John Carl Clemens IAMw ~~ OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STI~-TEMENT For Full-time Coun ty and Municipal Employees FULL-TIAAE COUNTY A(~ MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY JULY 1ST OF EACH YEAR tN ACCOROMWCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(K)(2) OF THE MIAMI-DiADE COUNTY CODE. i DisClOSUre for ~~ Tax Year Ending: ~G~°1 Name: Last First ,' Middle C GE ~o Iv !~ ; r~ ,~ C, l,'~ FiNng as a (check one): ^ Miami-taade County Employee ® Munidpal Employee of ~~~ ~ ~ /~cA Position Title: ~' j E i ~ ~~ County/Munici pal Department: County/Muniapal Division: nn ~} ~ !J !f your home Baldness is exempt imm public neco-ds pursuant to Florida Statutes § 119.07, please check here: ® W i rk Telephone: 3~5 6 - 7 oa Mailing Address (Street Name and Number) jl , ,qpt, # 11 b u~ City ~ State Zip Code ~~ Please list the sournes of outside employm~t, the nature of the w~ortc and the ama~lnts of money or other compensation you received. licontinued on a separate sheet, please check here: ~~ Name and Address of the Source of Outside income Nature of the Perfom~r 1Nork ed~ Amount of Money or Compensation Received C~Yi~ ~~~~1 cl~ I3 ~~, sLJ I IQ ~~~ ~ owe ~~ C ~ j ; ~ ~S~o~«>o ~. ~ 331 ~3 ' ' I j . ~ , ~~ . I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true ~~ correct statement. Signet osing - ~' Date Signed b ~ ~~ 6- 2-~- Hof 1 y2~5-o3-r.i - a ~ Q F~rs ~ {~ ----.----~- . ~ . ~ ~ ~ f r a % v