Joseph Clement Bacallao4 - r MIAM OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For .i=ulhtime County and Municipal Employees Fuu: TAE OouMY a~ e~ac~At s ~e~nc~ e~ oursfnE ~LOYd~ti' tYN/ST FIt.E AN MB~JAZ. 019Ct!0~ t~PORT BY .q.~..Y 1ST OF E~LCF! YEAR W ~ VIrtiH SECTION 2-11.1(Kj(2) OF Disdosur8 for Tax Year Ending: ~~ l ~ 7HE MtAW-Db40E COl)NTY CODE. Name: La.4t '~.,r~,Q,(l r~ ~ Fust ~ ~ s ~e h iu~ddte ~ ~en~.~~ Fiiing as a (check Otte): ~ Mi~--i-Dade Coto~ty Errlploy e B _ _ ~ _ ~ / y t~ Position Title: l"" ~~ ~ . CamtYlMunicipal = MAurac~ Division: Cotmty ~~ ~e c~~- ~' ~ Q f /~~Y/~zr~r~ tf your ttortie address is exempt from pttWiic records ptrreuettf Work Telephone: to Plaids Statutes § 119 07, please dteolr tterar: ^ `? 8~ e 'Z / 9 - 7~3 Mailing Address (Street Name artd /Wur~berj Apt. ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ s-~ sr ~ 3 Z ~-- ~Y State Tap (',ode ~~ ~ ~~ ~~„ 'K3 3a / 2 Please 8st the of outside employment, the nature ~ the work and ttte aritottrds of money a atlier oorron yru naoeived. If aid on a SeparehB sheet; please check l>er+e: ^ Name slid Addntss of the Souroe ~ Nature of the Work Antairrt of iYlonetr or OutsWe income Perforated Compensation Reoeimed / D l v ~~~2 ~ c /fC ~ y 'l i~ I re /~e S(L e N / a ~~ S~ RDav 'Ti a~ e cry- ~~ f W$ f'1~v~ ~ ~2p t~ v ~~'S W C-~R -+'$ ~~ U ( hert~y sw~ (Or ~ fh8t ilia d inf~TTiBhOn is 9 trite slid correct ertserit. Sigrtatune Of pie ?li3~c~