Ad #610 Notice of Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan 7/14/2010~, ~ /V!I/~N1IBEACH . ._ CITY O~F ~MIAM1 REACH _ .. . ,. , ." RE~/ISED~PU~R.LIC HE4RING ,. ~~ N®TI:CE ~OF~ AMEN®MEIVT TO TIDE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN `;: ~ ,. NOTICE:IS HEREBY~GIVEN that a first reading and public hearing will beheld by the City Commissior of the City~of Miami Beach ;on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 10:30 a:m. in the City Commission Chambers: at:City Hall, located at`1'700 Convention.Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 to consider. ' ,. . ` ~ AN ORDINANCE OF,THE`MAY.OR AND, CITY COMMISSION OF .THE CITY OF MIAMI i. .:. , '~ ; ; BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A 10-YEAR WATER SUPPLY.FACILITIES WORK PN_AN AND - AMENDING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSI1lE PLAN.TO,STRENGTHEN COORDINATION'' ~ ~ ! ,~ ~ . `BETWEE[V WATER SUPPL.Y;AND~LOCAL, LAND„USE,PLANNINGAS:REQUIRED; BY " FLORIDA LAW; PROVIDING FORREPEALER,SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION~AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , ; .. ~ . ,.: - ~ ,, , Inquiries `may tie directed.to "the Planning Department at (305) 673-7550 .All interested parties are:inVited`to appear at this meeting or be. represented by an",agent, or to express heir wiews~in writing addressed to the Planning Board c/o 'the Planning Department, 1700 Convention.Ce"niter Drive, .City -Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of the proposed amendments are available in'the ' ~ Planning Department. #° ; ~ :Pursuant to Florida Stat. 286.0105, the City hereby advises the public that if a person decides to appeal any, decision made b the Plannih i such person ~mus ensure° thag Board with respect .to any matter considered of its meeting or.-its .hearing 1,, a verbatim record of;the proceedings is made,, which record must include ~" ~ the testimony acid evidence upon which, the appeal "into be'ba'sed. This notice does not constitute consent. by the City for ahe introdiactiori' or admission` of otherwise inadmissible or .irrelevant evidence, nor„does in j ~ authorize challenges or_appeals not`ottierwise ailovved bylaw. ~, ... Ihaccordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodation to participate in !this proceeding should .contact the. Board s Administrator no later„than; four- days prior to,the proceeding at (305) y: 673-2550 for assistance; if hearing impaired; telephone-the Florida Relay Service numbers, (305)'673-72JS or 711';':=for ' .assistance: - ' " f ~ ~ Al MONDAY,~JUNE 28,2010 ~ 11A I . -Ad #610 ' __ _.__ __.._.w.Y _j,