Isabel Y. Satchell ,. OtJTS1DE EIVIl~L~YINfENT STATEMENT - For Full-time.County andMunicipal Employees 'FULL-TIME COUNTY AN[3 MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING W OUTSIDE IEMP,LOYMENT,MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY JULY ' Disclosure for . 9 '1ST OF :EACH. YEAR IN ACCORDANCE •tMTH' SECTION. 2-91.4{K)(2) OF ' '~~ Year Ending: 'THE f11ifAMi-DADS COUNTY CODE. ..;Name: Last _ First Middle f .; r ~, {Filing as a (check one): ^ Miami=Dale Courtly. Employee - ~~° _ ~ , , ` ~, ~ulunicpaf Em io ee of:.. TT__ ~~ . _ .. "'.Position Title: - `;~< .o k rj ~ .~~ t, - ... ,. ~~CouritytMunicipal DepartmenL• - ' :. CountyfMunicipai Division: ,,, . F ~ l ~: l ' ~~ ~ Ce.~ °If your hom -address is exempt fmm pubffc records pursuanf : 0 kh . Work.Telephorte: - ' ' - sre: tqf=lorida Statutes § 119.07,:please cfiec ~~ •~ ~. 7`~ .~f' , Maiiing Address (Sfreet Name-and Nurnber} Apt. C~ .- - State dip Code:.. • , - ,., , . <Please ]ist•the sources of'outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of morieyor other compensation-.you .received. if continued on a separafe sheep pfease'check here: `^ idante and Address o#•the Source of ° Outside tracome .. . Nature ofthe Work •Performed Amount of:AAoney or Compensation 6teceived ~ / I ~( t`1 C~b~' S ~C-? J~c~£' - ~'~ ~~~ t hereby swear (or.:affirm) that the aforesaid .information is a°true and correct statement. Signature of~Person.Di osing ~ `~ ~_ r .. , ' ~ 9 ~ Date Signed ~ Q..-., ` ~ ~ ~~ lC.~ - . r ° •~ansmo ,