John B. Gresham IAM OUTSIDE EMPLOY MENT STATEMENT ', Fort=u~t-time County+ a , nd Municipal Employees FUl1: TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EAAPLOYEES ENGAGING iN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY I JULY j DisciOSUre for 9ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-1,1.1(K)(2) OF T;~ Year Ending' a2 ~~ ~ THE MIAMI-DARE COUNTY CODE. Name: Last First I ; Middle ~~s,a~~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P3 ' Filing as a (check one): ^ Miami-Dade County Em ~ plo,,y/ee ~, ~~ r ~ Af9/ fjF i Municipal Employee of:l .... / Position Title: ~`~c~l~c ,S'JP~V~S~2 I ~ CountyMlunicipal Department: - I ' County/Allunicipal Division: II D~p~ PvB~,c o~e~ I ~~ Agog P~o~°F~~ N~~ If your home aafdress is exempt from public -eco~Ms rsuarif ~ Work Telephone: , to Florida Statutes § 119.07, please check here: ~ 3~„~73 _. 76 3 Mailing Address (Street Name and Number} Apt. # I I . 2.3/l ~JkJ ~S ~ T~~°~G~ j~ ' Cky I~; State Zip Code. ~ , u411rrf` t~v~ ~, ~G 3 Please fist the sources of outside employment, the nature of~the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you n3ceived. if continued on a separafe sheep:please check hen4: ^ ,. Name and Address of the Source of Nature of the Work Amount of Money or Outside income Performed Compensation Received ~~~cA-~ ~~~ ~ 1 v~~, ~ /-~ ~; ..Z'a~~..,.ev~' ~,~.~1,~ ~~53. ~ ~ ~ . a I' i. 7 C I, ~ ~ rV w-~q. . ~ lD ~ ~ t II ~', Cli -D li ~~ ~ s -„ .. ~ 1 hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a tine and correct statement. rn Signat P n D' losi g ~j Date Signed 'i i ~ 029 ~~ ~~ L / ''