031-2010 Art Basel I \ A A/\A ����/��\/���� ' ' ` ^- �� �� / � �- ~^
2010 NOV 21 ��/ 9: ��
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` OFFICE {}F THE [RYk4ANAGER ` /v`[ ����/v`
[ ITYC,ERK^��F[/�F No. 031-2010
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TO: . Mayor Matti H. Bower and Members ofdheC�yComm�sion
` ' FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager � •
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SUBJECT: Art Basel Miami Beach 2010
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find invitations and a schedule of events for Art Base Miami Beach While the show officially
begins on December 2 for the general public, there are a series of events beginning on November 30 that you are
invited to 'attend.
` `
You have been provided a VIP Invitation Package, which includes a VIP Card that admits you and a guest to the
• Welcome Reception: W Hotel — November 30, 2010 from 5 - 7 pm
• "First Choice" preview ofArt Basel Miami Beach: Convention Center — December 1, 2010 from 11 am — 3 pm
• "Preview" of Art Basel Miami Beach: Convention Cen r—Deoamber1.201Ofrom3—Gpm
• Vernissage: Convention Center — December 1, 2O10 from G — 9 pm ' '
. •
Opening NightofOcean Front: CoUinsPark — Daoombar 1, 2010, 7pm—Midnight
• Permanent admission to Art Basel Miami Beach Art Fair, Ocean Front, and Art Conversations
• Access to Art Collectors Lounge
lnvitations to Art Collectors program and special events (see VIP desk) .'
• An additional invitation for the Welcome Reception (admits two persons) is also included in your VIP
Package. . .
In addition, we are providing you with the following:
•. Three invitations to the City of Miami Beach and Art Basel Miami Beach Welcome Reception at the W Hote —
Mon.', Nov. 30, 5 to 7 p.m.; each invitation admits two guests
. • Six invitations to Vernissage at the Convention Center, Entrance Hall O. Wed., Dec. 1, 6 to 9 pm.; each
invitation admits two guests
• Two, one-day passes (can be used once during any of the show days, Deo.2 — 5)
Additionally, included is the invitation for the City of Miami Beach's Welcome Bnunch, an annual event where the
City hosts the City of Basel officio|o, the senior management of Messe Schweiz, and leadership of Art Basel K8iomi
Beach. This event will be held at The Sagamore Hotel, 1671 Collins Avenue, December 2, 2010 10:00 a.m. —
Noon. This invitation is exclusively reserved only for elected officials. Please RSVP your attendance to this
` event by no later than Monday, November 29, 2010.
Attoched, for your reference, is a detailed schedule of event . We will distribute any additional invitations for other
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