Ad #614 Notice of Public Hearings®MIAMI BEACH
j NOTIGE IS IIERE$Y given that secontl readings and public hearings will be held by the Mayor antl Cily Commission of the City m Miami Beach, Roritla, M the
Q Commission Chambers, 3M floor, City Hat1,1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beads, RoriOa, on Wednesday, September 75".2glp, m consitler the following:
~" 10:25 e.m.
j € ,, Approving On Second Heading, Public Hearing, A Lease Agreement Between The City And David 0. Wrubel, CFA, P0., Far Use Of Approximately 1,518 Square
n [ ~ Feet Qf Ciry=Ovrned Property, Located At 1130 Washington Avenue, 5th Raor, Miami Beach, Florida; Saitl Lease Having An Initial Term Of Three Years, YyM Two '
Y ` ~ Addttlonal Three Year Renewal Terms, At The Gty's Sole Discretion.
_ ~ ~ Inquiries maybe directed to the Real Estate, Housing &~COmmunfty Development Department (305) 673- 7260. _
- ~t1:3o a.m.
V ApPrevfnp Dn Second Reading, Public Hearng, A Lease Agreemert[ Between The City And Leonardo Salon, Inc., For Use Of Approximatety 1,326.78 Square Feef
V S Ot CHy-Owned Property, Logted At 1701 Meridian Avenue, Unit 1(NK/A 76517th Street), Miami Beach, Rodtla; Saitl Lease Having An Initial Term Of Four Years
(I( And 964 Days, Witlr One Additional Fhre Year Renewal Tenn, At The City's Sole Discre8on.
V Inquiries maybe tlirec[etl >o the Real [state, Housing & Community Development Department (305) 673.7260.
10•.35 a.m.
Approving On Second Reading, Public Hearing, A Lease Agreement Between The Cf[y And Jon Iwtchik For Use Of Apprmdmatety 1,802.89 Square Feet Of City-
- Owned Property, Located At 1701 Meridian Avenue, Untt 2 (AIK/A 78717th Street), Miami BeachrFlodda; Sold Lease "Having An Initial Term Of Four Years And
3S4 Days, With One Atltlitional Rve Year REnewai Term, AtThe Ctty's Sole Discretion. "
Inquirieg'may be directed to the Real Estate, Housing 8 Community Development Department (305) 873- 7260.
INTEIIESTED PARTIES are invltetlYO appear atthis meetng, or be represented by an agent, or To expresstheir views 6r writing addressed to the City Commission,
rJo the City Clerk, 1700 Comrenflon Center Drive, ts[ Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of these ordinances are available for public NsDec0on
durtng normal business hours in the Ctty Gerk's Office, 1700 Comen0on Carder Drive,lst Floor, City Hell, antl Miami Beach, Florida 33139 or via the City's web "
.site at www.miamibeachfl.gav. This meeting maybe corttlnued and antler such dreumstances additional legal notce would not be provided.
"Robert E Farther, Cily perk ' "
City of Miami Beach
Arrsuairt 1o Sectlori 286.0105; Fla. Scat, the City heretiy advises the public that tt a person derides m appeal any decislori matle by Oie City Commission
with respect to any matter considered at ttsanee0ng or its hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record
indudes the testlmony and evitlence Upon which the appeal is to be tweed, This notice tloes not cerrsflhrte consent by the City for the irrtroductlon or admission
of otherwise inatlmissible or inelevent evidence, nor does tt authorize dwllenges or appeals not otherwrise allowed by law.
To request this material in accessible fomwt, sign language interpreters, hdorinaflon on access for persbris wtth d'rsabllilies, and/or arty accammoda0on 10
review any document or partidpa[e in am/ dty-sponsored proceeding, please contact (3D5) 604-2489 (voice), (30573-7218(ITY) flue days in advance to initiate
yon request TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).
Ad p614 ~