.317, A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING.: IMPEACHMENT; REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $10,000. ' CE FORM 86 - EFF. 112000 PAGE 2