Fred Karlton 12/31/2011m /~IPMiBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.aov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk Tel: (305) 673-741 1, Fax: (305) 673-7254 01 /26/2010 ' Fred Karlton 2344 North Bay Road ; Miami Beach, Florida 33140 i II' ~ Capital Improvements Projects Oversight ~ i Congratulations! You have been reappointed by the City Commission to the above referenced agency, board or committee for a term ending: 12/31/2011. ' If you are unable. to accept this appointment, please notify the City Clerk's Office at (305) 673-7411. Please read the enclosed material carefully. Again, congratulations .and good luck. Sincerely, . Robert Parcher i City Clerk cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director Charles Carreno ATTACHMENTS: i Letter of Appointment ' Oath City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee ~ I City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-2458, 2-459 Ordinance 2006-3543 -Amendment to City Code Section 2-22 Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 -Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form) Booklet -Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees ~ We are commi»ed to providing excellent public service and safely to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. I m MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.aov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk Tel: (305) 673-7411, Fax: (305j 673-7254 January 26, 2010 TO: Fred Karlton RE: Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and. allegiance to .the Government of the United States, the State of Florida, and the .City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which l have been appointed for a term ending 12/31/2011. have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as Florida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, .and understand that as a member of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure* requirements of Miami- e County or• the State of Florida (depending on the board or committ on ~ch I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar year on which hi e ed. Fred .Karlton Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 2010. /~ Deputy Clerk *Piease visit the City of Miami Beach website at www.miamibeachft.gov under City Cierk/Board and Committees for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements. We are commiried to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic FO~R.NI 1 ~TATEM~l~+~'I' [~F ~+pp;9 ~'^~ °~~. ~°~`, °~^~ FI~I.A,~TC INTERESTS ° ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ! , addroai, apsat y namt, aroi p~as}dan baldw: ~ ~~ LAST' NAf~AE - FIRST h1ANtE. - AtiDDLE NAME : ~[ IZQR OFFICE L~G~Q,s~'P ' ~ ~ ,L. ~1- ~ T~slJ1~ ? C t~;~ USE ONLY: 1 {~ P~ iM RESS r T ~• ~ 1 ~ *' ~ - 10 "Cafe ~ t r r~ 77 CITY• 71R: COUNTY': ID No. NAriAE OF At3ENCY ~~ ~~1~' r1 ~ ~*'h M ~'qk M Gonf, Gods NAME OF OFFICE OR ROSiTION HELC7.OR (3H'f ; P ~ ,Code Yau ~ nat Drditod to4lw~ on ehr ling oa dds lam. AIRicA sddBtlonat ~IiNU„ M aw~rs~_ 'CHECK ONLi' IF CAt4171p11TE OR (~ NEW EtJEp1,pYEE pRgpP1?)i+iTEE "80TH PAR'(tf1'a(: THIl~`SECTtON wAtlaT BE'CC+t~TE D" . OISCLQBUiiE.i+ERfOp~ THIS S'i`AT~b1ENT REFLECTS YOI,~R-P1NAlVCfAL (N'1"EREt7'f8 FOR TH'E PRECEDINi~ 7AX'YEAR~•WF,IETHER 8A8ED ON A'CAL~AidAR YEAR OR,ON A'Fi&CAi: REAR. PLEASE STATE BEL:C11Af'VyhETHE'Ft'Yt~tS $Tf4TE~AENT )S FOR THE:3~fiE0EDINCi T/IX YEAR ENOi~IG EITHE o a . wieok R;{ nej: DECEMBER 31,;2008 S2B ^ SPECIFYTAX.YEKR.IF LiTFiERT!•WN'fHB GAL~Tli3~itR.YEAR;_ MANNER.OF OALCULAITIWRi REPORTABLE IN>'E#iESTB; ~. THE L,Ei}iSLATURE ALLY ~ FILER$ Tktg. LDPTION OF USING REPORTING THRESHOLDS 'THAT. gFtE +9BSOLUTE .0000L1~~ 1dAt;U~S, WHIGH RECIUIRES FEWER: CAI:CULATIOFiB,°CR U&tN43 COMPAFi1°+T11+~: THRE$HOLD6, 'IMiiCH'ARE USlIkLLY BASF CN PERC61 1 b , VT~ t E VALUES Elbe btsinlCtior~s:fpr hn<her defile}. PLEAS 8t1'1'T~`BE1.fJOW Y4w1EThiER T'FiiB i~`I`A~`EI~IEMTEC'1'$'.~('NpR (cH~pdc;pne)t ^ CC3~hIPARATIVE-~PERCEri1`AGE)'tIiRESFE04D~5 S~8 OOLLAR.VALUETHRESHOI:DS PART A -PRIMARY 80UIiCP~S>fJF INCOME [for. saureaa a~ haadeAb l~ ptis'repp~tinO.Ppra+an] NRI-1>3,QF"fi0t1RC,E SOURCE'S IlESCRIPTION t9F THE SOURC'E'S a F ar A >W t E C . ~atrl,rt~ s~ - , ~itvclwa~. 1 .AGnvmr ., ' L } r ~.` jt~f y _ ~ ~ ~y c ~ €r' 1 rM~ rs, 1 !€' N a , r~Ih ~ 1H~~e~.Aa.+ ~ p ~.~i- }S~ N N p.~ ~ PART 8 -- S@CONOARY ~URCE$ OFiNC01AE (MBdDrt~ueli~F~enF; ;cilerirte, end 4tl-et aouraee .Of inoeme ta: bu~esees owrbd ~ She reporting pereonJ NAME OF NAME`.OF MAJOR .SOURCES ADDRES8 PRU~OIR4l.13U91NE8S BUSINEfiS ENTITY OF BIJSINE$8' INtfOME OF $t7UI~Cl: At+'"T~17'Y.OF' SOURCE i~ '. i i PART C -REAL PROPERTY l;t.arrd, bdfldinps awned by t~ -elwrtdnp Penaonl Fli.I1N© iN$T6[iICTIDNB for when ark ~i JV , J'~~- }~ ~ ~, ~ ~ and wtrsrs !o itH 1lflia fafem twit iacat• edit.t}r~- bottom bf pegv2. 3 ~{ a J ~~,{+~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ScnR.Sw~~ `~~' ~ ~ ,~ /~~ INSTF+~U.CTIUNS on who must flee thh:forrn'antt h~tN to fill h out i3rsgtn om a e 3 ~ p g - . O H T ER FORMS you may seed to ~ ,;~4,t1 tile.sro ddaaribsd;:oq.pi9e's. CE FQRId t -Elf: 1/009 ~vwn~niuw Vn.nevems sly} ~G~ 1 I PART D - INTANGIBLE t~tSONAL PROPF.R?Y (Stoclw, borlda, aerti(fiw6ss of deposit, ~.a I TYPE OF INTAN<318LE 1 9LISINEfiS FunTV TA 1M,nn~.r Toe ebne~nYV e~..~~ PART t=_-- uAt~tuTr~ asa~~ NAME OF CREDITOR AGGRESS OF CRED(T<>R __ ~S ~'lr /.d .~ J _ -- k~ a~ vt~~ .~. PART F - {NT@RB8T8 tN t3PF.CiFiEA gUBINESSEB ~neraatip ~ poaillons in Certain types ~•pysyleB~ BUSINESS .ENTI'iY ii.1 ' 6USttVESB ENTiTY`M 3 ) BU5INESS ENTITY l~ 3 ' iF ANY aP AAR7~ A'fHR04lQH R ~~ ON A SEPARA'i~ SHEET, PL,Ei4$E 4`FifCK HERE 81t3NATURE inqulred~t ,~/~ :'' .~ ~~`~ ~ s ~ DATB SK3NED.{nqutrod): VYHAT TD.FiLE: Attar cor»pldttng ~ parts at this form, Including signing and dating it, sand hack only the Mat sheet(pages 1 end 2} for Aling. If you haw ltothirg m import in a peftiCelar section, you moat write 'hcrnti" or "iva" do Iliad eection(s}. Faceltnilea will not be accepted. NOTE: MULTIPLE FILING UNNECES,9ARY• Gallaflralty, A person Who lies Hied Form 1 fOf e calendar or:flscal year is ~rnst re4ufred m .tics a second Form 1 for the same year, However, a candidais who previousiyr 1Nsd Fotm~t laooetais of anotheu pubUC position mutt! at Ieaellae ~ copy oY hi~'or her arlptnat Form 1 When que11H1ttg. CE FORMA 1 . Eff_ 1120pB WF~ERE 79D FILE: If,yo4 wens mttiMd the-form by ths.Commiroiaa on Ethlail or s ~aunpr Supervisor of Elections tar your artinval disolowle RHng, rctum the form o0 IhaY#ocaNon; t'O~o~Y~ fBe_wkh bie Supervisor of•Eledioes~of.tlle oouMy ~ whtch~ ley Penna. nentiy reslde.,(tf you da not:perirnnsrrtfy reside in irloatdi, Ee.wrlh Qoe 8u~riAsor cif the county whsle yeur.epency lies Ne headquarters;) Buts ot>lcers or apecHtad staoe y„~, Ale. wHh iM Oommission on Elh;pt; P.A. Drawer 1e7QA 73slMhaaeea, FL ;8~Z3t7*67d@; phyalral addr~ ~~ MAY 80rdetfaM, South, Suits 2d1.'Iiillahassse, FI.'32317, Car-aildetee INe this form togeitlrar wqh their quaalylnq ptlpero. To dstemtine what category your posllion .terra under, seethe "tNho Moat File" hrsbuctlons an pape.3. WREN TO FILE: hrlt1s11y, each ro~ :;oiQaetrergp~yee, et8ae otAoer, and eaecitimd alela . must file wi~iGr ~0 aOPyos of dm deM at Ids ar hm appoJtitrtrsnt pr of d119 begcinitrg Af ~PbY- ment..Appoinbaas wtjo nili9t be taonAnned by the SaulNe must t(b pgtor to oohfiai~tation, oven if ire[ is•tess titan ~ doya tfonl the daite ctftheir app~Mrrrent 6'andidetss for putipGyelec6ed bcal office mulct fib •:at the write tune they ilia their qusNfyMg papers. 7Yteraltl'sr, local o/empioY~. state offiirwp, told .spapifke~,I state eny-ioyee4 am required to file by ,}u}j+ 1st frilklwinp each Calendar year In whl~I Riey holtl !heir posi- tions, Frr+eWy.. et the .*rte .of o4fice or empbynlent, eecti local >;Rloerl~ioXee. slats oMiosr, and spedAad state pmpby~ee le roquired .fA fib a final disclosure torm,(~omi9F) wUAin BO days ..riu.s~ ~=- -- - .... PWGE 7