Rosendo E. Prieto OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT MIAM ADE. ®~ For Fufi-time County and Municipal Employees FULL THNE COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING iN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FlLE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY .JULY DISCIOSUr@ fOr 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE VUITH~ SECTION 2-11.1(K)(2) OF Tax Year Ending: THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE. Name: last ~ ~~~ First Middle ~a Filing as a (check one): ^ Miami-Dade County Employee • ~ Municipal Employee of ~~M 1 ~~"~ Position Title: ~~ • ~L,~ . 11-sr ~~ County/i1Aun'Iripal Department: ~;~.}~o CountylMunicipal Division: !f your home address R exempt from public reoor~ rsuant Work Telephone: tQ Florida Statutes § 119.07, please check here: ~ ~~ ro""~ "']000 Mail'mg Address (Street Name and Number] Apt. # Cry State Tp Code• 1,41 l ~. ~,~-~ ~ Please fist the sources of outside employment, fire nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. If conSnued on a separate sheep please check hens: ^ • Name and Address of the Source of Nature of the Work Amount of Money or Outside Income Performed Compensation Received 1 hereby-swear ( affirm) that the aforesaid infomnation is a true and cornea statement. Signature of n Disclosing Date Signed ~'~' ~~ ,orte+oo