John Gershman ~~T~I~QE ElVl~L01(MEhIT STATE~IIIENT MIAMhDADE~ Far Full-time County and Municipal Employees FULL TI{UIE COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL ~EMPIOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY .JULY 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITFI SECTION 2-11.1(x)(2) OF Disclosure for T~ Year Ending: ~ ~ `'~ ~ THE MIAMI-DARE COUNTY CODE. Name: last Cis ?~/y First 1 ~ ~H~ Middle (~ Filing as a (check an®): ^ Miami-Dade County Emp{oyee ~IVlunicipal Employee of: ~f ~~~ f,~:'~ cif Position Title: County/Municipal Department: ~ ntylNlunic;paf Division: Gou ,~,,+ y~ If yoerr home address !s exempt from public records pursuanf Work Telephone: to Florida Statutes § 118.07, please check here: ^ ~~~,-~ ~~ .~ ~~'~ /' Mailing Address .(Street blame and lV~arr2ber} Apt. # Cky State dip Gode. ~~ ~3`'~1"~iJ ~~ ' 3 Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other carnpensation you received. !f continued on a separate sheep please check here: ^ Name and Address of the Source of Out$ide income Nature of the Vilorls Performed Amount of Alloney ar Compensation liecenred ~.~/f~l~-a.J ~ ~ ~ ~ = ut ••~ t°5 Y-' ;: ~;; ~ ~ . _ _ ~ ,, . ~ ~` ..y, i -rt •• .~ iY! .~. 1 hereby swear (ar affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. Signatu Person D" losing n ed Data Si g Q r ~ oG./ ~~ C / ~/.~~- 10126100