Ad #615 Notice of Public Hearings® MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH . NOTICE OF A PUBLIC ~1EARING NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will beheld by the City Commission City Commission Chambers at City Hall,~locaptad at 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 to consider. HPEARMGN A PROPOOSED DEVELOPMENT `AGREEMENT PUIRSUANTD TO THE FLORIDA LOCAL GOVERNMENT DEVEI-QPEMNTAGREEMENT ACT°I BEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA (THE "CITY") AND THE HOUSING -.__.~.,..«ucrtmePMIAMIBEACH(°HACMB")FORTHED rEVn~EDEBY un AVENUE BRIDGE PROJECT"). Inquiries including a oopy.of the proposed Development Agreemerrt, may bedirected to the Office of the Cdy Manager at (305) 673-7010. ageEt or~toTexp essthesviews intwrlting addressed to he CAgy Comm ssio~n c/oa he C ~ Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive. 1" Floor, City Hall; Miami Beach, Florida 33139 This meeting may be opened and continued and under such circumstances additions legal notice would not be ProvidR bert E. Percher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 286.Oa0~y declsionamade•by the City Comm ssionpwithcrespec a person decides to appe rson must ensure that to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such pe eviden~ a pon which the appeal ist be based. his not ce does not constiute consei by the City for the introduction or admission of other` Yisoi„e~ise a owed bylaws evidence, nor does it authorize challenges. or appea specie accommodatwn t pertic pate In this pro'Icaeding~orfto request infonna onli access for persons wtth disabilities, or to request this pubkcation in a Cle~rkisl offl e or to request sign language' interpreters,ros~ iothe proceading.lf hearing impairt (305) 673-7411, no later than four days p contact the City Clerk's office via the Flonda Relay Service numbers, (800) 955'87 (RYI or (800) 955-8770 NDICE). AD p 815 f t a d d rt. ig in d, at d, 71 t.