George Varon MI A M FDADE ®.~9TSII~E:EMP~OYME~6T STATEt~iE(NT I ~ For Futl-time County andMurticipat'.Employees 1fULL-TIME COUNTY.AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING 1N OUTSIDE ° EMPLOYMENT MUST, FllE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY .)ULY OF 1(x)(2) CTION 2-11 S .Dis~iOSUte for ,~ DO ' di E . _ . E 1ST OF EACH YEAR. IN ACCORDANCE WITH. ~~ Yeafl ng: n 'eTHE NiIAMi-DADS COUNTY CODE. . ' _ Name: _ last ~ V ~/`" First Middle - ` , . Filirig as a (check one): ^ Miami-Dade County Employee • Q ~l.~,w~ , ~~~~- 7 ee of: lo al Em ici Q M , y p p un <Position Title: . . , D CountylMunicipai Department: County/AAu icipai Division: YV' /~-r !f your home address is exempt from:publc recoNs ursuanf Iao Florida Statutes.§:.919.07, please check here: t Work Telephone: gS~ -a~ y -3 6 ~ ~ 'Mailing Address (Street Name and Number] -At~• # 3 S"r„ C~-~-e,~ City a Zip Code. S e . wvsP~~ ~ ~ ' ,33oz- !Please. list the sources.of outside employment, the nature of the work and the .amounts of money or other f compensation you received. If continued on a separate sheep please check here: Q '' Nettie and Address of the Source.of f ~Out$ide income • Nature of~the~Work Performed Art~ountof Adoney or Co ensation :Received ~. ' f '~`" ~A~~ ~ ~J (fit Uv~ I f -~- j~ Ate- ~, ~ _: i. - ~ ~~ LLB;' c~ :"~~ ! ~ + cc ~, ~ . ~: , ... ~, co ~~ . ~,1 hereby swear (or afrirm).that~thegaforesaid.information is a'.true and correct•statement. ~; c,,i '°' °SignatureofPerson scl sing ' - ~ ~ DateSigned l S . ~ QCP . ~