058 Ord 2001-3331 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PURSUANT TO THE CITY OF MIAM~ BEACH, C~TY CHARTER, SECTION 2.05, THAT THE FOLLOWING ORD~NANCE WAS PA~SEB AS EMERGENCY MEASURE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF M~AMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ON OCTOBER 17, 2001. THIS ORDINANCE WAS'EFFECTIVE UPON ITS PASSAGE AND tS HEREBY SET FORTH IN FULL. ORDINANCE NO. 2001-3331 AN EMERGENCY ORCINANCE RY 5/TTHS VOTE OF THE MAYOR ANO CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, DECLARING A PUBLIC EMERGENCY THAT NEGATIVELY AFFECTS PROPERLY OF THE TOURIGM INDUSTRY OF THE CITY AND CITIZENS OF MIAMI BEACH AS A WHOLE, AMENDING MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE CHAPTER 106 ENTITLED "TRAFFIC AND VEHICLESu, ARTICLE II THEREOF ENTITLED "METERED PARKING", ONISION I THEREOF ENTITLED "GENERALLY", SECTION 106-55 THEREOF, CREATING SUBSECTION "M~' ENTITLED "TIME-CERTAIN PARTIAL WAIVER OF PARKING COSTS", AUTHORIZING PARKING AT NO COST FOR THE FIRST HOUR AT THE CITY'S 7TR STREET, 1T[H STREET, AND 42ND STREET GAGAGES, AUTHORIZING A $1.00 REDUCTION OFF THE FLAT PARKING GATE AT THE 1ETH STREET AND 13TH STREET GARAGES; AUTHORIZING A 'IWENTY PERCENT (20%) OISCOUNT FROM THE EACE VALUE OF PARKING METER SMART CARDS (DEBIT CARDS) FOR A PERIOD OF 44 DAYS FROM OCTOBER 18, 2001 TO DECEMBER 1, 2001; FLIRTHER AUTHORIZING TNE ClIY MANAGER TO EXTEND SAID COST REDUCTION PERIOOS BY AN AOOITIONAL PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 90 GAYS FROM GECEMBER 1, 2001 IF DEEMEO NECESSARy BY THE CITY MANAGER, WITHOUT ANY FURTHER ACTION BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION; PROVIDING REPEALER, SEVERAGILITY, CODIFICATION, EFFECTIVE DATE, AND SUNSET PROVISION. WNERSAS, the devastating events of September 11, 2001 have resulted in a public emergency that has negabvely affected propen'/of the thurism Lndustry in the City and citizens of Miami Beach as a whoal -- the City of Miami Beach and its tourist-reiatsd industwis and resident' businesses have thus adversely impacted and to this end, various regional efforts are being implemented such as the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce's {GMCC) Economic Generation and Recovery Tack Force and a touraim markeBng campaign initiated by the Greater Mtami COnvention and Visitors Bureau (GMCVB); and WHEREAS, in an effort to be responsive and supportive of our Local commercial businesses, the City has evaluated a variety of additional measures that will provide temporary relief while confidence is restored in the economy and the tourism industry; and WHEREAS, these initiatives include a deferral of business related fees, reduced parking and transporfa0an costs, a anntribuhon ta the GMCVS '*What Makes You Happy' markehng campaign (geared to reactivate tourism in the City) and financial and kigisbcal support for a City-produced, in conjunction with Ocean Drive Association, special event; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned inibatives and proposed policy recommendations, assisting in part the local business sector and visitors to our community, are authorized as emergency economic revitulization relief pursuant to SecBon 2.05 ot the City Charter, which section requires that a declaration of public emergency exists negatively affecting prope~y; and WHEREAS, it is further recommended that the Mayor and Ci~/Commission amend City Code Section 106-55 in order to authorize (1) pawing at no cost for the first hour at the City's 7th Street, 17th Street, and 42nd Street garages; (2) a $1.00 reduddon off the fiat parking rate at the 12th Street and 13th Street garages, and (3) a bvsnty percent (20%) discount from the face value of ParKing Meter Smart (Debit) Cards for a period of 44 days from October 18, 2001 ta December 1,2001; and . WHEREAS, in light of the City's expressed need to change the behavioral pattern of the Clty's residents and visitors to focus on increaced eft- street parking vs. on-street parking (that should service sh0rt-torm transient cars) the proposed inigaUve is consistent with these proposed behavioral modifications the City is desirous of achieving; and . WHEREAS, the City has Consistently emphasized the need to change the behavioral pattern of the Clty's residents and visitors to focus on increased eft-street parking vs. on*strest parking, that should service Short-term transient cars, and the probossd ialBaUve is Consistent with these proposed behavioral modRicahons the City is desirous of achieving; and WHEREAS, given the need to Change parking behavioral patterns, on OCtober 1, 2001, the Pity of Miaml Beach Tmnsporttualn and Parking Committee (T & P) unanimously recommended in favor of implemengng the first hour at no cast. WHEREAS, although the paWing System revenues are piedgod to service the outstanding debt and the Bond C~venaats, SosBoa 710, p~vidss for "No Free ParKing" within ttie parking system, the City will pay to the Parking Enterprise Fund the revenues which otheTwlse would have been cotlastod from usem of the garages, thus resulting in a situation whereby this temporary economic relief measure will have no negative financial impact on the Parking Enterprise Fund. NOW THEREFORE~ BE IT DULY ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CI1~ COMMISSION OF THE CI'I~ OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1, Miami Beach City Code Chapter t 06 entitled "Traffic and Vshisies", Affide il thereof enbged "Metsrod Parking", Division I thereof GnUtied "Generally", Section 106-55+ is hereby amended by the creabon of the following subsection (M) reading as fobowe: SeC. 106-55 (Mb "Time-Csrtaln Partial Waiver of Parking Csst~~ In view of the Dubtic emeranncv affecting Dranedv of the thurism industry of the Citl as well ac citizens Of Miami Beaches a whole, DarKjoe at n~ cost for the first hour at the Ci~'s 7th Street, 17th Street, and 42nd Street careass is authorized, including a $1.00 reduction off the fiat oawin~ rate at the 12th Street and 13tti Street oarasss, ac waft ~ts o bNestV anrcsnt (25%1 discount from the face value of Parking Meter Smart iDebgl Cards. This lealsiataln sting be in effect for a oeriod ot 44 dass from October 18, 2001 to December 1,200t, or in the event the City Mannnet deems it necessary to sstend this lanislataln by an additional aeriod of UD tO 90 days from December 1. 2001. this algistatton Shall be in effect until the exsirstian of said additional time aeriod. SECTION 2. INCLUSION IN THE crsy CODE. It is the intention st the Mayor and City Commission, and it is hereby offiakied that the provisions ct thai Ordinance shall tiecome and be made part o the Code of Ordinances of the Cib/of Miami Beach as mended; that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumberod or realtiered to accompti§h such intention; and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section" or other approbdate word. SECTION 3. REPEALER. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY. if any section, subsection, siasse or provision of this Ordinance is hold invalid, the remainder Shall not be affected tiy such invalidity, SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE., This Ordinance shall take effect the 17th day of October, 2001, SECTION 6. SUNSET PROVISION. This Ordinance shall sunset en December 2, 2001, or in the event the City Manager deems it necessary to extend this Legislation by an additional period of up to 90 days, this Legislation shall sunset upon the expiration of said addibonal gme pehod. PASSED and ADOPTED this l?th day of October, 2001. (signed) Robed Parchef (signed) Nelson Kaadio City CLerk Mayor FORM APPROVEO LEGAL DEPARTMENT BY:(signed} Murray DubInn Dated:10/22/01 Bold Ordinance is on file in the office of the City Clerk for examination by all into'cared parties, Robert Pasoher, City Clerk A6 Number 0058 City of M|ami Beach