Ad #623 Notice of a Public Hearing--..~. 18NE I SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2010 ~. ~• ,. - _ ~ v, CITY -OF: MtA~ltl BEAN ~:~: ~-~- . .~ _ ,. - . -. .:NOTICE OF A PUBLIC~HEA~I;NG_ ~ =~ . . NOTICE IS `REREBY GIVEN-that a:pubirc~hea~rag will 6e held bythe_Gity Commission of the Crty,of Miamt=Beach.on-Monday,-September,, Z010:at 5:00-p.m. in ihe;.City'Commissioa-Chambers at City Hall, Iocated.ai1700 Convenboli Center Drive, Mrami~Beach,`Flonda 33139;°in brdei: to obtain citiien input into the-;proposetl~Series`2010B Parking Revenue -Bond IssWanca, as identified _ ... in the following,City'Resolution - _ -~ _ T.~, _ - ;A3:RESOLUTION~Al1THURIZING THE~;ISSUANCE BY'THE CITY OF MUUVII BEACH; FLORIDA.[IF~: (n `PARKING::FtEVENUE REFUNDTNG`:J30NDS, :SERIES'201OA;.IN~AN AGGREGATE-PR'IN61RA1:, :AMOUNT :NOT `TO EXCEEff x$20;000;000, POR THE. PURPOSE AF iiEf#INDING THE; ~1TY'S, :;OUTSTANDING;PARKtNC~-.iiEf1.ENUE=BONDS;~SE61ES,1997;_AND:(It~ PARIaNGREVENUE80NDS# -. .-.- -- PU6POSE OF PAYING:COSTS;OFIMPR01lEIVIENTS TDTHE PAiiKING~S1(STEM PROVID1NG~li~ `THE:ISSUANCE'OF.ADDITIONAL`PARKtNG REVENUE BONDS;9IND THE'INCURRENCE:OFATHER-' `-TYPES DFINDEBTEDNESS;OF:TI~E~CITY;TO.PAY l.)J:L=,OR~'R,pRT OF'fIIE COST OF ADORIONAL ~IMPROYEMENTS-TO THE• CIT1('S-.PAB11fdNGrS'I(STEM.;AND ,~R~REFUNDING .0,11;T,STANDIN~ PARKING. REVENUEBONDS; ~PIiOVIDING FOR .THE.: PAVMENTr~DF SUCH BOIIDS: AND OJ1lER SXS'fEM OEBT;:SETTIN6~ FORTH: THE'(RfGHTS'AND ;REMEDIES OF.:'fklE-fIQLDER~.I)F'~11CH' -BONDS-AND 01'HER'SYSTEM DEBT; PROVIDING CERTAIN DETAILS OF THE SERIES20t080NDS; ~DEL'EGATING OTHER .MATTERS IN CONNEC'fl~ON WITH`fHE 'ISSUANCE OF'TIIE 'SERIES':ZOiO .BONDS, INCLUDING WHETHER TO SECURE~ONEOR 11i10RE;CREDIT.~fAC1LITIES~IND/OR`RE$ERVE ; ACCOUNT INSURANCE POLICIES, AND THE REFUNDING t]F THE PRIORBONDS 1'O THE MAYOR; ~; APPOINTING UNDERWRITERS, A BOND REGISTRAR,:IrN~ESCROW~AGENT ANU'A~DISCLOSUR OISSEMINATtON AGENT; AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATED SAlE OF THE SERIES 2010. BONDS AND APpROVING'THE -fORM'AND .EXECUTION .OF A•BOND.PURCHASEAG'REEIIfIENT':FDR THE SERIES 2010 BONDS; ,APPROVING THE FORMS OF,A :PRELIMINARY OFFICUU::,STATEMENT AND AN OFFICIAL STATEMENLFOR THE SERIES 2010 BONDS AND AUTHORIZING-EXECUTI.bN OF THE ,OFFtCfAL .STATEMENT; COVENANTING ,TO, PROVIDE_CONTINWNG 'DfSClOSURE =1N CONNECTION WI'fH~THE ~ERIES'2010 BONDS ANU~APFROVING THE'FORM:'AND~~EXECUTIUN . OF A.CONTINUINGDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT;;APPRO.VING:fHE:FORM AND'~EXECUTIONAFJ-N . ESCROW ~DEPOSIT;AGREEMENT FOR THEPRIOR:BONDS; AUTHORIZING OFFICIALS OF'THE~CITY :TO TAKE'ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS IN CONNECTION. WITH.THE ISSUANCEOF THE SERIE$ 20f 0 BONDS AND'REFUNDING OF THE _P.RIOR;BONOS; PROVIDING A,SEVERABILITY. CLAUSE;-AND -PROVIDING ~AN~EFFECTIVE'DATE. ~, " 'r' _ Inqutnes, _includrng a:copy of the proposed Resolution; may be directed to the Office of the City's .~ Chief Fnanclal officer of.(305) 673-7466 ,, ; -~ ,l - ~INTERESTED PARTIES are,invited to appear at,this:meefing or be represented-by an :agent or to .. express their views i*n'writirig addressed tothe City.Commission c/o the City Clerk,1700 Convention Center Drive, 1~' F.loor,<Citydiafi,,Miami Beach; Florida 33139. This •meetirtg. may.be;.opened `and continued and under such circumstances additional legal notice woul~not be provided. ~ ~ ~. - :- ~ 1 Robert-E. Parcher, City Clerk ~• ~~~~ - Cii~r of Miami-Beach - • , ,Pursuant to Section 286.x105, 'fL Statutes, the City hereby advises the public. that rf,•a person •decidestoappeitlanydecis'ion~madebythe-CityCommissron-witfirespecttoany~rriatter:considered'_ -;af~itsmeetingorits'hearing,stir;h~person:mustensurethata`uerbatim.re"ordof~the.proceetiings- is made,:which record inetudesthe testimorty.and:evtdence=upon^which the appeal into"be based..:; Tttrs:nofice does not consttutecohseht b the=City.for the fntroductibn or admission of otherwise _ - .~- inad~issitile or iRelevard:evrdeAee riior does ~it~authorize~ch~7lenges~or appeals not ottieiwise - ,'allowed by taw.' 'In-accordance with the Americans ; wry-~sabrlr'k'es Act bf ~ 1990, persons ;needing "special .: ' 'accommodation:to•parYicpate~rn~hisproceeding,~or~;~egtiest_information .on~access:#orpersons' 'with drsatii('itres, or to request this~ub6caboirln~ceessrble format, or-to request sign language ~ipterpretei~s, sh0uid •cbntactylh~ J;rtq?Clerk's>affir~ ~(3(ts)~73=74i y , no-later #han .four dayspr~ror ' >_ ''to the :proceeding:: x,hµearing impaired,,-contar~fie Oily Cletk's office wia the~,Florida RelayService numbers, j800~ 955-8771 j'iT1f)ar,CB00)5-87T0:~101CE),~#'G13 ,:- _ ` . .~~! !_~~~~t 4 A~la~a.+t.,i i ~!t :f~ ~• a~ ~ # i # aP ! #-# c .F. t t ~~ ~. .- A f 9 4 .M ! ~ ,