027-2010 Out of Town201Q J~. 30 P - ~3 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER :., MEMQRANDUM ~l ~ ~ C~_~i~t;~' Cil= ~~ 1C~: ~~027-2010 TO: Mayor Matti Herrera. Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: July 30, 2010 SUBJECT: OUT OF TOWN F Please be advised that I will be out of town on personal vacation from Monday, August 2, through Friday, August 6, 2010. I will be back in the office on Monday, August 9, 2010. In my absence F have appointed Assistant City Manager Jorge Gomez to act on my behalf. He may be reached at the following numbers: - ext #: 6150; - cellular #: 305 323-7462;_ -. ~ his assistant Naima De Pinedo's ext #: 6257. My assistant Pauline Walters may be reached at extension 6546 and Special .Projects Coordinator Dolores Mejia at ext. 6834 or by cell phone 786 382-8032. i If you need to reach me in the event of an emergency, please feel free to contact me on my cellular phone at 305 308-0663. - Thank you. JMG\pw Electronic copy: Executive Staff Management Team F:\cmgr\$ALL\JORGEGON\MEMOS\out of town-vacation 8-10.doc