Ramiro Jose Inguanzo MIAMFDADE i OUTSIDE EMPLOYM ENT STATEMENT S For FuQ-time County and M unicipal Employees it FULL-TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSID E EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY .IUL 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(x)(2) O Y F , Di8CIO8Ur8 for Tax Year Ending• Z 00~ THE MwMhDADE COUNTY CODE. Name: Last First Middle ~ ._~(su~4NZC~ ~~-1M~t Z0 -.T~S~ Filing as a (check one): ~ Miami-Dade County Employl ee Muniapal Employee of: ~ _~ ~ ~- ~ E ~~ i Position Title: ~ }} U M >~ ~1 ~ So U 2C E S p~ ip~l az.7- n~E ~T` County/Municipai Department: C ounty/Muniapai Division: I~~M,~-IV 2~~ou r~C~'S If your home address is exempt from public records p ant W ork T ephone: to Florrda Sfafutes § 119.07, please check here: ~ d S ~ ~- 3 - ~ ~7i y Mailing Address (Street Name and Number) Apt. # ~-0 C~ ON UEt~~N ~~~ 2 ~G2. City _ State Zip Code Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the w~ pork and the amourrts of money or other :compensation you received. if continued on a separate sheet, ple ase check hens: Name and Addn3ss of the Source of Outside Income Nature of the Performe Work d i Amount of Money or Compensation Received ~lz"~-r'~ r ®~ of AOTu ru ~ r ~ ~ G ~ e~. Go~I.EEsC- ~~Zp~~SSo 2- , -~Pt~ H-r~tl(s . ~- :~; ~: ~~ ~, . -,, -,-, hereby swear (or affirm) that the afon~aid information is a true al nd cornec.~t statement. Signature of P n Disclosing Date Signed . I In 2~ l a U ~~ .;~ gf e-~. -~, :~